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Elizabeth Crawford

Photos of Grandmas Around the World, With Their Signature Dishes - 0 views

    As commercial photographer Gabriele Galimberti was preparing to leave for a trip around the world, his grandmother prepared for him his favorite ravioli, expressing concern about how well he would be fed on his global jaunt. "My grandmother was mostly worried about the food that I was going to eat," remembered Galimberti.
Kristen Vaudrin

10 Surprising, Healthy Eating Habits from Around the World - 0 views

    The United States doesn't have the highest obesity rate in the Americas (that dubious honor goes to Mexico), but over one-third of US adults are currently obese, and that number isn't dropping. It's a pretty eye-opening statistic, especially when compared with data from countries like Japan and India, where obesity rates fall below five percent.
Kristen Vaudrin

Hungry Planet: What The World Eats - 0 views

    Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio traveled the world documenting that most basic of human behaviors - what we eat. Their project, "Hungry Planet," depicts everything that an average family consumes in a given week-and what it costs - laid out in thought-provoking detail.

Marine Debris: The Other Side of the Postcard: Photos Highlight Massive Island of Plast... - 0 views

    Alison Teal walking through "Trash Island," a giant landfill in the Maldives that gets up to 400 tons of trash per day. (All photos: Sarah Lee) Filmmaker Alison Teal was in the process of literally exposing herself to a national TV audience when she found new inspiration: exposing the serious and complex trash-pollution issues affecting the Maldives, and turning plastic garbage into something useful.

Marine debris:Summary: West Coast Communities' Cost of Managing Marine Debris | Pacific... - 0 views

    Through a contract from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Pacific Southwest Office (EPA), Kier Associates (Kier) quantified the amount that 90 cities in California, Oregon, and Washington watersheds are spending to clean up litter and prevent trash from entering our oceans.

Marine Debris: Cause, Effect, and Prevention - 1 views

marine debris


Marine Debris-good facts - 0 views

    Marine debris is any man-made, solid material that enters waterways directly through littering or indirectly via rivers, streams and storm drains. Marine debris can be simple items such as a discarded soda can, cigarette butt, or plastic bag that ends up in the ocean potentially harming marine life.

What it feels like to be caught in marine debris - 0 views

    rubber band trap video

USS Calhoun County sailors dumped thousands of tons of radioactive waste into ocean - 1 views

    Marine Debris - US Military dumping in ocean
Kristen Vaudrin

World Savvy - 0 views

    lesson plan examples on food, culture, and society

Marine Debris: Trash Free Waters | Marine Debris | US EPA - 0 views

    EPA is working to reduce the amount of trash and litter that enters streams and rivers, lakes and bays, beaches and coastlines, and ultimately the world's oceans. This Agency work includes outreach and education, research, and new program partnerships.

Food Photos: Around The World In 80 Diets - 0 views

shared by amciver on 23 Sep 14 - Cached
    How many calories do you consume in a day? Is it more or less than the recommended 2,000? How does it compare to the butter-rich 4,900 of a Tibetan monk - or the scant 800 of a Maasai herder in Kenya?

Hungry Planet: What People Eat Around the World - 0 views

    Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio set out to explore just how diverse the eating habits around the globe are, and published a photo album with their discoveries, called the Hungry Planet. The authors visited 30 families in 24 countries, each time photographing them at home, shopping at the market and surrounded by their weekly food purchases.

What's for lunch? - 0 views

    How School children Eat Around the World is a nonfiction book aimed at kids aged 9-12 published by Red Deer Press.

Lesson Plan - What Do People Around the World Eat? - 0 views

    Put the five signs, each with a continent's name written on it, around the room (Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and North America). Tell young people to think about which of the five continents they believe has the healthiest food choices and the healthiest eating habits and to stand by that continent's sign.

The great global food gap: Families around the world photographed with weekly... - 0 views

    Snapshots of families' weekly shop from countries around the world shows the food gulf between nations By Daily Mail Reporter A study of what 30 families living around the world eat in one week shows the huge gulf between the diets of different nations.

School lunches around the world - 0 views

shared by amciver on 23 Sep 14 - No Cached
    Rather long but might be useful in shorter version.

Where in the World is your Food From? - Kid World Citizen - 0 views

    It seems that in our busy life of fast food and convenience, many people have become so disconnected from their food, they don't know where their food actually comes from (or what it is made of!). This is the first article in a series to help kids understand more about our food system.
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