Joao Alves
I am a German (DaF) and English (EFL) teacher at a secondary school in Portugal. I love technology but I'm also keen on literature, photography and everything that is aesthetically interesting and holds in it an aesthetic pleasure.
member since 2008-05-23
member since 2008-06-10
member since 2008-06-10
mbarek Akaddar
High school EFL teacher ICT Teacher Trainer Webhead Collaborative project facilitator http://twitter.com/mbarek
member since 2009-06-04
Holly Dilatush
"Live with intention. Share inside~out smiles, inspire hope, seek awe and nurture in nature." http://lewwwp.com http://blogblossoms.edublogs.org/ http://tales-around-the-world.blogspot.com Twitter: smilin7 “Everyone deserves to discover and pursue the joy of learning.
member since 2008-06-16
Yuly Asencion
I am a Spanish teacher interested in the use of technology in the class, writing and reading, and assessment.
member since 2009-10-28
Carla Arena
I'm a Brazilian EFL educator always eager to learn and discover new ways of doing things. I blog at http:/collablogatorium.blogspot.com, http://brazilnaskeywest.wordpress.com and http://carlaarena.posterous.com (for English students)
member since 2008-05-08
member since 2008-05-08
member since 2009-12-14
member since 2008-05-09
Barbara Moose
I'm a Past President and 2010 conference chair for North Carolina Technology in Education Society (NCTIES), an ISTE affiliate. I am a retired educator in central NC.
member since 2009-04-05
Cara Whitehead
Instructional Specialist, National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy, Social Media Promoter for VocabularySpellingCity http://www.spellingcity.com , Promethean ActivInstructor and Social Media Council Member, avid Twitterer @WhiteheadsClass, author of Teaching...My Calling http://teachingmycalli...
member since 2011-01-10
Gladys Baya
EFL teacher and teacher educator, keen on new-technology integration into the EFL lesson.
member since 2008-05-09
Mary Hillis
I am an EFL teacher in Japan. My interests include online professional development, blogging, literature, vocabulary, and writing. I am a member of the online communities of practice, Learning with Computers, Webheads, and Blogging4Educators.
member since 2008-05-22
Isabelle Jones
I am a Head of Languages in a large 11-16 multicultural comprehensive school in the North West of England. I currently teach French and Spanish but I have also taught German and EFL (EAL) in the past. I am also a qualified translator/ interpreter (ESUCA, Toulouse)
member since 2008-05-22
member since 2008-06-20
Nelba Quintana
IT area manager at Escuela de Lenguas-Universidad Nacional de La Plata , Argentina. Teacher trainner on the use of IT in the ESL classroom
member since 2008-06-27
member since 2009-04-10
member since 2008-07-19
Maria Perifanou
ICT researcher, lecturer in Italian & PhD in Applied Linguistics at University of Athens, Department of Italian Studies. Research Interests; Web 2.0, Microblogging, MOOCs, MOOLCs, PLEs, CALL,TEL, Mobile learning, WebQuests, Blended learning, Collaborative Learning, VET, Life Long Learning, Adult...
member since 2008-08-13
Group Members
1886 members total, 39 receiving alerts immediately, 1169 receiving alerts daily, and 299 receiving alerts weekly.