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Biological testing of ships' ballast water indicates challenges for the implementation ... - 0 views

    Ships' ballast water and sediments are vectors that contribute to the unintentional spread of aquatic non-native species globally. Ballast water management, as well as commissioning testing of ballast water management systems and compliance monitoring under the regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) aim at minimizing the unwanted spread of organisms. This study compiles data for treated ballast water samples collected and analyzed from 228 ships during 2017-2023. The samples were collected from the ballast discharge line or directly from the ballast tank for enumeration of living organism concentrations in the categories of ≥50µm and ballast water should be undertaken to ensure that the systems remain operational after commissioning and ships meet requirements of the D-2 standard. Furthermore, the study

Impact of the Construction of New Port Facilities on Primary Production of Plankton in ... - 0 views

    A significant increase in the human population on marine coast and steady growth of maritime water transport causes the construction of port infrastructure and the creation of new lands, which affects the ecosystems of coastal waters. Despite the widespread occurrence of such large-scale engineering projects in coastal areas, their impact on various components of aquatic ecosystems, including phytoplankton, is still poorly understood. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the construction of ports and the alluvium of new lands in the Neva Estuary in 2000s on the productivity of phytoplankton. Digging and dredging of bottom sediments results in one order of magnitude elevation of suspended particulate matter (SM), which mostly consisted of sand and clayed deposits and in significant decrease water transparency, as compared to the average long-term values. Concentrations of total phosphorus in the estuarine waters during the works significantly positively correlated with the concentrations of SM. However, the multiple increase in nutrients was less important for phytoplankton development than expected. Analysis of variance and stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that the main predictor of the primary production of plankton in the periods of construction was water transparency. Gross primary production decreased significantly. In contrast to short-term effects caused by wind-induced events, which often stimulated phytoplankton development, long-term construction works of new port facilities negatively influenced phytoplankton productivity. Apart from pristine conditions when the phosphorus concentration was the main factor limiting the primary production in the estuary, the main limiting factor during long-term engineering projects became water transparency. Taking into account plans for further development of ports in coastal areas around the world, the influence of the large-scale engineering projects on the conditions for the development of phyto

Via @WhySharksMatter - Diurnal increases in depths of humpback whale (Megapte... - 0 views

    Studies of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) habitat use in their Hawaiian breeding grounds have revealed that mother-calf pairs favor shallow waters to avoid harassment from males. However, human activity in these same waters may exert an opposing force on habitat use. To investigate this hypothesis, instantaneous scan samples of whale and vessel distribution were collected from West Maui, Hawaiʻi. Theodolite position fixes were combined with GIS techniques to determine the depths and seabed terrain type occupied by 161 humpback whale pods containing a calf (calf pods) and 872 pods without a calf (noncalf pods). We found no significant diurnal trends for noncalf pods, but calf pods occupied progressively deeper water over the course of each day. There was no evidence that this shift was related to (1) a "spillover" resulting from high mother-calf density in shallow water, (2) harassment by males occupying the same space as mother-calf pairs, or (3) the presence of mainly older and larger calves. However, while diurnal trends of whale-watching vessels largely mirrored those of mother-calf pods, nonwhale-watching vessels tended to remain in shallower waters throughout the day. These results suggest that nearshore vessels may negatively impact the natural preference of mother-calf pairs for shallow waters.

Best Quality Clean Water Pumps - 2 views

started by Pump Wat on 15 Sep 11 no follow-up yet

A Review of Biofouling of Ships' Internal Seawater Systems - @FrontMarineSci - 0 views

    Internal seawater systems (ISS) are critical to the proper functioning of maritime vessels. Sea water is pumped on board ships for a broad array of uses, primarily for temperature control (e.g., engine and electrical systems), cooling capacity (e.g., air conditioners and refrigeration), and water provision (e.g., drinking, firefighting, steam, and ballast). Although sea water may spend only a brief period within ISS of a vessel, it can carry microorganisms and larval stages of macroorganisms throughout the system leading to biofouling accumulation that can impair system function or integrity. ISS can also act as a sub-vector of species translocations, potentially facilitating biological invasions. This review describes ships' ISS with a focus on operational impacts of biofouling and current drivers and barriers associated with ISS biofouling management. As ISS internal components are difficult to access, reports and studies of ISS biofouling are uncommon and much of the dedicated literature is decades old. The impact of biofouling on ISS and vessel operations is based on increased surface roughness of pipework and equipment, restricted water flow, corrosion and subsequent component impingement, reduced surface functional efficiency, and potential contamination by pathogens that can affect human and aquatic animal health. Biofouling management is primarily achieved using antifouling coatings and marine growth prevention systems, but independent and accessible data on their efficacy in ISS remain limited. Further research is required to resolve the extent to which biofouling occurs in ISS of the modern commercial fleet and the efficacy of preventive systems. Such information can ultimately inform decisions to improve operational efficiency for vessel operators and ensure any biosecurity risks are appropriately managed.

Exposure to closed-loop scrubber washwater alters biodiversity, reproduction, and grazi... - 0 views

    Shipping is a large industry responsible for atmospheric emissions of hazardous substances including SOX, NOX, and particulate matter. Many ships have installed exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) to remove primarily SOX from the exhaust, but the hazardous substances are instead transferred to the water used in the scrubbing process. Ships with closed-loop scrubbers recirculate the water but can still discharge around 126-150 m3 directly to the surrounding marine environment every day. The discharged water contains metals and organic substances, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, that are known to be toxic to marine zooplankton. Here we show that closed-loop scrubber washwater is toxic to communities of marine mesozooplankton at our lowest tested dilution, 1.5% (v/v), and affects survival, reproduction, diversity, and ability to predate on microzooplankton. The cumulative toxic unit of the undiluted closed-loop scrubber washwater was estimated to 17, which indicates that the water could be toxic at levels below what was tested in this study. Among all detected substances, vanadium, copper, benzo[ghi]perylene, nickel, and zinc were identified as toxicity-driving substances in the order listed. Closed-loop scrubber washwater has been shown to affect development and survival in single species of copepods, but here we find evidence of toxicity at the community level, irrespective of seasonal community structure, and that the exposure has potential to disrupt the interactions between trophic levels in the pelagic food web. We show that the closed-loop scrubber washwater cause both lethal and sublethal effects in marine zooplankton, due to contaminants, some of which are persistent in the marine environment.

None detected: What "zero" indicates in direct counts of aquatic microorganisms in trea... - 0 views

    International limits on the concentrations of living organisms in ballast water are now in force for commercial ships. Microscopy-based, "direct count" assays estimate the concentrations of organisms. These assays are used in performance tests of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMSs), which are shipboard technologies designed to reduce living organisms in ballast water to below the discharge limits. Here, we examine the factors that affect the method detection limit (MDL) of direct count assays. The MDL depends upon the volumes sampled, concentrated (or diluted), and analyzed, so the MDL will vary as these volumes vary from analysis-to-analysis. Decreasing the MDL to detect exceedingly rare individuals (e.g., ~1 individual per m3 or fewer) is possible, but problematic, given the challenges in analyzing dynamic communities of living organisms: increasing sample and analysis volumes to lower the MDL will likely accelerate the loss of individuals, as organisms are concentrated to several orders of magnitude above in situ concentrations and held for extended times. Results of direct count assays may be widely disseminated as an indicator of the performance of BWMSs, and when no organisms are detected, concentrations may be shown as "0 organisms per m3 or mL" rather than "-provides context to results and transparency into the sensitivity of the assay.

Researchers Realize Water-air Acoustic Communication Based on Broadband Impedance Match... - 0 views

    With increasing demand for exploration and utilization of marine resources, achieving direct and efficient communication between water and air has been an urgent need. Sound waves, as the only propagation way with low attenuation in both water and air, has been considered the most practical way to achieve water-air communication.

Pool Water Pumps for Clean and Safe Swimming Pools - 1 views

started by Pump Wat on 17 Aug 11 no follow-up yet

Porpoises after dark: Seasonal and diel patterns in Pacific harbour porpoise (Phocoena ... - 0 views

    Pacific Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena vomerina) occupy a large range throughout coastal waters of British Columbia. Despite their wide distribution, they remain largely data-deficient regarding abundance and population trends, and as such are listed as Special Concern under the Species At Risk Act. Harbour porpoises are also particularly sensitive to disturbance, especially vessel-related acoustic disturbance. Large aggregations of harbour porpoise have been documented in waters around the entrance to the Port of Prince Rupert during the winter months, however little is known about the annual fine-scale activity of this species in this highly trafficked area. In this multi-year study, we used a combination of land-based visual surveys and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) devices (C-PODs and F-PODs) to address data gaps regarding density, diel patterns, and seasonality of harbour porpoise around Prince Rupert. Echolocation activity was detected during 96% of the 1086 C-POD deployment days and 100% of the 727 F-POD deployment days, with 86% of visual surveys recording harbour porpoise presence. We detected strong seasonal and diel trends in activity, with echolocation peaks between April and June and during the hours of darkness throughout the year. There was a notable increase in daytime activity of harbour porpoise between January and March, which coincides with the months of large aggregation observations. This study indicates that despite the constant presence of large vessels, harbour porpoise continue to persist within waters surrounding Prince Rupert. This suggests the area is an important habitat for this species and also may indicate some extent of acclimatization to localized disturbance.

Behavioral response of megafauna to boat collision measured via animal-borne camera and... - 0 views

    Overlap between marine megafauna and maritime activities is a topic of global concern. Basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus; CM) are listed as Globally Endangered under the IUCN, though reported sightings appear to be increasing in Ireland. While such trends in the region are welcome, increasing spatiotemporal overlap between CM and numerous water users poses an increased risk of boat strikes to the animals. To demonstrate the risk and impact of boat strikes on marine megafauna, we present camera-enabled animal-borne inertial measurement unit (IMU) data from a non-lethal boat strike on a CM within a proposed National Marine Park in Ireland. We tagged a ~7-m female CM in County Kerry, Ireland, which was struck by a boat ~6 h after tag deployment. Comparison of pre-strike data with 4 h of video and ~7.5 h of IMU data following the boat strike provides critical insight into the animal's response. While the CM reacted momentarily with an increase in activity and swam to the seafloor, it quickly reduced its overall activity (i.e., overall dynamic body acceleration, tailbeat cycles, tailbeat amplitude, and vertical velocity) for the remainder of the deployment. Notably, the animal also ceased feeding for the duration of the video and headed towards deep offshore waters, which is in stark contrast to the pre-strike period where the animal was consistently observed feeding along the surface in shallow coastal water. This work provides insight into a CM's response to acute injury and highlights the need for appropriate protections to mitigate risks for marine megafauna.

Via @IAMSPOnline - Naval officers learn how to handle ice-filled waters in anticipation... - 0 views

    The Royal Canadian Navy is preparing for the arrival of its first Arctic patrol ship by sending officers to the Antarctic and Canada's far north to learn how to operate in ice-filled waters.
    The Royal Canadian Navy is preparing for the arrival of its first Arctic patrol ship by sending officers to the Antarctic and Canada's far north to learn how to operate in ice-filled waters

Via @OCEANUSLive - Illegal fishing in Somali waters hits all-time high-Report - @star_a... - 0 views

    A new report published on Monday shows that foreign illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Somali waters by foreign fleets is reducing fish.
    A new report published on Monday shows that foreign illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Somali waters by foreign fleets is reducing fish.

Via @IAMSPOnline - Alaskan Fishing Captain Jumps Into Water to Save Crew Member (Video)... - 0 views

    Alaskan Fishing Captain Jumps Into Water to Save Crew Member (Video).

Vessel In-Water Cleaning or Treatment: Identification of Environmental Risks and Scienc... - 0 views

    The accumulation of aquatic organisms on the wetted surfaces of vessels (i.e., vessel biofouling) negatively impacts world-wide shipping through reductions in vessel performance and fuel efficiency, and increases in emissions. Vessel biofouling is also a potent mechanism for the introduction and spread of marine non-indigenous species. Guidance and regulations from the International Maritime Organization, New Zealand, and California have recently been adopted to address biosecurity risks, primarily through preventive management. However, appropriate reactive management measures may be necessary for some vessels. Vessel in-water cleaning or treatment (VICT) has been identified as an important tool to improve operating efficiency and to reduce biosecurity risks. VICT can be applied proactively [i.e., to prevent the occurrence of, or to remove, microfouling (i.e., slime) or prevent the occurrence of macrofouling organisms - large, distinct multicellular organisms visible to the human eye], or reactively (i.e., to remove macrofouling organisms). However, unmanaged VICT includes its own set of biosecurity and water quality risks. Regulatory policies and technical advice from California and New Zealand have been developed to manage these risks, but there are still knowledge gaps related to the efficacy of available technologies. Research efforts are underway to address these gaps in order to inform the regulatory and non-regulatory application of VICT.

Large Vessel Activity and Low-Frequency Underwater Sound Benchmarks in United States Wa... - 0 views

    Chronic low-frequency noise from commercial shipping is a worldwide threat to marine animals that rely on sound for essential life functions. Although the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recognizes the potential negative impacts of shipping noise in marine environments, there are currently no standard metrics to monitor and quantify shipping noise in U.S. marine waters. However, one-third octave band acoustic measurements centered at 63 and 125 Hz are used as international (European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive) indicators for underwater ambient noise levels driven by shipping activity. We apply these metrics to passive acoustic monitoring data collected over 20 months in 2016-2017 at five dispersed sites throughout the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: Alaskan Arctic, Hawaii, Gulf of Mexico, Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument (Northwest Atlantic), and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Northeast Pacific). To verify the relationship between shipping activity and underwater sound levels, vessel movement data from the Automatic Identification System (AIS) were paired to each passive acoustic monitoring site. Daily average sound levels were consistently near to or higher than 100 dB re 1 μPa in both the 63 and 125 Hz one-third octave bands at sites with high levels of shipping traffic (Gulf of Mexico, Northeast Canyons and Seamounts, and Cordell Bank). Where cargo vessels were less common (the Arctic and Hawaii), daily average sound levels were comparatively lower. Specifically, sound levels were ∼20 dB lower year-round in Hawaii and ∼10-20 dB lower in the Alaskan Arctic, depending on the season. Although these band-level measurements can only generally facilitate differentiation of sound sources, these results demonstrate that international acoustic indicators of commercial shipping can be applied to data collected in U.S. waters as a unified metric to approximate the influence of shipping as a driver of

Proactive In-Water Ship Hull Grooming as a Method to Reduce the Environmental Footprint... - 0 views

    The application of a proactive grooming program to manage the fouling control coatings applied to ship hulls provides an opportunity to address the climate crisis, invasive species and the discharge of biocides into the marine environment. A large percentage of the total power required to propel a ship is to overcome the viscous drag created between the hull and the water. The powering penalty due to increases in coating roughness and the development of biofouling are well documented. In addition, poorly maintained fouling control coatings may lead to the transportation of invasive species. In-water hull cleaning is therefore an important part of ship operations; however, this is typically implemented as a reactive measure when fouling reaches a critical level and requires powerful machinery which damages the coatings, creates unwanted discharge and in many locations the discharge will require capture and disposal. Ship hull grooming is being developed as a proactive method to manage fouling control coatings that will ensure that they are maintained in a smooth and fouling free condition, there is no transport of invasive species or excessive discharge of material that occurs during cleaning. This manuscript will summarize the findings of many years of research and development.

#coronavirus - SAR Satellite Imagery Reveals the Impact of the #Covid19 Crisis on Ship ... - 0 views

    The Covid-19 pandemic is the latest example in a growing number of health, social, economic, and environmental crises humanity is facing. The multiple consequences of this pandemic crisis required strong responses from governments, including strict lockdowns. Yet, the impact of lockdowns on coastal ecosystems and maritime activities is still challenging to quantify over large spatial scales in comparison to the pre-Covid period. In this study, we used an object detection algorithm on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by the two Sentinel-1 satellites to assess the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the presence of boats before, during and after lockdown periods in the French Mediterranean Exclusive Economic Zone. During the French most severe lockdown period (March - May 2020), we observed that ship frequentation remained at the same level from March to July 2020, instead of rising towards the summer peak like in previous years. Then, ship frequentation increased rapidly to a normal level in August 2020 when restrictions were lifted. By comparing morning and evening (7:00 am and 7:00 pm) ship frequentation during this period to pre-Covid years, we observed contrasting patterns. On the one hand, morning detections were particularly high, while on the other hand evening detections were significantly lower and less concentrated in coastal touristic waters than in previous years. Overall, we found a 9% decrease in ship frequentation between the year 2020 and the 2017-2019 period, with a maximum of 43% drop in June 2020 due to the lockdown. So, the Covid -19 crisis induced only a very short-term reduction in maritime activities but did not markedly reduce the annual ship frequentation in the French Mediterranean waters. The satellite imagery approach is an alternative method that improves our understanding of the pandemic impacts at an unprecedented spatiotemporal scale and resolution.

Via @OCEANUSLive - Indonesia can nab pirates in Philippine waters - @STcom - 0 views

    Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will allow Indonesian maritime authorities who are in pursuit of pirates to enter his country's waters to capture them.

Via @Seasaver - Boat hits whale shark in Jayapura waters - @jakpost - 0 views

    A whale shark, measuring around 4 meters in length, was killed after it was struck by a boat in Jayapura waters, Papua, on Thursday morning.
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