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Venus and the bliss of marriage - 0 views

    Venus is transitting to Pisces on 17th March 2013 at 1:58 PM. Pisces happens to be the sign of exaltation (peak power) for Venus. Venus would be occupying Pisces from 17th March 2013 to 10th April 2013. Venus is the natural siginificator/karaka for marriage in Astrology. It is also known that all planets deliver results while in transit. So Venus in transit would deliver results according to its known significations.

Get Your Love Back By Astrology - Love & Marriage Solutions R K Tantrik +91 94601 70252 - 4 views

I know for sure that people with the same zodiac sign don't have the same personality traits, but I still believe in horoscopes, and I check online horoscope every morning. Well, I know that they c...

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