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Merlyn Seeley

How to lose the holiday weight naturally - 0 views

    The food is good through the holidays but after the holidays you want to lose the weight, check this article out!
Merlyn Seeley

Self sustainable living in Kentucky and all the US becoming more popular - 0 views

    No one that eats from a grocery store and fast food restaurants knows what a hamburger tastes like because that beef is hardly beef at all now. It is almost 100 percent filler and chemicals and you are putting that into your body that is why you are sick.
Merlyn Seeley

Don't forget the cilantro and coriander on Cino de Mayo - 0 views

    A favorite among the Hispanic population and those that love the unmatchable taste of authentic Mexican and Spanish foods is the very powerful cilantro herb.
Merlyn Seeley

America's ten worst foods part 9: Haagen-Dazs ice cream - 0 views

    Almost finished with the series, if you have missed the first 8 parts now is the time to catch up!
Merlyn Seeley

Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, your food is about to get healthier - 0 views

    Here we go, shop at WalMart? Used to shop at WalMart but vowed not to anymore until they changes their store shelves like a lot of us? Well check this out.
Merlyn Seeley

Celery leaves, compost or food? - National natural health | - 2 views

    Like celery? Can't wait to put those seeds in the ground this year? Read this before you make a big mistake.
    this page show. the other pages i clicked did not.
Merlyn Seeley

The low down on soda and foods: High fructose corn syrup - National natural health | - 0 views

    If there is one thing in most everyone's diet that needs to be removed it has to be soda. Most people believe that if you just drink a few cans of soda a day and let your kids...
drsshealth11 center

Homeopathic treatment for eradicating food allergies - 0 views

    There are many people who are suffering from food related allergies. When thinking of it, usually, the person has a picture of an instant reaction.

Exactly How Bad Are Trans Fats | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Are you worried you are getting heavier day by day? Well, it might be because of those fries you are addicted to. Deep fried foods are rich in trans fats which are directly related to obesity and heart failure. Trans fats build up the blood vessels, hindering the smooth flow of blood through them.

Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Iron deficiency is the most common mineral deficiency in the US. It affects women mostly with symptoms ranging from an inflamed tongue to a strong craving for undesirable food items. It can be cured through proper treatment and healthy diet.
Edgar Anderson

Promote the Wonders of Good Nutrition - 1 views

Since I am a health advocate, I decided to build our all-healthy-food restaurant somewhere in Australia. Since I am not an expert with formulating the best menu that consist with all healthy ingred...

started by Edgar Anderson on 28 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Justin Tantrum

Perfect Body Building Supplements - 3 views

I can honestly recommend Body Workshop Supplements to anyone who is aiming for a high quality protein source supplement. I have taken their offered product immediately after my work-out and it prov...


started by Justin Tantrum on 28 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Edgar Anderson

Gaining Back My Good Health - 1 views

Due to my very hectic schedule at work there were several times that I skipped some meals and ate mostly canned foods or those that have preservatives. I thought it would not affect my health beca...


started by Edgar Anderson on 30 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
Merlyn Seeley

Eating right can help keep you healthy this winter - 0 views

    Eating right this winter can keep the flu at bay. Check this article out and be informed!
Merlyn Seeley

A guide to eating on the Appalachian Trail - 0 views

    Hiking season starts March 26th! Read this article and learn what is best to take to eat on the trails.
Merlyn Seeley

All natural skin treatments for younger fresher looking skin - 0 views

    Your skin deserves to be treated right, don't put chemicals on it, go all natural.
Elyse Mayors

Smoking Hurts Your Teeth and Gums - 1 views

    We all know that habitual smoking harms your major organ systems.  Throat, lung, and heart cancer have each been linked with smoking.  But did you know that smoking may also increase your chances of developing plaque, cavities, and gum disease?
    i believe smoking (nicotine) causes suicides. i believe that nicotine and caffeine are two very dangerous drugs and the combination of both is deadly, not only physiological but also for ones well-being, mentally.
drsshealth11 center

Homeopathy treatment for wheat allergy - 0 views

    The treatment of wheat allergy includes a life-long gluten-free diet. This necessitates elimination of all foods containing wheat. This is extremely difficult
Raman Mathur

Whey Proteins: A Blend of Health & Taste - 0 views

    Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, what is the one thing that connects them? It's their mouthwatering flavors that leave you begging for more! Apart from a 24x7 work clock and lack of workout sessions, another vital reason behind increasing the obese population is the lip smacking fatty fast food. You will simply love to gorge on these sumptuous delicacies while unhealthy fats slowly make their way into your tissues.

Nausea: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    What causes nausea and how can you avoid/treat it at home? You feel nauseous when your stomach either stops contracting or... Ever wonder why you feel so uneasy while driving across a rough, bumpy road? How does nervousness lead to nausea? Patients with nausea make up 6.7% of all cases treated...
    Today was an exceptionally bright day. At least the morning. The rest of the day was marred by Kate throwing up on me nonstop. She felt a strong sensation of nausea and dizziness. But why does she eat at that weird Mexican place when she knows it makes her stomach sick? Every time she goes there, she feels a gut-wrenching, stomach-turning urge to release all that her belly holds. I mean, the stomach is an elastic bag made of muscular walls containing acid. We read that in science once. But why does Kate's stomach hold a serious grudge against Mexican food?
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