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Kendy Frank

Dr. Leonard A. Stept | Hospital Management Consultant - 0 views

    Dr. Stept has 35 years of experience in the hospital management field. And he provides hospital management services as a healthcare consultant working with R&L Healthcare Advisors, Sarasota Fl
Jeff Johnson

Generation YES » TechYES - 1 views

    TechYES is an innovative way for schools and community organizations to offer a technology certification program to students in grades 6-9. As with all Generation YES products, students are at the center of the solution - backed up with solid research and extensive resources. In TechYES, students show technology literacy by creating projects that meet state and local technology proficiency requirements. As part of TechYES, a structured peer-mentoring program assists the teacher or advisor, and provides student leadership opportunities that serve to further strengthen the program and enrich the learning community.

Keep your future secure with financial planning by Wealth-teams. - 0 views

    To prevent yourself from misery during times of difficulty, it is better to plan your future with Wealth-teams. While everyone considers they have maximum financial information.
    To prevent yourself from misery during times of difficulty, it is better to plan your future with Wealth-teams. While everyone considers they have maximum financial information.
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