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Walk in the Forest - 0 views

    Not sure what grade level this is for, but it's elementary, certainly. A fun site to begin the discussions about the critters in the woods.
    probably 3-5th grade; vocab and concepts a little difficult for primary, but still a great visual representation of forest habitat. Other "walks" are available back at the zoo main page. Also some neat links to live web cams at the zoo.
L Butler

Four Pillars of Technology Integration | nashworld - 0 views

  • Think transformation of the way teaching and learning is done in your district, as opposed to integration into it as it exists.
    • L Butler
      The success comes when new lessons are created creatively utilizing the technology. It feels awkward when technology is just tacked on to an old lesson - just so there is technology.
  • Learn what they learn.
    • L Butler
      Unless people learn / play with the technology, they can not possibly understand the potential power in the classroom.
  • don’t filter the very usefulness out of the web
    • L Butler
      Love the wording of this ... sadly it is so true
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The fourth pillar of “instructional model” is more than a quick soundbyte allows.  I see three levels of this notion with increasing value as follows:  1) You have thought about and encouraged good instructional practices in your building/district.  2) You have a well-articulated plan for effective instructional practice that is building or districtwide.  3)  You have a true learner-centered instructional model in place in grades K-12 that credits the constructivist nature of human learning.
  • At this point, the vast majority of school systems are behind the curve in this area.  Being this far behind might just have one distinct advantage.  If there is no way to see any of the individual trees in a forest, you are likely going to be forced to start your mission with a whole-forest view to begin with. 
  • You don’t need a flashlight.  It’s not that dark in there anymore.  Trust that there are others who have proceeded down this path before you, and they have learned many important lessons.  Collaborate.  Learn from their successes and failures.  Do not go it alone. 
  • Ask yourself: what can we do with these new tools available today that we couldn’t do before?  If we could remake our curriculum any way we wanted, how would we do it? 
  • All systems need what I will call an “innovation engine.”  Whatever the system, whatever the setup, schools and school systems need pockets of sponsored innovation.
  • Soon after access is all around you, it doesn’t even feel like “technology,” it just feels like the way things are done.  This is a good thing, for when technology becomes invisible, we can finally focus on the value added from new uses of these tools. 
  • So where does all of this leave you?  How many of these pillars have been already constructed around you?  What have you done to help in that construction? 
    Interesting blog which addresses technology integration from the perspectives of all the parties involved - admins, technology coaches, teachers, students, etc. Worth the reading.

UPM - Forest Life - 0 views

    This one is fun for all ages, but especially nice for the science teachers. A great site for discovery. Beautiful images
    This one is fun for all ages, but especially nice for the science teachers. A great site for discovery.
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