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Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
Mac Gizmo Guy

Apple Mac Compatible Graphics Tablets and Pads - 0 views

    Top choices in Mac compatible drawing tablets for casual sketchers and doodlers - or Pro graphics designers and illustrators.
Djiezes Kraaijst

Legal Pad - Fortune on - 0 views

  • A no-fly zone to protect Linux from patent trolls
  • initiative designed to help shield the open-source software community from threats posed by companies or individuals holding dubious software patents and seeking payment for alleged infringements by open-source software products.
  • call to independent open-source software developers all over the world to start submitting their new software inventions to Linux Defenders (Web site due to be operational Tuesday) so that the group’s attorneys and engineers can, for no charge, help shape, structure, and document the invention in the form of a “defensive publication.”
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • In effect, the defensive-publications initiative mounts a preemptive attack upon those who would try to patent purported software inventions that are not truly novel — i.e., innovations that are already known and in use, though no one may have ever previously bothered to document them, let alone obtain a patent on them, a process usually requiring the hiring of attorneys as well as payment of significant filing fees.
  • The Linux Defenders program is largely the brainchild of Bergelt, who took over as Open Invention Network’s CEO this past February. The program also reflects a new, more proactive role Bergelt envisions for OIN than the group has played in the past.
  • The Linux Defenders program will actually have three components. The first will be a peer-to-patent component that, like New York Law School’s existing program, will reach out to the open-source community in search of evidence of “prior art” — proof of preexisting knowledge or use of certain inventions — that can be used to challenge applications for patents that have been filed but not yet granted.
  • The second component will be a natural extension of the first, to be known as “Post-Grant Peer to Patent,” which will enlist similar community assistance in the search for prior art relevant to patents that have already actually issued. In this case, the goal would be — assuming such prior art is found — to initiate an administrative reexamination proceeding before the U.S. PTO to get the patent invalidated
  • The third component is the defensive-publications initiative.
    On Tuesday a consortium of technology companies, including IBM (IBM), will launch a new initiative designed to help shield the open-source software community from threats posed by companies or individuals holding dubious software patents and seeking payment for alleged infringements by open-source software products. The most novel feature of the new program, to be known as Linux Defenders, will be its call to independent open-source software developers all over the world to start submitting their new software inventions to Linux Defenders (Web site due to be operational Tuesday) so that the group's attorneys and engineers can, for no charge, help shape, structure, and document the invention in the form of a "defensive publication."
ismael guillen

integrando Gnome 3 en ubuntu 11.04 - Taringa! - 0 views

  • dejar mas pequeños los iconos del la pantalla de aplicaciones, son enormes el tamaño por defecto. Para eso necesitamos cambiar una cosita desde el terminal abrimos una terminal sudo su (como root ) gksu gedit /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css (esto abrirá un gedit) Buscamos las lineas: /* Apps */ .icon-grid { spacing: 18px; -shell-grid-item-size: 118px; } .icon-grid .overview-icon { icon-size: 96px; } Y al encontrarlas no serán iguales varían un poco, y cambian datos, debería quedar algo así: /* Apps */ .icon-grid { spacing: 18px; -shell-grid-item-size: 35px; } .all-app { padding: 16px 25p16px 16px; spacing: 20px; } .all-app .icon-grid { -shell-grid-item-size: 59px; } .all-app .overview-icon { icon-size: 48px; } Con este guardamos y recargamos el Shell, Alt+F2 y escribimos r y damos enter Ya deberán los iconos ser mas pequeños y por tanto menos feos Para reducir el tamaño de la barra y de las letras de todo el sistema, es que son enormes, buscamos Ajustes de Retoques avanzados, que normalmente esta en Aplicaciones/otros/ o lo pueden encontrar como Tweak Tool, y vamos a Fonts y en la primera barra movemos asta que el tamaño de letra este al gusto. Tambien aqui pueden habilitar los iconos en el escritorio desde la pestaña interface y al mismo tiempo regresarle los iconos al menú clásico así como regresar los botones de maximizar y restaurar de las ventanas.
    • ismael guillen
      Funciona ok yo lo probé I try it. Its OK!!
    reducir iconos a gusto
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