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Red Hat: 'Yes, we undercut Oracle with hidden Linux patches' * Channel Register - 5 views

  • "We made the change, quite honestly, because we are absolutely making a set of steps that make it more difficult for competitors that wish to provide support services on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux," Red Hat chief technology officer Brian Stevens tells The Register, before naming those competitors. "Today, there are two competitors that I'm aware of that go to our customers directly, offering to support RHEL directly for them...Oracle and Novell."
  • "The work that we've done should not impede companies from building their own versions of Linux and supporting those for their customers," he says. "All the code we deliver through RHEL is out there. In most cases, the changes that go into RHEL. We already distribute into the upstream kernel. We have an upstream-first policy, where we're developing openly and then later integrating into our tree and then delivering it. So it shouldn't at all impede the community or anybody that's in the business of competing on that."
    "We made the change, quite honestly, because we are absolutely making a set of steps that make it more difficult for competitors that wish to provide support services on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux," Red Hat chief technology officer Brian Stevens tells The Register, before naming those competitors. "Today, there are two competitors that I'm aware of that go to our customers directly, offering to support RHEL directly for them...Oracle and Novell."

Red Hat's "obfuscated" kernel source [] - 3 views

    Several readers have pointed out this interview with Maximilian Attems, posted by Raphaël Hertzog. Therein, Maximilian states that, while the cross-distribution cooperation on the 2.6.32 kernel has been a great thing, Red Hat is making things harder by shipping its RHEL 6 kernel source as one big tarball, without breaking out the patches. Your editor has downloaded the 2.6.32-71.14.1.el6 source package and verified that this is the case.

Not just another tablet. The first MeeGo tablet. - The Qt Blog - 5 views

  • It’s truly great to see a Qt-based device like the WeTab, with support from Intel and the open source community, go from design to market in just little over 6 months of MeeGo launching.
3More - 1 views

  • GNUDroid is a project meant to create an Android implementation using Free Software components borrowed from GNU Classpath and OpenJDK. This will be the IcedRobot Micro Edition.
  • Android is a suitable alternative and a compendium to Java Micro Edition, offering more capabilities but keeping a good deal of possible compatibility
    GNUDroid is a project meant to create an Android implementation using Free Software components borrowed from GNU Classpath and OpenJDK. This will be the IcedRobot Micro Edition.

Linux Skills Are Hot on Improving IT Hiring Front - PCWorld Business Center - 2 views

  • the fewest job cuts in a year since 2000
  • according to global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, which on Monday reported that employers announced plans to cut only 46,825 IT jobs during 2010--a full 73 percent fewer than the 174,629 technology job cuts in 2009.
  • Forrester Research predicts that 2011 IT spending will increase 7.5 percent in the U.S. and 7.1 percent globally,
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • skills in the open source operating system are in particular demand, according to Dice.
  • postings seeking Linux knowledge have increased a full 47 percent over last year
  • Windows-related postings, by comparison, have increased by only 40 percent.
  • large enterprises are increasingly turning to Linux for mission-critical applications
  • Linux professionals also tend to get a significant salary premium of as much as 10 percent over other IT workers, Dice reported last year.

HP to Put Linux in Printers and PC's: It's the End of an Era for Windows | - 6 views

  • the worlds largest PC supplier is indicating that they are going to ship PC’s without Windows
  • HP announced that it is going to ship WebOS not only in phones, tablets and printers, but in PC’s as well
  • Perhaps this really IS the year of the Linux desktop.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Linux is the underpinning technology for nearly every sector of the market in every form of computing.
  • analysts predict will be a $30B market for tablets by 2012
  • Linux because it supports more architectures and more devices than any other OS and is freely available and is able to be custom-branded
    the worlds largest PC supplier is indicating that they are going to ship PC's without Windows

News » GTK+ 3 is here - 3 views

  • Today, I am releasing GTK+ 3

Open Source Business Conference 2011 - 2 views

  • The Computerworld Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the premier forum for business and technology leaders looking for an insightful discussion of how open source technology is changing the way we do business today.
  • Matt AsayProgram Chair
    The Computerworld Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) is the premier forum for business and technology leaders looking for an insightful discussion of how open source technology is changing the way we do business today. With a rich and deep agenda built around the concept of emerging business models and the best strategies for incorporating the strategies for open source software into growing your business, OSBC makes the argument that every enterprise is, or should be, a data-driven business today.  As the IT industry's only forum for discussing how to reap profits from using open source software, OSBC brings together a vibrant group of the industry's top practitioners, venture capitalists, lawyers and thought leaders for two days of in-depth presentations and lively discussions and panels. By being the leading conference for educating top tier executives on the value of the open source market place, OSBC provides the latest in cutting-edge open source thinking. OSBC offers the change to connect with the developers, users and companies behind the most significant open source Big Data technologies, teaching attendees the strategies to making your business more effectively data-driven.

Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" released | NetMassimo Blog - 3 views

    After about two years the Debian project has released version 6.0, code-named Squeeze, of its famous distribution. In addition to the classic Debian GNU/Linux there's the official release of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, the Debian distribution based on the FreeBSD kernel though not all the advanced features for the desktop are supported.

it@school - 0 views

  • Today, the Project is termed as the "Single largest simultaneous deployment of FOSS based ICT education in the world."
  • The Project functions on Free Software platform since it provides the freedom to an individual to study, copy, modify and re-distribute any content, a process which would ultimately benefit the whole society.

The official web site of the Department of General Education, Government of Kerala - 0 views

  • The Director of IT@School, K. Anvar Sadath said, "Building collaboration and sharing practices are essential factors for the well being of societies and proprietary software often deny that."
  • The Kerala IT Education Department believes that sharing is an important virtue. However, sharing a proprietary software would be a violation of the End User License Agreement (EULA).
  • Thinking about the massive cost involved in setting up the IT infrastructure based on Windows, it was better to have the OS and applications realigned for Linux and other free software.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Enabling Linux and FOSS based education in 2,738 high schools brought along its own set of challenges. In the first phase, over 40,000 teachers had to be trained for over 90 hours on Linux based systems.
  • Creating a single curriculum based on GNU/Linux was another issue to counter because there were many distributions of the OS
  • the Free Software Foundation of India suggested developing a custom distribution for IT@School and eventually created the distribution with funding from the Kerala State IT Mission
  • IT@School has managed to get concession on broadband rate for all schools
  • Resources which are available under GPL and Creative Commons can straight away be customised to their requirements. This builds innovation and networking without much financial burden
  • wants Kerala to become a FOSS destination. With 90% literacy rate

An anthropologist's view of an open source community | - 3 views

  • Diana noted that while 75% of the survey respondents in the study agreed that the contributors make up a community, she was more curious what the other 25% thought
  • "Setting up a login, setting up an SSL key, and contributing was a little daunting at first. That process could be simplified," said one interviewee.
  • High on the list of reasons were learning for the joy of learning and collaborating with interesting and smart people. Motivations for personal gain, like networking or career benefits, were low on the list.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Mainly I contribute just to make it work for me.

Linux-Server analysieren - 3 views

    Dieser Blog-Post ist als Antwort auf die Frage "Nun würde mich mal interessieren, welche Tools euch zum Administrieren eines Linux Servers helfen und speziell auch welchen Taskmanager ihr verwendet.", aus dem folgendem Blog gedacht.

.htaccess & Mod-Rewrite - 1 views

    Eine Rewrite-Engine ermöglicht es, an den Webserver gerichtete Anfragen intern umzuschreiben oder extern weiterzuleiten. - Wiki
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