Augmented Reality in Physical Education (PE) - 1 views
Serap Sarıkaya on 06 Nov 16This video is about how to integrate technology in PE classroom by using aurasma app. A basketball coach tries to teach three basic basketball skills with augmented reality platform. Also, she shows how this aurasma app is used step by step. Enjoy!
Selçuk Kılınç on 06 Nov 16I mentioned at OdtüClass forum abou the flexibility of that Aurasma platform and this video is the good example of it. I think that platform can be fitted to any area with the right design.
kuttai on 07 Nov 16Although it is a nice though, it is not very effective for the sport enviroment. While you are practicing, it is really hard to run around with an ipad. But i agree the way of teaching. Maybe they can design a diffirent tool for more effective trainings.