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Panama Canal Inaugurates Scale Model Training Facility, Announces Expansion Inauguratio... - 0 views

    The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced today that the Panama Canal Expansion will be officially inaugurated on Sunday, June 26, 2016. The announcement was made this morning during the inauguration ceremony of the Canal's state-of-the-art Scale Model Maneuvering Training Facility, which will provide additional hands-on experience to pilots and tugboat captains to operate in the Expanded Panama Canal.

China approves Tianjin Port expansion - @PortTechnology - 0 views

    China approves Tianjin Port expansion.

Fears in Miami That Port Expansion Will Destroy Reefs - The New York Times - 0 views

    Fears in Miami That Port Expansion Will Destroy Reefs.

Panama Canal sets sights on new $17 billion expansion project - @Reuters - 0 views

    Panama Canal sets sights on new $17 billion expansion project.

Panama Canal traffic 'normal' despite lock wall collapse - @AFP via @YahooNews - 0 views

    Shipping traffic through the Panama Canal is "normal," despite the collapse of a wall segment of one of its locks over the weekend, Panama Canal Authority officials said. Sunday's incident occurred just four weeks before Panama is to inaugurate a costly and lengthy expansion of the century-old.

Forecasting Impact of Panama Canal Expansion - @Mar_Ex - 0 views

    There have been numerous projections regarding the Panama Canal expansion's impact on the shipping industry. The rosiest projections envision substantially greater volumes of container cargo entering the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean trade.

Port of Rotterdam Authority Invests €32 Million In Buoys And Dolphins - @Mari... - 0 views

    In the Caland Canal and the Botlek, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is working hard on the expansion and replacement of buoy berths and dolphin configurations so that they can become operational in the autumn.

BRADY bullish about port growth - Townsville Bulltetin - 0 views

    BULLISH Townsville port chairman, Pat BRADY, has backed moves to privatise the asset, saying it will unlock the cash needed for major expansion, including growing live cattle exports to as much as one million head a year.

BRADY bullish about port growth - Townsville Bulltetin - 0 views

    BULLISH Townsville port chairman, Pat BRADY, has backed moves to privatise the asset, saying it will unlock the cash needed for major expansion, including growing live cattle exports to as much as one million head a year.

(Video) Panama Canal Progress: Jan 2015 - @PortTechnology - 0 views

    A video has been released on the Panama Canal YouTube page which exhibits the ongoing progress of expansion of the famous waterway.

What does Panama Canal expansion mean for North America? - @USC - 0 views

    Geraldine KNATZ explains the maritime effects to congressional officials.

Panama Canal: A Mega Container Lane - @PortTechnology - 0 views

    A video released by the Panama Canal shows the mega container lane's January, 2016 update of the ongoing expansion project...

Expanding Canada's Biggest Port Will Be a Blow to Wildlife - @hakaimagazine - 0 views

    A new environmental assessment raises plenty of concerns about the proposed expansion of Vancouver's ROBERTS Bank shipping terminal.

Quantifying Ship Strike Risk to Breeding Whales in a Multiple-Use Marine Park: The Grea... - 0 views

    Spatial risk assessments are an effective management tool used in multiple-use marine parks to balance the needs for conservation of natural properties and to provide for varying socio-economic demands for development. The multiple-use Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) has recently experienced substantial increases in current and proposed port expansions and subsequent shipping. Globally, large whale populations are recovering from commercial whaling and ship strike is a significant threat to some populations and a potential welfare issue for others. Within the GBRMP, there is spatial conflict between the main breeding ground of the east Australian humpback whale population and the main inner shipping route that services several large natural resource export ports. The east coast humpback whale population is one of the largest humpback whale populations globally, exponentially increasing (11% per annum) close to the maximum potential rate and estimated to reach pre-exploitation population numbers in the next 4-5 years. We quantify the relative risk of ship strike to calving and mating humpback whales, with areas of highest relative risk coinciding with areas offshore of two major natural resource export ports. We found females with a dependent calf had a higher risk of ship strike compared to groups without a calf when standardized for group size and their inshore movement and coastal dependence later in the breeding season increases their overlap with shipping, although their lower relative abundance decreases risk. The formalization of a two-way shipping route has provided little change to risk and projected risk estimates indicate a three- to five-fold increase in risk to humpback whales from ship strike over the next 10 years. Currently, the whale Protection Area in the GBRMP does not cover the main mating and calving areas, whereas provisions within the legislation for establishment of a Special Management Area during the peak breeding season in high-ris

Cetacean Research and Citizen Science in Kenya - @FrontMarineSci - 0 views

    In 2011, several non-governmental and government agencies established the Kenya Marine Mammal Network (KMMN) to provide a platform for the consistent collection of data on marine mammals along the Kenyan coast, identify areas of importance and engage marine users and the general public in marine mammal conservation. Prior to the KMMN, relatively little was known about marine mammals in Kenya, limiting conservation strategies. The KMMN collects data nationwide through dedicated surveys, opportunistic sightings and participative citizen science, currently involving more than 100 contributors. This paper reviews data on sightings and strandings for small cetaceans in Kenya collated by the KMMN. From 2011 to 2019, 792 records of 11 species of small cetaceans were documented. The most frequently reported inshore species were the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin and Indian Ocean humpback dolphin. Offshore species, included killer whales, short-finned pilot whale and long-snouted spinner dolphin. Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, long-snouted spinner dolphins, striped dolphins and Risso's dolphins were recorded through stranding reports. The efforts of the KMMN were disseminated through international meetings (International Whaling Commission, World Marine Mammal Conference), national status reports, outreach and social media. Data has also supported the identification of three IUCN Important Marine Mammal Areas and one Area of Interest in Kenya. Further research is needed to improve estimates of cetacean abundance and distribution, particularly in unstudied coastal areas, and to assess the extent of anthropogenic threats associated with fisheries, coastal and port development, seismic exercises and unregulated tourism. The expansion of the network should benefit from the participation of remote coastal fishing communities, government research agencies, tourism and seismic operations, among others. The KMMN demonstrated the value of dedicated and citizen science data to enh
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