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Jill Giacomini

TenMarks Education | Online Math Program for Grades 1-10 - 0 views

    Ten Marks, an online mathematics tutoring service, offers a free program for teachers. Ten Marks for educators is designed to be a supplement to classroom instruction, not a replacement for it. If a student gets stuck on a problem he or she can open a tutorial to help him or her through the problem.
Jill Giacomini

XTOL Masters - Experiential Teaching Online - 1 views

    "XTOL designs learn-by-doing experiential masters programs in partnership with degree-granting universities around the world. Our programs combine the Socratic teaching method with simulations of real-world on-the-job experiences to teach students the skills they need to land competitive jobs in their chosen field."
Jill Giacomini

Quality Matters Program at Lone Star College - YouTube - 0 views

    Video included in Module 2 of QM course
Jill Giacomini

Versal - 1 views

    Have you ever needed or wanted to create an online course but did not know where to start? If so, you are not alone (and in this article, the marketing experts at Dynamic Search will show you how easy it is using!). Versal provides a free service that allows you to completely design and create an online course without ever having to worry about trying to code. Many people are still hesitant, however, because they fear that using the program will prove to be just as difficult as coding and as a result have a hard time figuring out how to use it. This could not be further from the truth. Versal is easy to use and easy to navigate, and they take all of the guess-work out of creating a course - all you have to do is have the knowledge that needs to go into the course and how to set-up a lesson plan.
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