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Merlyn Seeley

10 super foods that prevent cancer - 0 views

    Fresh off the press and just in time for Spring, grow the right foods America!
Merlyn Seeley

Online Articles - FriendFeed - 2 views

    Want something quick, hearty and healthy all at the same time to serve your Super Bowl fans? Check this out!
Elyse Mayors

Why See a Holistic Dentist? - 0 views

    Holistic dentistry seems to be just another part the go green fad that's been building momentum over the last decade.  Many mistakenly categorize the idea of holistic health with the likes of organic veggies, overpriced antioxidant super drinks, and trendy yoga studios.  However, holistic dentistry is not a mere fad.  Holistic ideals predate the advent of modern medicine...
Merlyn Seeley

Eating right can help keep you healthy this winter - 0 views

    Eating right this winter can keep the flu at bay. Check this article out and be informed!
Merlyn Seeley

America's 10 best foods: Sweet Potatoes - Shikata Enterprises - 1 views

    Ahhh here it is, the most anticipated article of the year, the first publishing of National Natural Living Examiner's new series, "America's 10 Best Foods!"
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