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Michelle Krill

Learn It In 5 - Home - 1 views

    "At Learn it in 5, you'll learn what is Web 2.0, and strategies for using Web 2.0 technology in the digital classroom - all in 5 minutes or less. Learn it in 5 is a powerful library of how-to videos, produced by technology teachers, for the purpose of helping teachers and students create classroom strategies for today's 21st century's digital classroom. These step-by-step how-to videos walk teachers through Web 2.0 technology, demonstrating how to use Web 2.0 applications like blogs, social networks, podcasts, interactive videos, wikis, slidesharing and much more."
    thanks- added to bookmarks and following on Twitter
Lisa Keeley

Podcast323: R U In My Space? Y Have A Social Media Policy Guideline? (NECC09 ... - 0 views

  • Teachers who must hide their online activity because of nonexistent social media guidelines risk losing their jobs and reputations. A better approach is to collaboratively develop a policy that is acceptable to administrators, school board members, teachers and parents allowing for involvement in the global conversation in which many are contributing.
    • Vicki Barr
      Isn't this what we are talking about in class?
    Social Media Policy Guidelines
Geneva Reeder

Classroom Learning 2.0 - 0 views

    This professional development tutorial is brought to you by the California School Library Association (CSLA). On the following pages, you will learn the tools of the new Internet: Web 2.0 tools that bring our kids in touch with the entire world through social networking, wikis, video, podcasting, and game sites.
N Butler

trakAxPC Help Centre - Video Tutorials, Wiki and Forums for trakAxPC - 0 views

    trakAcPC was recommended to create enhanced Podcasts. It is similar to Garage Band.
Charles Black

Great Moments in EdTech History | Ideas and Thoughts - 3 views

  • journey into educational technology and share a few instances of “aha moments” that I think many can relate to
    • L Butler
      Read the blog post and see what you agree with. The dates might change, but what is powerful and transformative remains the same.
  • The beginning of cheap failure.
    • L Butler
      Great concept = cheap failure. We have the opportunity for almost everything we create to be a work in progress. You can always learn and build upon your initial attempts. This should give people more freedom to try without the feeling of absolute and unrecoverable failure.
    • Ryan Donnelly
      Not just cheap failure but also instant failure, which is important to our students as well. We talk about rapid prototyping in the program and some in my classroom, which I think is an important note about this technology and an important concept for our students to grasp/be able to deal with. It's a vehicle for learning. 
    • L Butler
      'instant failure' - great phrase. It is important that they can make mistakes in a safe environment and have the guidance to learn from the mistakes.
    • Matthew Rogers
      I guess my question is why would be considered a cheap failure, constant better/cheaper alternatives, integration in today's technology?
  • I did ask a few folks on twitter about their great moment in edtech history.
    • L Butler
      Notice the use of Twitter and Storify.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • I’d encourage you to create your own list or add your ideas here.
    • L Butler
      What would be on your list? Make sure your comments are not private, but visible to the LTMS600 group.
    • Ryan Donnelly
      I think my list, off the top of my head, would be Google Docs, Twitter, Cloud Servers/Saving, and Mobile Devices. 
    • Ryan Donnelly
      And I forgot the first time around, the almighty text message. Who could forget the text message?
    • Charles Black
      My list would be Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs, and Mobile Devices/Text messages.
  • I believe it was 640 x 480 resolution.
    • Melissa Wilson
      Funny. I think I still have one in my cabinet at school. Amazing how far digital photography has come in a short time.
    Funny. I think I still have one in my cabinet at school. Amazing how far digital photography has come in a short time.
Neil Groft

5 Tech-Friendly Lessons to Encourage Higher-Order Thinking -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This was a great read! At my school we send out a newsletter called the Digital Digest. I plan to include some of the ideas from this article in it. I am also exploring some of the links that are in the article. I particularly love the Mathtrain.TV link. I plan to share this with one of our 4th grade teachers who is looking for ways to integrate tech into her math curriculum. Thanks for sharing!
Michelle Krill - Nudge - 0 views

    "Everyone can create music."
mary heuer - 2 views

    This tool was mentioned in chapter 8 of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts... It looks great and "provides free storage and free bandwidth for your videos, audio files, photos..." It also claims to provide "Universal access to all knowledge."

Vocaroo | Record and send voice emails - 0 views

    The fastest way to create an audio. No special effects or editing allowed, but for instant recordings, this is a good option.

Learning Is Messy - Blog » Blog Archive » Process The Learning - 1 views

    Interesting article for elementary teachers.
    What do you think of this? DOes it surprise anyone?
    Having taught first grade, it's not surprising. Retention is not easy for these lil kiddos. It requires loads of revisits. But as the author noted, talking about it helps cement those connections. Taking time for this is difficult with soooooo much to do, but well worth the time. My goal---have students review their learning each day and have a "reporter" podcast this to our school website.

School 2.0 - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 31 Jul 09 - Cached
  • Picture a classroom where every student has their own tablet PC, with wireless internet access and videoconferencing equipment to give them access to academics, industry experts and other schools around the world. The teacher begins the lesson by drawing students’ attention to a new discussion thread that’s appeared overnight on an online forum about a text they’re studying.
    • anonymous
      I think you'l find the rest of this article interesting, too. Good food for thought.
  • You no longer need to be fluent in HTML to benefit from the digital revolution. Web 2.0 tools are closing the divide between richer and poorer regions, and between the ‘digital natives’ and ‘digital immigrants’ of the online world. Cloud computing, where resources and software are stored online, means hardware is no longer necessary, and the growth of free programmes and services lets anyone create their own wiki, blog or podcast.
    • anonymous
      See any terms you recognize in this paragraph? :-)
  • The extent to which technology can transform the world, and education, is illustrated by the ‘flat classroom’ project, run by Julie Lindsay, head of information technology and e-learning at Qatar Academy in Doha, Qatar, and Vicki Davis of Westwood Schools in Camilla, Georgia, USA. The project began in 2006 as an online collaboration between the two schools, inspired by Thomas L. Friedman’s book The World is Flat. It has now sprouted two sister projects – ‘digiteen’ and ‘horizon’, which have so far involved more than 800 students and 200 educators from across the world.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Technology isn’t magic. It doesn’t provide instant solutions. It challenges teachers to improve their practice by being more flexible and creative, and it challenges students to reflect on the limitations of technology as well as its capabilities. The best way to learn is by practising together.”
    • anonymous
      Right. It's not a Silver Bullet, but it DOES help to engage

Audacity Manual - Tutorials - 0 views

    The Audacity tutorials from Audacity
Mrs Huber

EdTechTalk | Collaborative Open Webcasting Community - 0 views

    thought this might be useful
jeremiah mitchell

jmitchell podcast - 0 views

    Pod casting
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