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Jeff Johnson

NDETC: Data Warehouse Initiative - 0 views

    What is a Data Warehouse? A data warehouse is a storage and analysis application that allows schools to collect and store student and school data from a number of sources and from multiple years. A data warehouse application allows data to be viewed in a multidimensional manner through numerous filters, slices and attributes. A data warehouse is intended to be an analytical system to view and compare current data with longitudinal data, to identify trends and to help develop educational improvements. A data warehouse does not replace a student information system or finance/HR application.  Rather, a data warehouse brings together key data elements from numerous systems, including assessment results and demographic data, to allow for in-depth analysis and data-driven decision making.
Jaxon Smith

In-Depth Discussion And Evaluation Of Burberry Pestle Analysis - 0 views

    The study is focused on exploring the concept of Burberry pestle analysis. According to Fildes et al., (2019), retail is considered as the process for selling the goods of consumers along with the services towards the customers by multiple channels based on distributions for earning profit.
Jaxon Smith

Leadership Assignment: Analysis of the Leadership Style Employed at Coles Supermarket | Total Assignment Help - 0 views

    The current leadership assignment is focused on presenting a detailed analysis of the leadership style employed at Coles Supermarket.
Erica Davis

About CML | Center for Media Literacy - 0 views

  • Through a four-step "inquiry" process of Awareness . . . Analysis . . . Reflection . . .Action, media literacy helps young people acquire an empowering set of "navigational" skills which include the ability to: Access information from a variety of sources. Analyze and explore how messages are "constructed" whether print, verbal, visual or multi-media. Evaluate media's explicit and implicit messages against one's own ethical, moral and/or democratic principles. Express or create their own messages using a variety of media tools. Participate in a global media culture.
    • Erica Davis
      One part of the meaning and action of Media Literacy
  • Media literacy is an alternative to censoring, boycotting or blaming "the media." Deeply committed to the First Amendment and freedom of expression, media literacy does not promote partisan agendas or political points of view. The power of media literacy is its ability to inspire independent thinking and foster critical analysis. The ultimate goal of media education is to make wise choices possible
Jeff Johnson

SETDA-PETI - 0 views

    Profiling Educational Technology Integration, or PETI, includes a framework aligned to No Child Left Behind, Title II D (NCLB IID), as well as a suite of tools designed to assist states, districts, schools, and researchers in profiling their progress with technology over time, documenting both readiness and effective use. Why are the profiling tools important? The tools were developed to assist states in making sound, data-driven decisions about educational technology. Metiri Group, which developed these resources under the advisement of the SETDA Common Data Elements committee, has worked over the last year with five states to pilot and revise the instruments and protocols based on data analysis to ensure reliability and validity. Used as outlined here, PETI offers valid, reliable data collection instruments and methodologies that answer the questions in the SETDA framework. Used over time, these tools can provide valuable baseline and trend data for accountability purposes.

8 Reasons Why Companies Need a High-Potential Leadership Program - 0 views

    Skill gap analysis is mandatory when the workforce is unable to achieve goals repeatedly. Let's look at the reasons why businesses need a high-potential leadership program.
Jaxon Smith - 0 views

    This strategic leadership assignment report throws light on the essential characteristics of a good leader and provides an analysis of leadership along with the weakness and strength of stakeholder management.

The best Social Media Analytics tools and tools - DiggiWeb - 0 views

    Experts from Digital Marketing is the component of marketing that uses the internet and online digital technologies to analyze the market, develop strategies, and put them into they know well that Social Media Analytics, or web analytics, is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of web data for understanding and optimizing the use of the web. when it is essential to understand which actions and strategies work or not on social media.
Jaxon Smith

Analysis On Electric Vehicle Market Research In UK - 0 views

    The study on electric vehicle market research revolves around the principles to analyse the changes in electronic vehicle industry of UK.
Damian Rivlin

Larry Sanger Blog » An example of educational anti-intellectualism - 0 views

  • In other words, if you strip away the edu-speak, Wheeler is saying that students should be taught a lot less declarative knowledge. Since this is what we ordinarily mean by “knowledge,” we can put it even more simply: Wheeler is opposed to teachers imparting knowledge.
  • 1. Much of the declarative knowledge that matters, and which requires time and energy to learn, is not of the sort that can be gained by looking it up in Google.  You can read some quick analysis of the causes of the Great Depression, but you won’t really know them until you’ve studied the subject.
  • 2. Most accepted knowledge doesn’t change, even over a lifetime.  Fine, Pluto’s no longer a planet.  The others are.  99% of what we knew about the solar system 50 years ago has not been disconfirmed.  Most new knowledge adds detail; it does not render old knowledge useless.  (Besides, the professor would not be able to cite this as an example if he had not learned that Pluto was a planet; he couldn’t be an articulate, plugged-in thinker without his “useless” declarative knowledge, which he could count on other educated people sharing.)
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Besides, not only has declarative knowledge mostly not changed, procedural knowledge changes much faster–which is, of course, why it was not taught in schools, for a long time, apart from a few classes.  Learning the specific skills for the work world were, and largely still are, learned on the job.  So let’s see, which would have been better for me to learn back in 1985, when I was 17: all the ins and outs of WordPerfect and BASIC, or U.S. History?  There should be no question at all: what I learned about history will remain more or less the same, subject to a few corrections; skills in WordPerfect and BASIC are not longer needed.
  •  Here I hint at another argument for declarative knowledge, E.D. Hirsch’s: it provides us an absolutely essential common culture,
    very interesting article - what do you think Ian?
Jeff Johnson

TetraData - Follett Software Company - 0 views

    As your partner in your quest for sustainable high performance, TetraData offers specific solutions to fit the needs of any school system. We do our homework -- striving to know how far your district has come and where it wants to go. With that knowledge we create a package of products and services -- your roadmap that will take your school system to the next level and beyond.
Jeff Johnson

Tableau Desktop | Visual Analytics | Tableau Software - 0 views

    If you use business intelligence products, pivot tables or queries, you'll find Tableau a breakthrough for quickly answering deep questions. Customers are working 5 to 20 times faster using Tableau. Use Tableau Desktop as a stand-alone application. Or if you can't keep the secret to yourself, use it with Tableau Server for a complete web-based analytics and dashboard solution for your company.
Jeff Johnson

Analysis won't save us, but creativity just might...( - 0 views

    It's time to recognize that conventional management ideas are broken - and start thinking of something better.
Jaxon Smith

Conflict Management Essay: Analysis Of Tools And Techniques To Manage The Project - 0 views

    This conflict management essay is entitled to addressing some of the major issues that had been faced while managing to build a home properly.
Jaxon Smith

Critical Analysis On Sony Corporation Organizational Structure - 0 views

    This assignment contains a brief study on Sony Corporation organizational structure. It discusses the types of organizational Structure and takes Sony Corporation as an example to discuss on.
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