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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Benndorf J

Benndorf J

Taiwan to pay a price if it joins regional trade blocs - 0 views

    The former Vice President Vincent Siew said on Friday Taiwan will have to pay a price if it joins the U.S.-backed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) or the Chinese-backed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in the future.
Benndorf J

Falling oil prices trigger Japan trade surplus for October - 0 views

    The article suggests how Japan achieved a trade surplus last month as exports of cars, computers and other goods grew, while imports dipped on falling oil prices. Government data released Thursday showed that the trade surplus totaled 111.5 billion yen ($903 million) in October.
Benndorf J

Zambia's inflation rises to a 6-year high as currency weakens - 1 views

    This article suggets how Zambia's inflation rose to its highest in six years on Thursday as the copper producer was battered by power cuts, a falling currency and a shrinking demand for its primary import.
Benndorf J

Angola Central Bank Releases More Foreign Currency - Footprint to Africa - 0 views

    This article suggests how the Angola Central Bank has increased the amount of foreign currency available in the local exchange market in order to better respond to the demand for foreign values in the country.
Benndorf J

NZ honey producers seek trade protection - 1 views

    This article discusses New Zealand honey and how there is an increasingly global demand for manuka honey. This results in "a variety of honey products from different parts of the world claiming to be manuka honey". Now protectionist measurements are asked for in order to protect the local honey.
Benndorf J

Guest Editorial: Free trade and protectionism don't mix - 1 views

    This article talks about Dairy farmers in Ottawa, Canada. They protested against upcoming concessions (lower tarrifs) for the import of Diary, which would allow Canadians to buy more foreign cheese than they can now. However, that would mean that the local diary farmers sell less cheese.
Benndorf J

International -- trade and farming - 2 views

    This article talks about Kirk Liefer, a soybeam, wheat and corn farmer who trades his products nationally and internationally. He is in the Illinois Agricultural Leadership Program and will travel to Japan in 2016. He has previously traveled to Brazil with the Illinois Farm Bureau's Young Leader Program to learn about global markets. In general the article suggests how International trade enhances culture and how education and travelling is important to understand and work with different nations and consumers.
Benndorf J

Japan finance minister Aso: Monetary policy alone can't end deflation - 0 views

    This short article suggests how monetary policies alone cannot push up prices and end deflation. He suggests that this is as "the deflationary mindset that has beset Japan for such a long time won't change suddenly."
Benndorf J

The Fiscal Future I: The Hyperbolic Case for Bigger Government - 0 views

    This is an opinion page about a draft statement on fiscal policy written by Brad DeLong. It is about "rethinking macroeconomics" and argues that the government should be substantially bigger than in the past. The author argues that people do not make good choices if they can choose what to spend their money on (for example self-invested retirement) and that education, health care etc. should be fincanced by the government through fiscal policy.
Benndorf J

Analysts revise economic growth forecast for Mexico downward to 2.95 pct. - 1 views

    This article is about how analysts have revised the predicted economic growth rates of Mexico for 2015 and 2016, and have downwarded these. The article contains a lot of raw data and not so much about why they actually downwarded the economic growth forecast.
Benndorf J

Moroccans, Most Affected by Unemployment in the Netherlands - 3 views

    This article talks about how Moroccan immigrant in the Netherlands are the most affected population by the rise in unemployment rates. The article suggests that this is because before the crisis, the job growth was mainly in temporary work. When the economy collapsed, Moroccans and Turks were the first to get laid off.
Benndorf J

Demand Policies in Two Big Recessions - 1 views

    This article is an opinion blog and discusses monetary and fiscal policies, the business cycle and the keynesian / new classical perspectives.
Benndorf J

Austerity vs. European society - 1 views

    The article suggets how immense cutbacks had to be made by the government in terms of money spend on education or pensions. It is stated how "when aggregate demand falls short of aggregate supply, governments must increase public spending." The article further suggests that the government needs to focus on designing and implementing social policies that ensure the livelihoods, health, education, and housing on segments of the population.
Benndorf J

Why Public Investment? - 0 views

    The article suggets how economic growth is likely to decrease in the near future and how there may be a global shortage of aggregate demand. However, the article also suggests that investment in the public sector could invert this crises and states that "productivity gains are vital to long-term growth" as they lead to, higher incomes and increase demand.
Benndorf J

Moody's forecasts weaker economic growth - 3 views

    This article discusses how Bangladeshes economic growth has declined due to prolonged political unrest. This unrest has also has hindered " the country's investment environment". Frequent strikes, violent outbreaks, and a nationwide transport blockade have weakened the country's sovereign export performance.
Benndorf J

Politics over economics - 0 views

    This article discusses macro economics and suggests that political change has lately overweight economic change. The article gives the example of Greece, where a new president was elected but economic change has not yet happened as planned. It also mentions the GDP of countries such as the UK or the US.
Benndorf J

There's a better solution than privatizing the ocean. - 2 views

    This article suggests how individual quotas were introduced due to the overfishing in the sea, which were aimed to better the situations. The individual quotas awarded the fisherman the right to catch a certain percentage of the total annual allowable catch. However, these tradable quotas caused great economical and ecological harm as big cooperations bought a majority of the shares. The article shows the different incentives taken by citizens and individual fishing operators and their associations to solve this problem.
Benndorf J

Lower petrol prices could mean 10,000 more traffic deaths - 1 views

    This articles explains the negative externalities of lower petrol prices, which may include up to 10, 000 more deaths due to car accidents. India's retail petrol prices have fallen by around 12% since June 2014, and as people are going to drive more, the number of people exposed to to traffic risks is higher.
Benndorf J

Will price controls save publishing? - 1 views

    On Friday, Korea will introduce a new book price control system in order to try to salvage its moribund publishing industry. The new scheme will lower the cap to 15 percent and cover all books ― regardless of their genres or how long they have been on the shelves. However, it is not sure wheter it will be sufficient to turn around Koreans decreasing interest in books.
Benndorf J

'Millionaires tax' possible in Seattle? Council asks city's lawyers - 1 views

    This article centers around how the Seattle City Council had voted on Friday to have the city's Law Department investigate the possibility of enacting "an excise tax on annual individual or household earnings in excess of $1 million." The article also depicts how the council had voted regarding minumum wages.
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