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Habits That Ruin Your Weight Loss Plan | Health Blog - 0 views

    Some Habits That Ruin Your Weight Loss Plan. Although we may follow a strict diet plan and hit the gym.., sometimes it becomes nearly impossible to get rid of those extra pounds... The problem lies with the seemingly harmless everyday habits that we have nurtured over the years and...
    While most of us are aware that eating cheesy sausages every day for breakfast is not really good for the waistline, there are many other subtle bad habits that keep on adding more pounds to our bodies. These habits are harmful because they have the potential to sabotage our weight loss plan.

How To Prevent Diabetes Type 2 | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    How To Prevent Diabetes Type 2? You have just discovered that you are prediabetic. You can take meaningful steps to reduce your risk of diabetes. You can actually prevent diabetes simply by changing what you eat and how you invest in your physical health. The ball, my friend, is still in your court.
    Around 8.3 percent population in the US has diabetes. Type II is the most prevalent form of diabetes. It is common among the young and the obese. Diabetes Mellitus or simply diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by an increase in your blood sugar. This results from an inadequate amount of insulin in the body or the cells' inability to respond to insulin.
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