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Ivan Storck

The Best Ruby Tutorials (for a n00b) - Joe Gardiner - 0 views

    "a list of the most useful tutorials as a complete Ruby n00b to aid others who may be just getting started"
Ivan Storck

Build a Custom API to Connect WordPress With Ruby on Rails - Tuts+ Code Tutorial - 0 views

    Build a Custom API to Connect WordPress With Ruby on Rails - Tuts+ Code Tutorial
Ivan Storck

tutorial rails recurly subscription saas · RailsApps - 0 views

    A complete Ruby on Rails app for subscription content site (with Recurly)
Ivan Storck

Learning React.js: Getting Started and Concepts ♥ Scotch - 0 views

    Today we are going to kick off the first installment in a new series of tutorials, Learning React, that will focus on becoming proficient and effective with Facebook's React library.
Ivan Storck

Ruby on Rails Study Guide: Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas | Nettuts+ - 0 views

    "Ruby is a language with a set of powerful features - the most powerful arguably being Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas. In short, these features allow you to pass code to a method and execute that code at a later time. Despite regularly using these features, many developers don't fully understand the subtle differences between them."
Ivan Storck

Exploring Rack | Nettuts+ - 0 views

    Exploring Rack | Nettuts+
Ivan Storck

Why Rails? | Nettuts+ - 0 views

    Why use the Ruby on Rails framework?
Ivan Storck

How I Test | Nettuts+ - 0 views

    How to get started with rSpec and Cucumber
Ivan Storck

Gistflow :: State Machine with Rails. Basics - 0 views

    "State Machine comes to the rescue when models in your application need statuses and events. There is a #state_machine gem for #ruby. I recommend you to spend some time studying basics before you start using it"
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