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Educational Leadership:Teaching for the 21st Century:21st Century Skills: The Challenge... - 0 views

    • anonymous
      This will come as a shck to a lot of folks, eh? Not new?
  • But in fact, the skills students need in the 21st century are not new.
    • anonymous
      Not new, eh? Then what's all the fuss? Read on.
  • What's actually new is the extent to which changes in our economy and the world mean that collective and individual success depends on having such skills.
    • anonymous
      Ah! So THAT's the difference. Yes, I would agree. You?
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • This distinction between "skills that are novel" and "skills that must be taught more intentionally and effectively" ought to lead policymakers to different education reforms than those they are now considering. If these skills were indeed new, then perhaps we would need a radical overhaul of how we think about content and curriculum. But if the issue is, instead, that schools must be more deliberate about teaching critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving to all students, then the remedies are more obvious, although still intensely challenging.
    • anonymous
      I like this paragraph. We need only be more deliberate with our intent to focus on these skils. It's not a complete overhaul, then. I think schools would be more likely to accept this perspective, don't you?
  • To complicate the challenge, some of the rhetoric we have heard surrounding this movement suggests that with so much new knowledge being created, content no longer matters; that ways of knowing information are now much more important than information itself. Such notions contradict what we know about teaching and learning and raise concerns that the 21st century skills movement will end up being a weak intervention for the very students—low-income students and students of color—who most need powerful schools as a matter of social equity.
    • anonymous
      Some folks even go so far as to say that we don't have to teach the times tables any more. I cringe when I hear that.
  • What will it take to ensure that the idea of "21st century skills"—or more precisely, the effort to ensure that all students, rather than just a privileged few, have access to a rich education that intentionally helps them learn these skills—is successful in improving schools? That effort requires three primary components. First, educators and policymakers must ensure that the instructional program is complete and that content is not shortchanged for an ephemeral pursuit of skills. Second, states, school districts, and schools need to revamp how they think about human capital in education—in particular how teachers are trained. Finally, we need new assessments that can accurately measure richer learning and more complex tasks.
    • anonymous
      Do you agree with his three points? Is his missing any?
  • Why would misunderstanding the relationship of skills and knowledge lead to trouble? If you believe that skills and knowledge are separate, you are likely to draw two incorrect conclusions. First, because content is readily available in many locations but thinking skills reside in the learner's brain, it would seem clear that if we must choose between them, skills are essential, whereas content is merely desirable. Second, if skills are independent of content, we could reasonably conclude that we can develop these skills through the use of any content. For example, if students can learn how to think critically about science in the context of any scientific material, a teacher should select content that will engage students (for instance, the chemistry of candy), even if that content is not central to the field. But all content is not equally important to mathematics, or to science, or to literature. To think critically, students need the knowledge that is central to the domain.
    • anonymous
      I like this, too. Having a firm grip on basic knowledge (times tables, for example) is a MUST for the higher order ideas we're after.
  • Because of these challenges, devising a 21st century skills curriculum requires more than paying lip service to content knowledge.
    • anonymous
      Hear Hear!
  • Advocates of 21st century skills favor student-centered methods—for example, problem-based learning and project-based learning—that allow students to collaborate, work on authentic problems, and engage with the community. These approaches are widely acclaimed and can be found in any pedagogical methods textbook; teachers know about them and believe they're effective. And yet, teachers don't use them. Recent data show that most instructional time is composed of seatwork and whole-class instruction led by the teacher (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Research Network, 2005). Even when class sizes are reduced, teachers do not change their teaching strategies or use these student-centered methods (Shapson, Wright, Eason, & Fitzgerald, 1980). Again, these are not new issues. John Goodlad (1984) reported the same finding in his landmark study published more than 20 years ago.
    • anonymous
      This is important, I believe, if we're to promote these ideas.
  • Why don't teachers use the methods that they believe are most effective? Even advocates of student-centered methods acknowledge that these methods pose classroom management problems for teachers. When students collaborate, one expects a certain amount of hubbub in the room, which could devolve into chaos in less-than-expert hands. These methods also demand that teachers be knowledgeable about a broad range of topics and are prepared to make in-the-moment decisions as the lesson plan progresses. Anyone who has watched a highly effective teacher lead a class by simultaneously engaging with content, classroom management, and the ongoing monitoring of student progress knows how intense and demanding this work is. It's a constant juggling act that involves keeping many balls in the air.
  • Most teachers don't need to be persuaded that project-based learning is a good idea—they already believe that. What teachers need is much more robust training and support than they receive today, including specific lesson plans that deal with the high cognitive demands and potential classroom management problems of using student-centered methods.
    • anonymous
      TIME! And RE-training. Where is this truly modeled? It's VERY difficult to teach in a model that yo've never experienced either as a teacher or a student.
  • Without better curriculum, better teaching, and better tests, the emphasis on "21st century skills" will be a superficial one that will sacrifice long-term gains for the appearance of short-term progress.

ISTE | NETS for Students 2007 - 0 views

  • Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:   a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
    • anonymous
      Does this sound familiar? Collaboration? Which group read that in the Horizon Report?
    • Scott Brewer
      Project teams sounds like something I would love to be a part of, and my students to be a part of!
    • Mrs Huber
      @Jim- Yes, this does sound familiar. I served on a tech steering committee this spring and that is how I learned of these standards. Not sure the school board knows of them though.
    • Emma Clouser
      Seems like using diigo would help us meet these standards:)
    • Emily Reinert
      I think letter C is fascinating - until yesterday, I hadn't thought about students communicating with other students around the WORLD.
    • Mrs Huber
      Before I had this class I didn't think Distance Learning was important, but when asked if I thought the district should get a set up for our elementary school, I said yes, since why say no! I hope we get it now because I will be able to use it with the knowledge I am gaining this week. Very cool!
    • Beth Hartranft
      thoughts for 2.b. - We need to teach more than just office products!
    • Amy Soule
      Should they be allowed to text each other during class? That's communication, using one of their favorite formats!
    • Mary Richards
      This is particularly apt for middle school students who are very, very social! They love working in groups and do a better job of holding each other accountable than I do!
    • Emma Clouser
      ISTE Educational Technology Standards for Students
  • a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. d. identify trends and forecast possibilities
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Students demonstrate creative thinking
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?
  • ...4 more comments...
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?
    Do YOU know that NETS-S for your students? Is ANYONE in your school addressing these?

Education Week: Filtering Fixes - 0 views

  • Instead of blocking the many exit ramps and side routes on the information superhighway, they have decided that educating students and teachers on how to navigate the Internet’s vast resources responsibly, safely, and productively—and setting clear rules and expectations for doing so—is the best way to head off online collisions.
    • anonymous
      This is nothing new, but it seems this is one of the VERY few districts that puts its filter where its mouth is.
  • “We are known in our district for technology, so I don’t see how you can teach kids 21st-century values if you’re not teaching them digital citizenship and appropriate ways of sharing and using everything that’s available on the Web,” said Shawn Nutting, the technology director for the Trussville district. “How can you, in 2009, not use the Internet for everything? It blows me away that all these schools block things out” that are valuable.
  • While schools are required by federal and state laws to block pornography and other content that poses a danger to minors, Internet-filtering software often prevents students from accessing information on legitimate topics that tend to get caught in the censoring process: think breast cancer, sexuality, or even innocuous keywords that sound like blocked terms. One teacher who commented on one of Mr. Fryer’s blog posts, for example, complained that a search for biographical information on a person named Thacker was caught by his school’s Internet filter because the prohibited term “hacker” is included within the spelling of the word.
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  • The K-2 school provides e-mail addresses to each of its 880 students and maintains accounts on the Facebook and Twitter networking sites. Children can also interact with peers in other schools and across the country through protected wiki spaces and blogs the school has set up.
    • anonymous
      We find it hard to even imagine this, don't we?
    • anonymous
      the entire approach to filtering is based on this sentence, isn't it?
  • “Rather than saying this is a scary tool and something bad could happen, instead we believe it’s an incredible tool that connects you with the entire world out there. ... [L]et’s show you the best way to use it.”
  • As Trussville students move through the grades and encounter more-complex educational content and expectations, their Internet access is incrementally expanded.
  • In 2001, the Children’s Internet Protection Act instituted new requirements for schools to establish policies and safeguards for Internet use as a condition of receiving federal E-rate funding. Many districts have responded by restricting any potentially troublesome sites. But many educators and media specialists complain that the filters are set too broadly and cannot discriminate between good and bad content. Drawing the line between what material is acceptable and what’s not is a local decision that has to take into account each district’s comfort level with using Internet content
  • The American Civil Liberties Union sued Tennesee’s Knox County and Nashville school districts on behalf of several students and a school librarian for blocking Internet sites related to gay and lesbian issues. While the districts’ filtering software prohibited students from accessing sites that provided information and resources on the subject, it did not block sites run by organizations that promoted the controversial view that homosexuals can be “rehabilitated” and become heterosexuals. Last month, a federal court dismissed the lawsuit after school officials agreed to unblock the sites.
    • anonymous
      Hmmm - a lawsuit? And the Assistant Sec of Education didn't understand what I meant when I suggested that lawsuits control decisions and guide curriculum.
  • Students are using personal technology tools more readily to study subject matter, collaborate with classmates, and complete assignments than they were several years ago, but they are generally asked to “power down” at school and abandon the electronic resources they rely on for learning outside of class, the survey found. Administrators generally cite safety issues and concerns that students will misuse such tools to dawdle, cheat, or view inappropriate content in school as reasons for not offering more open online access to students. ("Students See Schools Inhibiting Their Use of New Technologies,", April 1, 2009.)
  • A report commissioned by the NSBA found that social networking can be beneficial to students, and urged school board members to “find ways to harness the educational value” of so-called Web 2.0 tools, such as setting up chat rooms or online journals that allow students to collaborate on their classwork. The 2007 report also told school boards to re-evaluate policies that ban or tightly restrict the use of the Internet or social-networking sites.
    • anonymous
      YES!! What do you think?
  • Federal Requirements for Schools on Internet Safety The Children’s Internet Protection Act, or CIPA, is a federal law intended to block access to offensive Web content on school and library computers. Under CIPA, schools and libraries that receive funding through the federal E-rate program for Internet access must: • Have an Internet-safety policy and technology-protection measures in place. The policy must include measures to block or filter Internet access to obscene photos, child pornography, and other images that can be harmful to minors; • Educate minors about appropriate and inappropriate online behavior, including activities like cyberbullying and social networking; • Adopt and enforce a policy to monitor online activities of minors; and • Adopt and implement policies related to Internet use by minors that address access to inappropriate online materials, student safety and privacy issues, and the hacking of unauthorized sites. Source: Federal Communications Commission
    • anonymous
      This is the Act that schools cite when giving reasons for blocking what they do. Can you justify it from this? Granted, it's not the coplete law, but they sure do use this to justify everything.
  • “We believe that you can’t have goals about kids’ collaborating globally and then block their ability to do that,” said Becky Fisher, the Virginia district’s technology coordinator.
    • anonymous
      Hear! Hear!

Educational Leadership:Teaching for the 21st Century:What Would Socrates Say? - 0 views

  • The noted philosopher once said, "I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance." My fear is that instead of knowing nothing except the fact of our own ignorance, we will know everything except the fact of our own ignorance. Google has given us the world at our fingertips, but speed and ubiquity are not the same as actually knowing something.
    • anonymous
      What an interesting difference this turn of phrase creates, isn't it?
  • Socrates believed that we learn best by asking essential questions and testing tentative answers against reason and fact in a continual and virtuous circle of honest debate. We need to approach the contemporary knowledge explosion and the technologies propelling this new enlightenment in just that manner. Otherwise, the great knowledge and communication tsunami of the 21st century may drown us in a sea of trivia instead of lifting us up on a rising tide of possibility and promise.
    • anonymous
      I'd love to hear your thoughts on this paragraph
  • A child born today could live into the 22nd century. It's difficult to imagine all that could transpire between now and then. One thing does seem apparent: Technical fixes to our outdated educational system are likely to be inadequate. We need to adapt to a rapidly changing world.
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  • Every day we are exposed to huge amounts of information, disinformation, and just plain nonsense. The ability to distinguish fact from factoid, reality from fiction, and truth from lies is not a "nice to have" but a "must have" in a world flooded with so much propaganda and spin.
    • anonymous
      Would we not ALL agre on this? What argument can you think of that might contradict this? If this is true, then what should change?
  • For example, for many years, the dominant U.S. culture described the settling of the American West as a natural extension of manifest destiny, in which people of European descent were "destined" to occupy the lands of the indigenous people. This idea was, and for some still is, one of our most enduring and dangerous collective fabrications because it glosses over human rights and skirts the issue of responsibility. Without critical reflection, we will continually fall victim to such notions.
    • anonymous
      I think schools talk about the Manifest destiny idea early on. It's too bad that it's not revisited when kids are older and can reflect on that idea more.
  • A second element of the 21st century mind that we must cultivate is the willingness to abandon supernatural explanations for naturally occurring events.
    • anonymous
      What do you think?
  • The third element of the 21st century mind must be the recognition and acceptance of our shared evolutionary collective intelligence.
    • anonymous
      The mere fact that you're reading this supports the idea of colective intelligence, doesn't it?
  • To solve the 21st century's challenges, we will need an education system that doesn't focus on memorization, but rather on promoting those metacognitive skills that enable us to monitor our own learning and make changes in our approach if we perceive that our learning is not going well.
    • anonymous
      TONS of people say this. Yet, the state and federal governments continue to push standardized tests. The world needs problem solvers but our educational system produces kids who are either good at memorizing or who aren't good at memorizing. Agree? Disagree?
  • Metacognition is a fancy word for a higher-order learning process that most of us use every day to solve thousands of problems and challenges.
  • We are at the threshold of a worldwide revolution in learning. Just as the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, the wall of conventional schooling is collapsing before our eyes. A new electronic learning environment is replacing the linear, text-bound culture of conventional schools. This will be the proving ground of the 21st century mind.
    • anonymous
      "Mr Tech Director, tear down that (filter) wall."
  • We will cease to think of technology as something that has its own identity, but rather as an extension of our minds, in much the same way that books extend our minds without a lot of fanfare. According to Huff and Saxberg, immersive technologies—such as multitouch displays; telepresence (an immersive meeting experience that offers high video and audio clarity); 3-D environments; collaborative filtering (which can produce recommendations by comparing the similarity between your preferences and those of other people); natural language processing; intelligent software; and simulations—will transform teaching and learning by 2025.
    • anonymous
      We're SAYING that now, but kids and teachers still lack the skills to make it a reality. Until kids have a friendly way of organizing and accessing the resoures they find (Diigo?) they cannnot be at this point. Agree? Disagree?
  • So imagine that a group of teachers and middle school students decides to tackle the question, What is justice? Young adolescents' discovery of injustice in the world is a crucial moment in their development. If adults offer only self-serving answers to this question, students can become cynical or despairing. But if adults treat the problem of injustice truthfully and openly, hope can emerge and grow strong over time. As part of their discussion, let's say that the teachers and students have cocreated a middle school earth science curriculum titled Water for the World. This curriculum would be a blend of classroom, community, and online activities. Several nongovernmental organizations—such as Waterkeeper, the Earth Institute at Columbia University, and Water for People—might support the curriculum, which would meet national and state standards and include lessons, activities, games, quizzes, student-created portfolios, and learning benchmarks.
  • The goal of the curriculum would be to enable students from around the world to work together to address the water crisis in a concrete way. Students might help bore a freshwater well, propose a low-cost way of preventing groundwater pollution, or develop a local water treatment technique. Students and teachers would collaborate by talking with one another through Skype and posting research findings using collaborative filtering. Students would create simulations and games and use multitouch displays to demonstrate step-by-step how their projects would proceed. A student-created Web site would include a blog; a virtual reference room; a teachers' corner; a virtual living room where learners communicate with one another in all languages through natural language processing; and 3-D images of wells being bored in Africa, Mexico, and Texas. In a classroom like this, something educationally revolutionary would happen: Students and adults would connect in a global, purposeful conversation that would make the world a better place. We would pry the Socratic dialogue from the hands of the past and lift it into the future to serve the hopes and dreams of all students everywhere.
  • There has never been a time in human history when the opportunity to create universally accessible knowledge has been more of a reality. And there has never been a time when education has meant more in terms of human survival and happiness.
    • anonymous
      Woud you agree?
  • To start, we must overhaul and redesign the current school system. We face this great transition with both hands tied behind our collective backs if we continue to pour money, time, and effort into an outdated system of education. Mass education belongs in the era of massive armies, massive industrial complexes, and massive attempts at social control. We have lost much talent since the 19th century by enforcing stifling education routines in the name of efficiency. Current high school dropout rates clearly indicate that our standardized testing regime and outdated curriculums are wasting the potential of our youth.
    • anonymous
      I like this. What do YOU think?
  • If we stop thinking of schools as buildings and start thinking of learning as occurring in many different places, we will free ourselves from the conventional education model that still dominates our thinking.

Flipped: Trends, Tips, Tools, and Myths | Adventures with Technology - 0 views

    • Ryan Donnelly
      I am also very curious about the flipped model for my classroom to an extent. It feels hard to trust that my kiddos/parents will practice their rote knowledge, ex. math facts, outside of school when you sometimes don't see homework come back all year from individual students.  I have heard some interesting fixes to this, such as, having students perform the homework while you and the class do a fun activating activity such as a game, etc. This could work... but the question remains; what about kids that have no support at home, need help, and you can't give it to them because you are busy activating the thinking of 20+ other students?  This is also a problem with the current model of education as it stands, those students that don't receive supports at home need more attention, we are only one person, and can't make up for all the lost attention/time at home the way we'd like to. So how can you leverage the technology to help those kids and give them more supports? 
  • They did say that the students connect better when it is their own teacher. You would miss that connection if you just found videos from other people.
    • Ryan Donnelly
      Finding videos of other teachers doing your flipped lesson would feel impersonal, tend to alienate those students that are already weary of being connected in school, and most likely just have irrelevant material included amongst the important content. You can't tell a student, "Oh just ignore minute 2:30 to 2:45, they went out on a confusing tanget for a minute" because of their personality/teaching style. You NEED to have your own tangents/teaching style. It's what connects your students to you!
  • Perfection will just result in frustration
    • Matthew Rogers
      If you are looking to use this material consistently with universal results, is it worth it to have the videos up to snuff?
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    • Melissa Wilson
      Would be interesting to give this a try with the 8th grade science teacher I work with. Seems like such a perfect fit for science. Do students need to prove that they watched the videos?

Talking with Students through Screencasting: Experimentations with Video Feedback to Im... - 0 views

    "Talking with Students through Screencasting: Experimentations with Video Feedback to Improve Student Learning"

50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers | Teaching Tips - 0 views

    "Blogging is becoming more and more popular in the classroom. Teachers can blog to stay in touch with parents and students or they can incorporate blogs from all of the students as a learning tool. The beauty of the student blog is that children from Kindergarten to high school can blog. No matter how you use blogs in your classroom, these tools will help you get started, enhance your experience, or bring the students into the fun."

We can't let educators off the hook | Dangerously Irrelevant - 2 views

    • anonymous
      What do you think? Is ignorance of the tools of the web excusable? Should we let them off the hook?
    • anonymous
      Oh, and read down through the comments, as well. The discussion continues there.
    • Martin Meier
      "...if you're not doing what needs to be done, then you should get out of the way to make room for someone who will." This statement assumes everyone who uses digital technology "know what needs to be done." After viewing many videos during our class I believe there is a direction we should be going in, but nobody really 'knows' what needs to be done. Just like every politician and irrate blogger seems to have the answer. The "get with us or get out of the way" statments concern me the most. If a student doesn't subscribe to what we're teaching do we then shuffle them off to alternate school? No, we try something different whether it's Web 2.0 or something else. It's what we call the 'art' of teaching. Whether we're teaching students or educators, as long as we're willing to try something new, not just jump on the bandwagon, then our students will learn to adjust and be flexible also.
    • Mary Richards
      Lurkers are good - if everyone is talking than no one is listening.
    • Kati Hoover
      I don't think we can let educators off the hook. I feel like some just ignore where the world is going and feel save and comfortable in what they know. Well, who isn't. We don't become better teachers, friends, parents, or people by keeping things to same. You have to change and adapt in order to be successful. We aren't just teaching students. We are preparing the future generation. Those students will become all of things we are and we know - if we don't prepare them for what their world WILL look like, what are we doing? Are we even doing our job? We must be held accountable.
    • Sandra Benedict
      No, we should not allow colleges who train our teachers off the hook either. We need to support and train teachers in these various tools. We also need to make sure they have the hardware was well as our kids. All too often these authors think everyone including kids have access to computers/internet 24/7. Some of our teachers do not have this access in their homes.
    • Lucy Chubb
      information shared to the faculty helps counter the "blue pill"
    • Lucy Chubb
      That is my favorite paragraph!
    • Lauren Hummel
      I also like this paragraph. The idea of life-long learnining has to embrace change. I understand that adapting is difficult because it requires teachers to constantly reconstruct their teaching. However, I agree that this needs to take place in order for education to effectively meet the needs of students.
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  • If you’re a teacher / administrator / librarian / education professor that somehow ‘doesn’t even realize [yet] that there’s a decision to be made,’ should you even be working in a school or university? Don’t our children and our school systems need and deserve someone who’s in a different place than you are?
  • It’s about our students: our children and our youth who deserve at the end of their schooling experience to be prepared for the world in which they’re going to live and work and think and play and be. That’s the obligation of each and every one of us. No educator gets to disown this.
    • Lucy Chubb
      Taking responsibility for your learning--we expect it from our students, why not our faculty?
    • Lucy Chubb
      I'm very glad that I am able to discuss and add input to help create change.
    "If you're a teacher / administrator / librarian / education professor that somehow 'doesn't even realize [yet] that there's a decision to be made,' should you even be working in a school or university? Don't our children and our school systems need and deserve someone who's in a different place than you are? It's one thing to still be a learner; heck, we're all learners with this technology stuff. It's another to opt out or not even recognize the choice. If we look at what our kids need, shouldn't we replace you with someone else? "
    What do you think of this post? Look for the sticky note and let's discuss it.

Texting With Teachers Keeps Students in Class -- THE Journal - 0 views

    I stumbled upon this neat article that looks about teacher to student communication 2.0 where communication is done with cell phones that are free to students in a school in Canada. The pilot program in a 10th grade class helped improve grades and attendance. One teacher even used the cell phones to send out a daily journal topic before class. I was very surprised by this article because this idea never even occurred to me as a way of communication in education with students. I personally think it is a good idea for high school students because it can allow for students to increase how they are connected to their education, and hold them more accountable. I thought the school took the right approach with a strict policy being explained right at the start of the pilot. I am very curious what the teachers in the class think about this program.
1More - Blogs for Teachers and Students - 0 views

    " is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs. "

Digitally Speaking / Voicethread - 0 views

  • School is one of the few times when they can get together with their friends and they use every unscheduled moment to socialize - passing time, when the teacher's back is turned, lunch, bathroom breaks, etc. They are desperately craving an opportunity to connect with their friends; not surprisingly, their use of anything that enables socialization while at school is deeply desired.
  • informal social learning
  • This drive to connect provides a unique opportunity for school teachers:  Incredibly high levels of student motivation paired with a predefined fluency with electronic communication tools.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • One tool that can help educators to do just that is Voicethread.
  • Known as a “group audio blog,” Voicethread allows users to record text and audio comments about uploaded images.
  • Voicethread is Asynchronous:
  • Voicethread is Engaging:
  • Begin by carefully selecting a topic that will promote conversation and debate between students—and that can be conveyed through images currently available to you.
  • don’t be afraid to disagree with something
  • Initial comments should be somewhere between 1 and 3 sentences long. 
    • L Butler
      As a teacher, this will be a challenge. The brief intro is what makes the difference between presentation and social education dialogue.
  • The best Voicethreads are truly interactive—with users listening and responding to one another. 
  • They come to the conversation with an open mind, willing to reconsider their own positions—and willing to challenge the notions of others. 
  • To be an active Voicethreader, start by carefully working your way through a presentation.   While viewing pictures and listening to the comments that have been added by other users, you should:   Gather Facts:  Jot down things that are interesting and new to you  Make Connections:  Relate and compare things you are viewing and hearing to things that you already know.  Ask Questions:  What about the comments and presentation is confusing to you?  What don’t you understand?  How will you find the answer?  Remember that there will ALWAYS be questions in an active thinker’s mind!  Give Opinions:  Make judgments about what you are viewing and hearing.  Do you agree?  Do you disagree?  Like?  Dislike?  Do you support or oppose anything that you have heard or seen?  Why? Use the following sentence starters to shape your thoughts and comments while viewing or participating in Voicethread presentations.  Comments based on these kinds of statements make Voicethreads interactive and engaging.   This reminds me of… This is similar to… I wonder… I realized… I noticed… You can relate this to… I’d like to know… I’m surprised that… If I were ________, I would  ______________ If __________ then ___________ Although it seems… I’m not sure that…
    • L Butler
      These student suggestions are the missing link I was looking for to successfully incorporate into my classroom.
  • help other listeners know what it is that has caught your attention.
  • finish your comment with a question that other listeners can reply to.  Questions help to keep digital conversations going!
  • carefully script out short opening comments for each image that include a question for viewers to consider. 
  • Just be sure to disagree agreeably
  • Assessing Voicethread Participation
  • Essentially mirroring the reflective aspects of Konrad Glogowski's system for pushing reflective blogging, I've decided to ask my students the following four questions while we're working with a new Voicethread:
  • To craft careful answers, they must truly consider the comments of others---an essential skill for promoting collaborative versus competitive dialogue---and compare those comments against their own beliefs and preconceived notions. 
    • L Butler
      Competitive dialogue motivates the students, but collaborative dialogue is the life skill they need to learn.
  • Voicethread allows users to upload documents to their strands of conversation as well.  That means that users can create a "Works Cited" page in a word processing application and upload it at the end of their Voicethread presentations. 
    • L Butler
      Very useful info - I have been individually citing each picture, and its unsightly.
  • Voicethread Do's and Don'ts
  • Citing Images
  • Voicethread Handouts  
  • This one-page handout is designed to introduce students to some general tips for participating in Voicethread conversations. 
    Detailed guide to creating/using/evaluating VoiceThread in the classroom. There are great examples and guides to download. The question prompts for students to consider when replying are simple, yet perfect.

Schools should embrace cell phones - 0 views

    • L Butler
      In my district, the bigger issue is bandwidth. We are moving towards 1 to 1 - however, the connecting to the internet is what is getting in the way. But I would agree, most high schools do not have enough computers for everyone to use.
  • most high schools in the United States do not have enough computers for all students to use at once. By allowing cell phone usage, the ability to access the Internet will become much easier and will help schools save money. Since a cell phone uses a separate network to access the Internet, wireless networks will be spared the rugged strain all school wireless networks undergo. With a less stressed wireless network, fewer repairs will need to be made, thus relieving the IT staffs at schools.
    • L Butler
      I agree with this. My district is attempting to move towards 1 to 1 classrooms, but they have found that access to the internet is the big issue. It is easier to add computers, it is more of a challenge to increase the bandwidth. I think it could cut back on the school wireless network.
    • L Butler
      80% have cell phones - but many of the examples that are given for how students could benefit from having cell phones would require a cell phone and a data plan. Personally, I have been unwilling to spend $120 a month to have a data plan, and I imagine many parents would feel the same way.
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  • Many critics argue that kids will become distracted if cell phones are allowed in class. Cell phones, however, potentially create the same distraction that comes along with sitting next to a classmate.
    • L Butler
      Great quote ... however if the teachers management style is not strong enough, the cell phones could be another reason students are off task. If they are not connected to a school network, there is no way to track to see if they are on task.
  • Homework alerts and project directions can be sent via text message
  • One of the many missions of the educational system in the United States is to prepare students for life as adults so they can be productive citizens in a vastly changing world. Technology has been around for decades and is only growing and advancing. So why are schools not informing students on how to use it safely and effectively?
  • 80 percent of high school students in the United States have cell phones.

Weblogg-ed » If Every Student Had a Computer - 0 views

  • 120 or so teachers from Victoria who are part of a pilot where all of their students will have netbooks in hand in the next few months. There seems to be a growing commitment here to put technology in the hands of kids (instead of spending huge sums on stuff that students can’t use outside of the classroom) and to thinking about how practice and pedagogy changes when that happens. T
    • Mrs Huber
      America......are you listening??????????????????????????
    • anonymous
      Of course, there's more to this story, isn't there? Once you purchase the equipment (not cheap) there is also the need to make sure that your network can handle it. If not, nobody will use the laptops - at least not to the extent that they COULD be used. And then, the idea of suggesting that districts increae their budgets so that the program could be sustained, is a tough sell. Yet, the alternative is to remain stuck in the 20th century mentality and approach to teaching and learning.
  • E5 (pdf) that I’ll be giving some more attention to on the plane ride home but that at first blush has some interesting language that focuses more on learning than teaching.
    • Mrs Huber
      I want to check this out.
  • It’s not just about if every student had a computer; it’s about if every teacher had a computer as well. (As opposed to if every teacher had a whiteboard.) Imagine if our students were being taught in systems where technology was just a natural part of the way we created and constructed and connected and learned, that it was how we do our business. S
    • Mrs Huber
      I hope this comes before I retire!
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  • powerful potential in a world where every student AND every teacher has a computer and access to the sum of human knowledge we’re building online.
    • Mrs Huber
    What i f every kid had access to a computer in school every day?
    What i f every kid had access to a computer in school every day?

Collier school district working to reduce absences among its top students : Education :... - 0 views

  • While the attendance rate for the district is very good, Stockman said, 26.6 percent of the Top 50 students in the district’s seven high schools have missed between 10 and 19 days of school and 6.3 percent missed 20 days or more.
  • “We have students who miss 50 days of school and graduate in the Top 50 of their class. And we know the reasons. A lot of them are working on Florida Virtual School to get (Advanced Placement) and honors credits.”
    • anonymous
      What does this say about what goges on in school? What does it say about the hybrid model of Brick and Mortar schools and cyber schools?
  • students who have accrued 10 or more absences in a semester to the intervention team to be considered for denial of credit. Credit denial results in an “L” being placed next tot he semester grade on the student’s report card and in the student’s grade history. The grade will not be figured into the student’s grade point average.
    • anonymous
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  • Stockman said the consequences reflect the School Board’s philosophy that “the classroom experience is of unique value and it cannot be duplicated by make-up work. Student interaction and the development of ideas through discussion are lost when a student is absent.”
    • anonymous
      Is this board simply resisting the inevitable change? Or, do you agree that the classroom experience cannot be duplicated and is essential to the education of the student? Or, is it just that the quality of the makeup work is poor?
    Is this a sign of things to come? What do YOU think of the idea of punishing the kids who don't come to school yet get good grades?
    I responded about this in a message to you. You are free to share that message (comment) with the group. Didn't realize this was here until just now.OOPS! LOL

ISTE | NETS for Teachers 2008 - 0 views

  • Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.
    • anonymous
      How many of your teachers are capable of doing this? Do you honestly feel that it's important that they do this, or is it sufficient to focus on NCLB?
    • Mrs Huber
      I am hoping I become proficient enough in some of these "new" technology ideas that I can host after school learning sessions for teachers who want to also explore these items. Of course, there will be no pay for it. LOL
    • Vicki Barr
      Some of our teachers are capable of this. I think it is important that teachers try - the teachers that are willing to make mistakes in front of the students - learn more - and the students help (and they enjoy helping!)
    • Scott Brewer
      My question is how does this fit into NCLB? Can we legislatively work to blend the two?!
    • Emma Clouser
      We really can't ignore NCLB at this point, so I think the question is how do teachers mesh the two together?
    • Mary Richards
      Communication with parents via e-mail is so much easier than trying to connect on the phone, but it can become overwhelming sometimes. I spend a great deal of time composing and revising e-mails to parents, careful of what I put in writing.
    • Beth Hartranft
      TIME - we need time to do this!
    • anonymous
      Probably not all the teachers; however, to prepare our children for the world we should all be putting our efforts toward these goals.
    • Mrs Huber
      @Beth- I totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Amy Soule
      I tried to get a teacher to collaborate on having the students write persuasive book reviews to be posted online (either or Moodle, or Destiny, or whatever), and was told we could certainly do that, AFTER the PSSA tests were over. That's where the focus is! We need to use the techology to teach the basics!
    • Mrs Huber
      @Amy- I agree..the question is HOW to do it?
  • develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools.
    • L Butler
      This is a powerful tool ... but as a teacher you have to be able to give up some of the control. The spontanous learning opportunities involving technology are enriching. My 6th graders especially ask lots of cultural questions, and we look them up online together or we find an expert to ask.
    NETS for Teachers
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    NETS for Teachers
    NETS for Teachers
    NETS for Teachers
    NETS for Teachers
    NETS for Teachers
    NETS for Teachers
    NETS for Teachers

Learn It In 5 - Students demo wiki and Diigo use in classroom - 5 views

    Great resource for teaching students how to use the tools. Students would rather watch a video instead of listen to the teacher talk, and why not watch a video created by another student?
    WOW! You could get lost in this site rather quickly. I'm often looking for "activating strategies" and usually discoverystreaming is my "go to" source for video clips. Now this site will be another resource for me to use!
    Agree with Rich why not use other students to explain how to use the tool. I only think of the endless possibilities you could use to collaborate on different readings or assignments using the tool.

Google Digital Literacy Tour - iKeepSafe - 1 views

  • The curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. Each workshop contains a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation.
    The curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. Each workshop contains a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation.

H.E.A.T. Framework - 1 views

    "In a digitally-charged learning environment, the key is to turn up the H.E.A.T. on student learning. H.E.A.T. is an acronym that is synonymous with digital-age learning (i.e., 21st Century Skills) and represents Student Output in terms of student: Higher order thinking, Engaged learning, Authentic connections, and Technology use."

From Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the Classroom (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) ... - 0 views

  • From Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the Classroom
  • devices in the classroom threaten to distract student attention but also offer opportunities for student engagement
  • creative options for making wireless devices part of instruction
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  • Mobile phones, for instance, are considered distracting because of problems with ringing during class, cheating, or multitasking,1 and the camera that comes with many phones can raise privacy issues as well. Similar complaints might also be made about laptops in the classroom.
  • a whole spectrum of methods for dealing with such distractions, ranging from technical control to pedagogical innovation. In this article, I discuss these methods with a special emphasis on engaging students to minimize the negative effects of distraction by laptop computers or other wireless devices.
  • laptops and smart phones do not cause more distraction than windows through which students look at birds and flowers, “yet you don’t seal the windows just because of that
  • Whose fault is it if distracting activities are going on in the classroom? What caused the distractions other than the availability of technology? Will alternative distractions occur if the technological tools are removed? Without implying that students are always right, I would say that the issue gives educators a reason to reflect on their own teaching or, rather, the instructional process as a whole.
    • L Butler
      Good reflective questions for figuring out why something is a distraction and how to remedy the situation.
  • Another method for engaging students is to deconstruct a traditional, 50-minute lecture by breaking it up, re-mixing it, and redistributing it in a variety of formats and settings.

Is Algebra Necessary? - - 1 views

    Is Algebra Necessary? Adam Hayes By ANDREW HACKER Published: July 28, 2012 475 Comments A TYPICAL American school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra. In both high school and college, all too many students are expected to fail. Why do we subject American students to this ordeal? I've found myself moving toward the strong view that we shouldn't.
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