Talking TPACK with Dr. Punya Mishra - 0 views
yasinay on 28 Dec 15In this interview Dr. Punya Mishra is talking about TPACK. In the interview, Dr. Mishra discusses the TPACK Model that he and Dr. Matthew Koelher developed. He begins the interview with an overview of the model. Dr. Mishra discusses how the model can shape educational technology integration in teacher education, K-12, and in professional development. He talks about where he sees the future development of TPACK going. The interview ends with advice he has regarding the implementation of the TPACK model in teaching and learning. To read more about the work of Dr. Mishra, visit his Web site at
Selçuk Kılınç on 11 Dec 16The interview about TPACK with Mishra who is one of the person who claimed TPACK.
armagan_metu on 12 Dec 16Selçuk this video explains TPACK in a simple and clear way, thanks.