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Project Outline - 44 views


Emails: - 13 views

Ms. Law: Ben: Emil:

started by emilstolarsky on 16 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
jeffrey langlois

implications of climate change - 2 views

    • jeffrey langlois
      in the middle of three large rivers
    • jeffrey langlois
      a fifth of the country is annually flooded
    • jeffrey langlois
      R = P − E. Here R = runoff, P = precipitation and E = actual evapotranspiration, which was calculated using the relationship E =  P  1+( P PE ) 2 
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • jeffrey langlois
      figure 3C is good
    • jeffrey langlois
      table II is good
    • jeffrey langlois
      as well as table V
    • jeffrey langlois
      figure 7 shows good future expectations
    extremely good source for information
Maggie Yagami Xiao

Climate Change and Health - Toronto Public Health - 2 views

  • Food and water contamination Storms and flooding may contaminate food and drinking water, which may lead to illnesses such as diarrhoeal and intestinal diseases. Water and food-borne illnesses also increase when food is not refrigerated. Extreme heat events may cause Torontonians to use their air conditioners more, which may cause power outages. There are many things that can be done to ensure food safety during a power failure. Infectious diseases from insects, ticks and rodents Climate changes can increase infectious diseases passed on by insects, ticks and rodents in three ways, by increasing the: amount of insect carriers (rodents, etc.); length of transmission cycles (i.e. longer spring); and the immigration of insect carriers to new regions.
  • Sickness from Heat Extreme heat may cause: dehydration heat stroke, heat cramps and heat rash fainting worsening of existing medical problems, such as asthma and allergies.
    Authority:  This passage talks about the health issues likely to target Torontarians as a result of climate change. It is published on, the official City of Toronto website.  Objectivity: Since all the information listed are facts and figurative data, there is no trace of biased opinions and stereotypical analysis.  Accuracy: The facts are information provided are very accurate since they are supported for research data done by existing organizations such as `Toronto Public Health and the Clean Air Partnership`.  Currency: Since this is an official website, it is constantly being updated. This particular page was last updated on July 2011 and is still very current since human reactions to climate change is consistent. 
jeffrey langlois

Bangladesh launches climate change action plan : Nature News - 0 views

  • The strategy is aimed at adapting to the local effects of climate change over the coming decade
  • 75 million
  • UK government
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • food security, disaster management, research and knowledge management and mitigation and low-carbon technology development
  • undermine efforts to reduce poverty
    • jeffrey langlois
      it is interesting that they are requesting money from the UK
  • two years
  • 500 million
  • 5 billion
  • five years.
  • funds needed for disaster relief and rehabilitation
  • Bangladesh is ground zero for climate change.
  • centre for research and knowledge management on climate change
  • crop varieties that are tolerant to flooding and salinity
    • jeffrey langlois
      It is strange to developed a whole new kind of plant specifically designed for this one country. It seems like an expensive solution but more long term.
  • 40% of the country could be affected by flooding by 2050
  • tabilizing greenhouse gases
  • grossly inadequate.
  • international community
  • most vulnerable
  • 45 million of its own cash
    good explanations of action plan
Julie Ya

Uganda seeks local solutions as climate change effects hit harder_English_Xinhua - 0 views

shared by Julie Ya on 29 Oct 12 - No Cached
    Authority - messages from the government of Uganda, News site (China View) Objectivity: unbiased Accuracy: facts, quotes from officials Currency: 2009

Group Feedback - 10 views

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