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Miguel Perez

Free Visual Dictionary & Thesaurus | Online Dictionary | Associated Words | Synonyms Di... - 0 views

    "What is Snappy Words visual English dictionary? It's an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it. Why use Snappy Words visual dictionary? Easy to use dictionary and thesaurus. Learn how words associate in a visually interactive display. Get ideas to help write content for your blog, article, thesis or simply play with words! No registration required. No limit on number of searches. Look up as many words as you need anytime. No software installation needed. All you need is an internet connection and a browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer and others). It's free and fun! How do I use it? Type words in the search box and click Go or simply hit Enter. Once the words branch off the main query, you can double click a node to find other related words. To explore the features: Place the mouse cursor over a word to view the meaning. Double click a node from the branch to view other related words. Scroll the mouse wheel over words to zoom in or out. This helps you see more associations or view words and meanings more clearly. Click and drag a word or branch to move it around and explore other branches. What dictionary does Snappy Words use? The Snappy Words interface queries the WordNet lexical database developed by Princeton University and made available for students and language researchers. This dictionary groups synonyms into synsets through lexical relations between terms. These meanings and semantic relationships are revealed graphically by the interactive web technology made available by Snappy Words."
Miguel Perez

LearnEnglish | British Council - 0 views

    "Learn English online with the help of this free website from the British Council with games, stories, listening activities and grammar exercises. You can search for your favourites, or have a look at the site map to find out where everything is. You will find lots of new listening activities and video content in Listen & Watch.  We also have a new Grammar section and new IELTS exam practice materials."
Miguel Perez

TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC - 0 views

    "New tools and materials to help you in the classroom and with your development, so be sure to come back and find out what's new! Across the site you can find free classroom materials to download, from short activities to full lesson plans, for teaching kids and adults. There are also articles on aspects of teaching, and free teacher development and teacher training materials."
Miguel Perez

phraseup* - find the right words - 0 views

    "phraseup* assists you with writing by finding and filling-in the words you can't remember"
Miguel Perez

English Worksheets - 1 views

    " is your resource for printable English worksheets. On the left of this page you will find an index containing hundreds of quality teaching materials. To open a PDF file for printing, simply click on the topic of your choice then select the desired worksheet from the links on that page. You are welcome to use any of the materials on this website without asking permission, granted that our strict copyright policy is respected. If you'd like to thank us, please tell your friends about this website and consider linking to our web pages (see our Terms of Use to learn how). We appreciate your interest and support, and hope you find our materials to be beneficial for use in the classroom or at home. "
Miguel Perez

Story Starters: Creative Writing Prompts for Kids | - 1 views

    Scholastic Story Starters is a great tool that students will enjoy using to create short, creative fiction stories. Scholastic Story Starters offers four story themes; fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, and scrambler. To create a story on Story Starters a students picks a theme, enter his or her name, chooses his or her grade, and spins the big wheels of prompts. The student can spin the wheels until he or she finds a prompt he or she likes. After the prompt is selected the student can write his or her story using the letter, postcard, notebook, or newspaper format provided by Scholastic Story Starters. When the story is finished it can be printed. 
Miguel Perez

English articles in easy English since March 2011 - 0 views

    "Easy English news can help everybody who wants to understand better. We have been teaching English for many years. After many years of teaching we started to do a new thing. We knew that many students wanted to read news on the internet. They wanted to read something easy. We were looking for short news in easy English on the internet. We found many news sites but we did not find a lot of news with easy reading and listening."
Miguel Perez

OneLook Reverse Dictionary - 4 views

    Find Words that Express Your Thoughts There are times when you know what you want to say, but you just don't know the right word in English. This can be very frustrating, but it is good to practice explaining the words you want so that you can get the word you want. OneLook Reverse Dictionary can help you with this. You can also practice using the site by doing an online crossword puzzle.
Miguel Perez

Storyline Online - 0 views

    Storyline Online is a collection of video recordings of children's stories being read by notable actors and actresses. Each video has a short introduction by the actor before transitioning to the reading of the story. Students can follow along with the pictures and words of each story. Along with each video you will find a set of online and offline activities to support your use of each story in your classroom.
Miguel Perez

Write rhymes. - 0 views

    Write Rhymes is a fun little site where you can find a word to rhyme with just about any other word. I tried to use words for which I couldn't think of obvious rhymes, but each time Write Rhymes came up with something. To use Write Rhymes simply type a word in the text box then option-click on it to see a list of rhyming words.
Miguel Perez

Plinky - 0 views

    Plinky is a good place to find writing prompt ideas. Plinky provides users with a new writing prompt everyday. The benefit of Plinky over other writing prompt websites is that once you've created an account you can see how other Plinky users responded to the prompt.
Miguel Perez

February 2013 - 0 views

    Toasted Cheese is a daily writing prompt site that publishes prompts on a monthly calendar. The whole month is laid out for you with a different prompt each day. Don't see anything you like on the current calendar? That's okay, click through the previous months to find old prompts. Periodically, Toasted Cheese holds writing contests which you can learn about by clicking on the links on the calendar. The writing contests are based on one or more of the prompts from the calendar.
Miguel Perez

Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses. | Font Squirrel - 0 views

    "Free fonts have met their match. We know how hard it is to find quality freeware that is licensed for commercial work. We've done the hard work, hand-selecting these typefaces and presenting them in an easy-to-use format. "
Miguel Perez

Free Language Arts Clip Art by Phillip Martin - 0 views

    Phillip Martin offers a site with FREE art for your classroom, newsletters, or wherever you can find a non-profit use.
Miguel Perez

Grammar Newsletter - English Grammar Newsletter - 1 views

    With's Grammar Checker you can check and correct grammar and spelling mistakes and use Thesaurus feature to find synonyms. It's easy to check your texts using our Grammar Checker - just download this Free program. Then you need to highlight the text you want to check and press CTRL+G button. Or use's Rich Text for editing and checking your text with rich mark-up, just copy-paste it and then check your text. Grammar mistakes are underlined with a green wave line and spelling errors with a red one. To correct mistakes you just need to select a word from the Suggestions list. The Thesaurus tab is used for synonyms. The words with found synonyms are marked blue. To change the active word to one of the suggested synonyms you just need to select one of the suggested alternatives in the Synonyms list, and then click Change to. Press Finish Checking and corrected text will be returned to input field. Enhance your writing with FREE's Grammar Checker! All you need to do is download and install it on your computer.
Tyrone Gholar

Quick Payday Loans Approach To Acquire Speedy Financial Sources - 0 views

    Folk who do job with steady earning as they frequently find themselves in crisis when their daily operating costs are over than the monthly earnings? It is predictable to manage them through online financial sources. There's nothing to be troubled as quick payday loans for low credit are there to support you out of entire financial drawback.
Miguel Perez

TeacherTube - Teach the World | Teacher Videos | Lesson Plan Videos | Student Video Les... - 0 views

    This is a teacher-friendly alternative to YouTube. Go to the Channels tab to narrow your search. You will find videos on Reading and Writing as well as a whole host of YL material. It even provides a platform for your learners to upload their own videos. Be aware that these types of websites can use up a lot of bandwidth, so are not suitable for schools with poor connectivity.
Miguel Perez

Shambles in S.E.Asia : Safe Web Searching (The Education Project Asia) - 0 views

    This site contains 23 different search engines which are designed for use by children and suitable for use in the classroom for research projects. Sites include the BBC, NASA, Encarta and Ask Jeeves Kids. The website was set up to support the international school communities (teachers, support staff, administrators, students and families) in 17 countries in South East Asia but schools worldwide would find the site a useful resource.
Miguel Perez

Type IPA phonetic symbols - online keyboard - 0 views

    This free online editor for typing transcriptions of English words in the International Phonetic Alphabet has been around since 2004. Many ESL/EFL teachers find it useful for transcribing English words for printed handouts and pronunciation exercises, especially if one uses the keyboard shortcuts.
Miguel Perez

Pocket (Formerly Read It Later) - 0 views

    When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket
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