Mystery Skype - San Agustín Valladolid - 1 views
busra- on 10 Dec 16It is really impressive TPACK model example that can help students learning geography. By teacher's high CK, students learn similarity and differences between continents and countries. By teacher's high PK, students are seperated groups and they are leaded in order to develop good questions. Also, by teacher's high TK, students are connected to real students in different countries in real time via using techology, so all of the students work collaboratively.
nehirkv on 12 Dec 16Büşra, I really love it <3 And also ıt is so funny practice to use TPACK model.
armagan_metu on 12 Dec 16I really liked it. It is fun for students but there is more than that I believe. Because in the process they are comparing other students' clues with what they know, reviewing high amount of their information. For example students at the other side of the skype call knew their friends were not in finland, estonia, latvia, belarus, ukraine, etc (neighbors of russia). But still I think they -maybe implicitly- learnt these countries are russia's neighbors. Still, I would love to examine their geography scores to be sure about this method's efficiency.