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Djiezes Kraaijst

Legal Pad - Fortune on - 0 views

  • A no-fly zone to protect Linux from patent trolls
  • initiative designed to help shield the open-source software community from threats posed by companies or individuals holding dubious software patents and seeking payment for alleged infringements by open-source software products.
  • call to independent open-source software developers all over the world to start submitting their new software inventions to Linux Defenders (Web site due to be operational Tuesday) so that the group’s attorneys and engineers can, for no charge, help shape, structure, and document the invention in the form of a “defensive publication.”
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  • In effect, the defensive-publications initiative mounts a preemptive attack upon those who would try to patent purported software inventions that are not truly novel — i.e., innovations that are already known and in use, though no one may have ever previously bothered to document them, let alone obtain a patent on them, a process usually requiring the hiring of attorneys as well as payment of significant filing fees.
  • The Linux Defenders program is largely the brainchild of Bergelt, who took over as Open Invention Network’s CEO this past February. The program also reflects a new, more proactive role Bergelt envisions for OIN than the group has played in the past.
  • The Linux Defenders program will actually have three components. The first will be a peer-to-patent component that, like New York Law School’s existing program, will reach out to the open-source community in search of evidence of “prior art” — proof of preexisting knowledge or use of certain inventions — that can be used to challenge applications for patents that have been filed but not yet granted.
  • The second component will be a natural extension of the first, to be known as “Post-Grant Peer to Patent,” which will enlist similar community assistance in the search for prior art relevant to patents that have already actually issued. In this case, the goal would be — assuming such prior art is found — to initiate an administrative reexamination proceeding before the U.S. PTO to get the patent invalidated
  • The third component is the defensive-publications initiative.
    On Tuesday a consortium of technology companies, including IBM (IBM), will launch a new initiative designed to help shield the open-source software community from threats posed by companies or individuals holding dubious software patents and seeking payment for alleged infringements by open-source software products. The most novel feature of the new program, to be known as Linux Defenders, will be its call to independent open-source software developers all over the world to start submitting their new software inventions to Linux Defenders (Web site due to be operational Tuesday) so that the group's attorneys and engineers can, for no charge, help shape, structure, and document the invention in the form of a "defensive publication."
Sandra Nowakowski

Cisco IPCC - 0 views

    .:ist - Career Knowledge Of Cisco Ipcc System Structure. Cisco Ipcc Server Know-how Is A Plus. Ip Telephony Solution / Protocols Know-how Is A Plus. Comptek Online | Cisco Ip Contact Center (ipcc) Avvid (architectu...
Sandy John

Application Development & Dot NET Development Outsourcing - 0 views

    The process of analyzing, designing and building an application to suit a business' needs is called application development. A software development process is a structure imposed on the development of a software product. Cyber Futuristics has a well-defined and mature application development company India which comprises the complete Software Application Development Business. We offers all IT Enabled Services like application development, E-Business Application development, Custom Software Solutions, .NET Application Development and all other software application development services.
Sandy John

Microsoft Dot NET Application Development and Outsourcing - 0 views

    Cyber Futuristics is an Offshore Software Development Company based in India provide Microsoft Dot NET Application Development Outsourcing & other Iphone application development, Dot NET Software Development, Google phone experts, PHP software application development, Custom application development outsourcing and all other IT based services. Developed by Microsoft, ASP Dot NET stands for Active Server Pages Dot NET and it needs no formal introduction. Many applications for online businesses are widely built using this seamless Technology. Our dedicated ASP Dot NET developers have experience in #C, Dot NET framework, Microsoft Structured Query Language Server language, Hyper Text Markup Language, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets along with XML, XSL and XSLT.
Paul Sydney Orozco - 0 views

    The release 3.0 of Spring Framework added the Spring Module OXM which supports the marshalling and unmarshalling of Java objects and XML documents.In this post, we will be using Spring OXM to take a Java object, convert it to a XML-format and save it in the hard-disk as an XML file containing information of that Java object. We will also cover how to retrieve back the serialized state of that XML file and reconstruct it back to it's original state as a Java object.
Marc Lijour

RMS On Header Files and Derivative Works - Slashdot - 2 views

  • "In this email from 2003, Richard Stallman says 'I've talked with our lawyer about one specific issue that you raised: that of using simple material from header files. Someone recently made the claim that including a header file always makes a derivative work. That's not the FSF's view. Our view is that just using structure definitions, typedefs, enumeration constants, macros with simple bodies, etc., is NOT enough to make a derivative work. It would take a substantial amount of code (coming from inline functions or macros with substantial bodies) to do that.' This should help end the recent FUD about the Android 'clean headers.'"
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