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Texas Hobbit House: A Small, Handmade Treasure | Care2 Healthy Living - 0 views
Texas Hobbit House: A Small, Handmade Treasure posted by Robyn Lawrence Jul 23, 2011 10:03 am filed under: green home decor, healthy home, inspiration, materials & architecture, earthen home, green home, hand-built home, handmade home, healthy home, inspiration, small home Add to FavoritesTell a FriendSharePrint DiggRedditCare2StumbleUponmore 90 comments Of all the houses I visited during my tenure as Natural Home editor-in-chief, the first one holds a special place in my heart. I visited Gary Zuker's hand-built cob cottage-built for $40,000-in 1999. Natural Home named it our "house of the decade" in 2009, and the house continues to capture the imagination of everyone who sees it. Gary, a University of Texas computer engineer, had no carpentry experience when he set out to build a small, inexpensive weekend getaway and eventual retirement home on 2 acres of wooded land, just up the hill from Lake Travis outside of Austin, Texas. Austin's resident sustainable-building guru Pliny Fisk, co-director of the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, helped him build a home out of modified cob known as Leichtlehmbau, a lightweight mixture of straw and clay. "Anybody can do this," Gary realized. "It's simple." After poring over drawings of medieval straw-clay cottages in ancient texts at the university's historical library, Gary pulled together a straw-clay recipe based on historical documents and modern-day innovations. "Real cob is mostly earth with straw as a binder," he explains. "Leichtlehmbau, a German term for light straw-clay, is a legitimate extension of it. You add more straw and use only clay to cut down on the amount of earth and increase insulation." Gary bought 250 bales of straw at $1.50 a bale from nearby farmers. He had 6 cubic yards of blue clay, which a gravel company was hauling out of a local pit, delivered for $25. He found more than 100 recipes for exterior plaster used to seal the clay and straw, including ev
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