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karla Jepsen

New York Regulators Slash Health Insurance Rates For 2015 - 1 views

The average health insurance rate increase next year will be about 6 percent in New York State. State regulators today set the rates for 2015 after reviewing proposals from insurers, which reques...

Westhill Healthcare Consulting Review new york regulators slash health insurance rates for 2015

started by karla Jepsen on 11 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
karla Jepsen

If Your Kids Get Free Health Care, You're More Likely to Start a Company - 1 views

    Starting a business is risky enough in the best of circumstances. Most new ventures fail, and the prospect of forgoing a salary is enough to keep many would-be entrepreneurs from taking the plunge. But think about how much harder it would be if your child had a health condition, and you couldn't get her insurance if you struck out on your own. That's less of a problem in the U.S. than it was a few years ago, thanks to Obamacare, but until recently it was a very real conundrum. So does the extension of publicly provisioned health insurance prompt more people to start companies? That's the question asked by a paper released earlier this year by Gareth Olds of Harvard Business School. Olds analyzed Census data from before and after the passage of the Children's Health Insurance Program in the U.S. in 1997 to assess its impact on entrepreneurship. CHIP, or SCHIP as it was previously known, provides publicly funded health insurance to children whose families don't qualify for Medicare, but whose incomes still fall below a cutoff (typically around 200% of the federal poverty line). His results suggest that the policy did significantly increase business creation by those families affected. The self-employment rate for CHIP recipients increased from just under 15% of those eligible to over 18%. That amounts to an a 23% increase. The rate of ownership of incorporated businesses - a better proxy for sustainable, growth entrepreneurship - increased even more dramatically, from 4.3% to 5.8%, an increase of 31%. What about all the other factors that might skew this sort of analysis? Olds used several quasi-experimental statistical methods in his research to control for such variables. The basic intuition behind his methods is that a family just above the CHIP cutoff isn't all that different from a family just below it. Whether you make 199% of the poverty line or 201% doesn't matter for much, except whether or not you'll be able to enroll in the program.
karla Jepsen

Westhill Consulting Insurance - Saving for your ageing parents: an easy guide to where ... - 2 views

    Saving for your ageing parents: an easy guide to where to start The needs of elderly parents can surprise even those who are prepared, but you don't have to support your family alone Adult children of older parents should prepare financially for the costs of care and travel. Photograph: Alamy We all want to age like the late Pete Seeger, who celebrated his 90th birthday performing onstage in front of thousands of adoring fans of all ages at Madison Square Garden, and went on to entertain the Newport Jazz Festival audiences a few months later. In our pragmatic moments, we know that the odds of living that long and in such good health aren't in our favor. We know we need to plan not only to live longer but perhaps to spend more time in costly nursing homes or care facilities. It's not just ourselves we have to worry about. Failing to develop a plan to help our parents in their final years could deliver a similar kind of blow to our emotional and financial wellbeing. In the last few months, I've watched three friends, ranging in age from their 40s to the early 60s, scramble to resolve non-medical problems for their parents. In all cases, that meant forking out on costly airfares to be there in person; in one case, it required money to hire a new accountant. "I've always been aware that at some point, there would be an emergency, but I had assumed it would be a stroke or something, not this," one told me, ruefully. A recent US Trust survey revealed that while about half of all Americans have planned for their own long-term care needs, only 18% of those with parents still living have factored in the possible need to help parents. And yet, 26% of those under the age of 49 already were footing the bill for parents' out-of-pocket medical expenses while 18% were contributing to long-term care costs. I'm not suggesting that you double your savings rate to ensure that your nest egg is large enough to cover your needs as well as the needs of your paren
karla Jepsen

WellPoint Offers Seniors Tips for Bouncing Back from Hospitalization - Westhill Consult... - 2 views

WellPoint Offers Seniors Tips for Bouncing Back from Hospitalization INDIANAPOLIS, Feb 10, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Imagine you've been in the hospital. You've eagerly waited for the day you could g...

WellPoint Offers Seniors Tips for Bouncing Back from Hospitalization Westhill Consulting Insurance Health Care

started by karla Jepsen on 12 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
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