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Melissa Wilson

Create Infographics | - 1 views

    The world's largest community for sharing infographics and data visualizations.
    After discussing infographics in class I did a search to find ways to create them. This is a site I found. Looks interesting.
Melissa Wilson

Piktochart- Infographic & Presentation Tool. - 1 views

    "Piktochart is a Simple Infographic Editor"
    I just finished using this site to create a presentation. I used the free version. Although somewhat limiting, it is free and I'm happy with the result.

What Happens in 60 Seconds on The Internet - 0 views

    Cool infographic about what happens on the internet in 60 seconds
Ryan Donnelly

Infographic: Social Media Statistics For 2012 | Digital Buzz Blog - 0 views

    • Ryan Donnelly
      I find the fact that there are 800 million Facebook users to be a little bit disturbing. It's like something out of a science fiction novel where we are all hooked up to a apperat 24.7 pumping data through a stream. 
    • Ryan Donnelly
      All this even though I am one of those 800 million, at least at this point. 
Michelle Krill | create and share visual ideas online - 2 views

    I really liked this site's idea of making visual ideas online. I would like to make more visuals for my students. Also, I believe that they like to make visuals as well. This site was a little difficult to navigate and the choices were some what limited. However, it is in the beta stage. As with all Web 2.0 tools there will be more changes in the future. So I will definitely be coming back later to see what has been updated.
Chris Helm

Desmos | Beautiful, Free Math - 2 views

shared by Chris Helm on 15 Jun 15 - No Cached
    Graph functions, plot tables of data, evaluate equations, explore transformations, and much more - for free! theses an easy way to add higher math graphs to tests and assignments. Students can also create graphs and send them. This fits under redefinition for the SAMR model and doesn't fit clean;y into any category of the web 2.0 clusters. My best guess is Infographic s under data analysis and drawing. Any thoughts?

TakePart: Participant Media - Waiting For 'Superman' - Infographic on Vimeo - 0 views

    Powerful video about the importance of Education. "In the US, a student drops out of school every 26 seconds!
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