Yodio - Add voice to photos - 0 views
Michelle Krill on 07 Jul 10Yodio offers an integrated, one-stop digital publishing service where anyone can go to self-record, produce, and share audio recordings (podcasts) and personal broadcasts (audio synchronized with digital photos). Using Yodio's free production system, most anyone can combine digital photos with their recorded audio to create rich media presentations. What is a rich-media presentation? Think voice narrated power point presentations or photo albums. Now think of them being shared in a player similar to YouTube, so they can be streamed throughout the internet or the player can be embedded in other websites, blogs, etc. This is personal broadcast with the sharing part operating on steroids! You can link, e-mail, embed, and in many cases download as an MP3 file. It's made to share memories and photos that are made more interesting and informative by adding your own voice.