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Ihering Alcoforado

Asset-Based Lending - 0 views

    Asset-Based Lending Asset-based lending is a relatively new financing option for Canadian companies that is rapidly gaining acceptance. Tailored to the Canadian marketplace, CIBC Asset-Based Lending combines a full range of Commercial Banking solutions with proven asset-based lending capability customized to companies like yours. Asset-based financing can offer greater credit availability and flexibility for your business through customized loan arrangements secured by accounts receivable, inventory and fixed assets. CIBC Asset-Based Lending is committed to providing your company with the best overall financing solution, including limited or no financial covenants and the ability to commit to, fully underwrite and syndicate large transactions. Asset-based financing could be right for your company if: you are a medium to large sized business you are involved in a cyclical industry or typically have lower operating margins you require capital to finance sales growth, acquisition financing, debt financing, restructuring, or turnaround financing you are looking to raise capital in a less costly way than bringing in an equity partner you want to take advantage of growth opportunities Key benefits of asset-based lending Provides greater flexibility than a cash flow credit model for collateral rich companies Requires fewer and in some circumstances, no financial covenants Allows greater flexibility on how your company can use the proceeds Gives you the ability to smooth out gaps in your cash flow during business cycles/seasons Offers you the ability to take advantage of asset-rich growth opportunities and acquisitions Why CIBC Asset-Based Lending? Competitive pricing Full service business, domiciled in Canada, including credit approval, monitoring and account management Ability to commit to, fully underwrite and syndicate large transactions with significant hold levels Timely and reliable execution of your financing Access to a dedicated relationship manager who can pro
Ihering Alcoforado

Aper - Centro Formazione - calendario eventi - 0 views

    22/06/2009 MilanoSECONDA EDIZIONE CORSO PER AVVOCATI: IL DIRITTO DELLE ENERGIE RINNOVABILI 16/03/2009 MilanoCORSO PER AVVOCATI: IL DIRITTO DELLE ENERGIE RINNOVABILI 18 febbraio 2009, Roma e 25 febbraio MilanoAPER SPIEGA LA FINANZIARIA E I DECRETI ATTUATIVI CON DUE GIORNATE DI APPROFONDIMENTO L'associazione organizza un evento sdoppiato in due edizioni (una romana e una milanese) per spiegare le novità nel meccanismo di incentivazione introdotte dai decreti attuativi. 11/12/2008 COME OTTIMIZZARE L'INVESTIMENTO NEL FOTOVOLTAICO: ISTRUZIONI PER L'USO Analisi degli aspetti economico-finanziari connessi alla produzione di energia da fonte fotovoltaica 22/10/2008 MilanoLE NUOVE DISPOSIZIONI PER LO SCAMBIO SUL POSTO: INCONTRO CON L'AEEG 11-14 giugno 2008, Lamezia TermeGIORNATE DI APPROFONDIMENTO SUGLI ASPETTI TECNICO - NORMATIVI DELLA PRODUZIONE DI ENERGIA EOLICA 30/11/2007 PerugiaELETTRICITÀ DA FONTI RINNOVABILI Seminario di approfondimento. La realizzazione degli impianti di produzione di elettricita' da fonti rinnovabili: aspetti normativi e tecnici 28/11/2007 MilanoSEMINARIO APER CON GME E AEEG 2-8 settembre 2007, TrentoCORSO CUDAM-APER SULL'ENERGIA EOLICA Energia eolica: aspetti tecnologici, normativi e ambientali: aperte le iscrizioni per la nuova edizione del corso CUDAM-APER 16-19 maggio 2007, CataniaGIORNATE DI APPROFONDIMENTO SUGLI ASPETTI TECNICO-NORMATIVI RIGUARDANTI LA PRODUZIONE DI ENERGIA DA FONTE EOLICA L'energia eolica soffia in Sicilia con le giornate di approfondimento organizzate da APER 27/02/2007 MilanoCORSO APER-TUTTAMBIENTE.IT SUL BIOGAS 20-24 giugno 2010, MilanoCORSO APER DEDICATO AL FOTOVOLTAICO 19/01/2010 MilanoI EDIZIONE CORSO BASE DEL PROGETTO SPES I edizione del corso base del progetto SPES per l'utilizzo delle fonti rinnovabili d'energia nei paese in via di sviluppo
Ihering Alcoforado

Aper - IL DIRITTO DELLE ENERGIE RINNOVABILI - Profili Pubblicistici - BARI - 0 views

    IL DIRITTO DELLE ENERGIE RINNOVABILI - Profili Pubblicistici - BARI Prezzo NON Associati: €. 650,00 + IVA - Prezzo Associati: €. 650,00 + IVA Il programma, articolato in  4 moduli da 3 ore ciascuno per un totale di 12 ore, prevede l'illustrazione e l'aggiornamento del quadro normativo delle FER con un approfondimento dedicato al diritto regionale: in particolare, assetto di competenze Stato-Regioni e recepimento delle Linee Guida nazionali. Saranno inoltre analizzati  i temi relativi ai procedimenti autorizzativi,  alla valorizzazione dell'energia e alle novità sui sistemi di incentivazione. Accreditato dall'Ordine degli Avvocati di Bari -  Il corso darà diritto a 10 crediti formativi
Ihering Alcoforado

Aper - Workshop certificati verdi: trend evolutivi, strumenti di trading ed elementi di... - 0 views

    protezione dal rischio Come funziona il mercato dei Certificati Verdi? Quali i possibili scenari futuri di prezzo? Come proteggersi dal rischio volatilità? Come sta cambiando la legislazione? Queste alcune delle domande a cui APER si popone di rispondere attraverso la giornata di approfondimento del 1 dicembre presso l'Andreola Central Hotel di Milano. Il programma, dopo un breve aggiornamento circa la normativa di riferimento, prevede un'analisi dell'andamento del mercato dei CV a cura dell'Osservatorio APER, che da anni fornisce all'Associazione e agli esperti di settore un quadro completo dell'andamento di questo specifico mercato. Con l'occasione sarà quindi distribuito ai partecipanti l'ultimo numero dell'Osservatorio. Verranno dunque esplorate le ragioni della volatilità dei prezzi al fine di meglio individuare i loro possibili andamenti alla luce dell'attuale asimmetria del mercato e dei possibili nuovi orizzonti normativi. La giornata prevede i contributi degli operatori di mercato che sapranno descrivere i meccanismi di funzionamento dei contratti tipici di scambio dei CV, di advisor degli istituti di credito che illustreranno il contrasto fra l'attuale struttura del mercato e il rischio sul finanziamento, e di manager del project financing che discuteranno di come le attuali incertezze, volatilità e livelli previsti di prezzo si riflettono sui contratti di finanziamento. Una specifica sezione verrà inoltre dedicata ad esplorare e descrivere gli strumenti di hedging e risk management, elementi di una nuova strategia di approccio al mercato ma anche di accesso al finanziamento. Sponsor ufficiale dell'inziativa l'azienda Repower Italia. Si allega il programma e le condizioni di partecipazione. Sono previste agevolazioni sulla quota d'iscrizione per gli associati APER.
Ihering Alcoforado


Ihering Alcoforado

Top 10 Worst Oil Spills in History | - 0 views

    Top 10 Worst Oil Spills in History   1.Gulf War oil spill The Gulf War oil spill is regarded as the worst oil spill in history, resulting from actions taken during the Gulf War in 1991 by the Iraq military. Iraqi forces opened valves at the Sea Island oil terminal and dumped oil from several tankers into the Persian Gulf. The apparent strategic goal was to foil a potential landing by US Marines. It also made commandeering oil reserves difficult for US forces. The immediate reports from Baghdad said that American air strikes had caused a discharge of oil from two tankers. Coalition forces determined the main source of oil to be the Sea Island terminal in Kuwait. On January 26, three US F-117 fighter bombers destroyed pipelines to prevent further spillage into the Persian Gulf. Several other sources of oil were found to be active: tankers and a damaged Kuwaiti oil refinery near Mina Al Ahmadi, tankers near Bubiyan Island, and Iraq's Mina Al Bakr terminal.   2.Ixtoc I oil well An exploratory oil well, the IXTOC I, blew out on June 3, 1979 in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico. The IXTOC I was the world's largest and probably most expensive oil spill. The oil released by the IXTOC I was carried by Gulf currents into American waters by August 1979. In addition to the oil from the IXTOC I, the Texas coast was affected by fresh unweathered oil from the sinking of the oil tanker BURMAH AGATE in November 1979. These events had multiple effects on local, State, Federal, and international economies. As a result, an economic assessment of the spills on the Texas coastal region was initiated. A combined research cruise by the NOAA ship Researcher and contract vessel Pierce in September 1979 collected more than 1,000 samples for biogeochemical and microbiological studies and made detailed hydrographic surveys of the waters around the Itxoc 1 well. The cruise helped greatly advance knowledge of how oil behaves in the Gulf of Mexico.   3.Atlantic Empress/Aegean Cap
Ihering Alcoforado

Brazil Chevron Oil Spill: Up To 2,600 Barrels Leaked - 0 views

    Brazil Chevron Oil Spill: Up To 2,600 Barrels Leaked BRADLEY BROOKS and HARRY R. WEBER   11/18/11 06:22 PM ET   React Important Fascinating Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Infuriating Beautiful Follow   Brazil , Brazil Chevron , Brazil Chevron Oil Spill , Brazil Oil Spill , Chevron , Chevron Oil , Chevron Oil Spill , World News SHARE THIS STORY 38 22 1 Get World Alerts Sign Up Submit this story RIO DE JANEIRO - Nearly 110,000 gallons of oil may have spilled into the Atlantic Ocean because of a leak at an offshore Chevron drilling site, Brazil's environmental protection agency said Friday. Officials think between 8,400 to 13,800 gallons of oil leaked each day from Nov. 8 through Tuesday, Ibama said in a statement on its website. Chevron had said that only 16,800 to 27,300 gallons in total leaked into the ocean. Officials are still investigating the cause of the leak, which has been almost entirely contained, but the Ibama statement said it was a result of drilling. An official at Brazil's Federal Police, which has opened an investigation into the spill, said Chevron "drilled about 500 meters (1,640 feet) farther than they were licensed to do." The official, who agreed to discuss the matter only if not quoted by name, said that information came from a person with knowledge of the drilling. The leak occurred at a drilling site about 230 miles (370 kilometers) northeast of Rio de Janeiro. Rio state Environment Minister Carlos Minc said earlier he was sure the leak was larger than Chevron estimated and he called for more transparency from the company. "We can't trivialize this," he told the Globo TV network. "It's really serious and we don't yet know all the consequences." Marine life in the area of the spill will be affected by the leak, Minc said, adding that whales are migrating from north to south through the spill area. The oil slick, which was moving away from the coast, grew to 11 miles (18 kilometers), Ibama said. Most of the oil was concentr
Ihering Alcoforado

Oil Spill Map | Tiny group has big impact on spill estimates - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    Tiny group has big impact on spill estimates SkyTruth, with one paid staffer and a one-room office, has caused officials to backtrack and revise what they say about the size of the gulf disaster. May 01, 2010|By Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times A tiny nonprofit group with one paid staffer in a one-room office in a small West Virginia town has been causing U.S. officials and oil company executives to backtrack and revise their estimates of the size and flow of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. SkyTruth first analyzed satellite and radar data on the spill shortly after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig sank after a fire April 22. It challenged initial estimates that 1,000 barrels of oil were gushing daily from the wellhead nearly a mile below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, about 130 miles southeast of New Orleans. Federal officials and BP quickly revised the estimated daily rate to 5,000 barrels. ADS BY GOOGLE Statoil in Brazil See how we work to ensure our resources are prolonged. Saturday, the group updated its analysis to estimate that the slick contained more than 11.1 million gallons of oil, which would make it the largest oil spill in American history. John Amos, the group's president, also revised the estimate of the rate of oil leaking to 25,000 barrels a day, saying it was a "rock bottom" figure. There are 42 gallons in a barrel of oil. Oceanographer Ian MacDonald of Florida State University had a slightly smaller estimate, saying on Saturday that the spill was 10 million gallons of crude oil. The Coast Guard said Saturday it was becoming too difficult to estimate the spill's size. "Any exact estimate is probably impossible at this time," Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said. Allen said it was fruitless to discuss the differences between estimates of spill rates. "Quite frankly, the continued leakage of anything for an extended period of time is going to cause an extraordinary amount of problems for us," he said. SkyTruth's w
Ihering Alcoforado

Entrevista com John Amos | NN - A Mídia do Petróleo - 0 views

    Entrevista com John Amos Fonte: NN - Gustavo Gaudarde e Matheus Franco. Postado em 18.11.2011, 02:34 pm voteCompartilhe Nesta edição da 5X Petróleo, conversamos com o geólogo e presidente da SkyTruth, John Amos. A ONG estadunidense monitora acidentes ambientais por meio de imagens de satélite e desmentiu a versão oficial da Chevron em relação ao vazamento na Bacia de Campos. Na entrevista, Amos fala sobre os riscos da indústria e da atuação da SkyTruth. 1X) O monitoramento que a SkyTruth está fazendo do vazamento de óleo na Bacia de Campos é motivado pelo envolvimento da Chevron, uma empresa estadunidense com atividades em águas norte-americanas? Temos interesse de monitorar quaisquer problemas de poluição do meio ambiente relacionados com todos os tipos de atividade, não apenas os diretamente ligados com exploração de petróleo. Nós vimos uma notícia alertando-nos que, possivelmente, estava ocorrendo um vazamento de óleo na Bacia de Campos e nós começamos a procurar pelas imagens de satélite. Vimos duas imagens, tiradas dia 9 de novembro, de um vazamento em Campos e pesquisamos quem estava perfurando ali. Recolhemos informações do Governo brasileiro e identificamos que era uma sonda operada pela Transocean, perfurando um poço para a Chevron. A nacionalidade da companhia não nos interessa. A exploração de óleo e gás em águas profundas é um negócio global. As mesmas companhias que estão operando em águas estadunidenses estão operando ao redor do mundo. Chevron e Transocean têm, com certeza, muita atividade de perfuração nos EUA, mas também têm atividades de perfuração em bacias marítimas ao redor do mundo. A Petrobras, ao contrário, atingiu muitos marcos tecnológicos operando no Brasil, mas hoje também tem atividades nos EUA e Golfo do México. Essas companhias estão em toda parte. 2X) Logo após a divulgação das imagens e do cálculo que desmentia a versão oficial da Chevron sobre a quantidade de óleo que e
Ihering Alcoforado

Obama's Bank: Financing a Durable ... - Google Livros - 1 views

    Obama's Bank: Financing a Durable New Deal Michael B Likosky, Michael Likosky 0 Resenhas Cambridge University Press, 2010 - 288 páginas The Obama administration aims to lay a sound foundation for growth by investing in high-speed rail, clean energy, information technology, drinking water, and other vital infrastructures. The idea is to partner with the private sector to produce these public goods. An Obama government bank will direct these investments, making project decisions based on the merits of each project, not on politics. This approach has been a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy for several decades. In fact, our government-led reinvestment in America is modeled explicitly on international public banks and partnerships. However, although this foreign commercial policy is well-established with many successes, it has also been deservedly controversial and divisive. This book describes the international experience, drawing lessons on how the Obama Bank can forge partnerships to promote a durable twenty-first-century New Deal.
Ihering Alcoforado

Michael Likosky: An Infrastructure Bank: Reinvesting in America - 1 views

    On Labor Day, President Obama announced a National Infrastructure Bank to direct our reinvestment in American infrastructure. In doing so, he returned to Wisconsin, the site of a seminal campaign speech on the topic. This week I released a book on this proposal and public-private-partnerships (P3s) - Obama's Bank: Financing a Durable New Deal (Cambridge University Press). It explains how Obama's plan looks a lot like FDR's own two-phased recovery only a twenty-first century version - one which leverages private, state, and local money. In doing so, it reinforces the successful leveraging vehicles in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Build America Bonds, the broadband program, high speed rail, clean energy projects, etc. These vehicles repaired bridges like the San Francisco Bay Bridge, financed the extension of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit system, retrofitted houses, helped erect wind farms, and made key investments in state-of-the-art batteries. We are even using the stimulus act Non-AMT Private Activity bonds to add lanes to our airports and deepen our ports so that we can once again become an export-led economy. It is the part of the stimulus act that the media has largely ignored. We have heard little about the jobs that it has saved and created, the progressive projects it has financed, and how it will continue to keep Americans at work on road, bridge, power and school projects well past the close of this calendar year. Like these stimulus act programs, the Infrastructure Bank can relay the foundation of our economy through progressive long term projects that are synced up with a medium term business cycle - allowing firms to plan ahead, which is essential for retaining and creating good jobs. Investing in what will make America competitive, a job producer, a promoter of equal opportunity, and an ensurer of national security. On February 13, 2008, then-Senator Obama had first announced the Infrastructure Bank on the factory floor of the General
Ihering Alcoforado

Privatising development ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    Privatising development: transnational law, infrastructure and human rights Michael Likosky 0 Resenhas Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005 - 313 páginas This book looks at the shift since the 1980s away from state-financed and towards privatised international infrastructure projects. An interdisciplinary group of contributors look at the relationship between privatisation and human rights in diverse national settings and in multiple sectors of the economy. These issues are explored through international organisation frameworks and internal politics, legislative guides, contracts, and public-private organisations. The role of the World Bank, MIGA, export credit agencies, the UN Commission on International Trade Law, credit ratings agencies, international banks, TNCs, NUDs, community groups and state agencies are examined. « Menos
Ihering Alcoforado

Socially responsible investment law ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    Oxford University Press US, 2008 - 600 páginas Environmental harm is commonly associated with companies that extract, consume, and pollute our shared natural resources. Rarely are the 'unseen polluters,' the financiers that sponsor and profit from eco-damaging corporations, placed at the forefront of the environmental debate. By focusing on these unseen polluters, Benjamin Richardson provides a comprehensive examination of socially responsible investment (SRI), and offers a guide to possible reform. Richardson proposes that greater regulatory supervision of SRI will help ensure that the financial sector prioritizes ethically-based investments. In Socially Responsible Investment Law, he suggests that new governmental reforms should encourage companies to participate in socially responsible investments by providing a better mix of standards and incentives for SRI through measures that include redefining the fiduciary responsibilities of institutional investors to incorporate environmental concerns. By doing so, Richardson posits that corporate financiers, including banks, hedge funds, and pension plans, will become more accountable to the goals of ensuring sustainable development.
Ihering Alcoforado

Law, infrastructure, and human rights - Google Livros - 0 views

    Law, infrastructure, and human rights Michael Likosky 1 Resenha Cambridge University Press, 2006 - 230 páginas This book looks at privatized international infrastructure projects, law and human rights. It further distinguishes itself through its diverse and topical case studies, focusing on post-war Iraq, terrorism, indigenous rights, European Union expansion and
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