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Richard Boss

Alibaba plans to acquire Yahoo: Report - 1 views

    The CEO of Alibaba Group, Jack Ma is showing his interest to buy Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO), the company is the initial party to openly showing its interest in acquiring Yahoo, when he discussed regarding battling internet firm while debate at Stanford University.
Richard Boss

Yahoo pledges to secure all activities of its users - 0 views

    Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer said that the Internet Company is expanding its efforts to protect its users against online observation. It is expanding its efforts to secure its users' online activities from prying eyes by encrypting all the communications & information flowing into the internet company's data centers around the world.

What can Yahoo do with Tumblr ? - 0 views

    Inevitable, today a big news hit us: Yahoo bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion. Just one day before Microsoft's Xbox event, we have something to discuss about. When you first read the official announcement made by Marissa Mayer, you instantly feel something strange: "We promise not to screw it up". Oh, not again.
Richard Boss

Yahoo gets Xobni for over $60 Million - 0 views

    Latest acquisition by Yahoo is Xobni, an initial landscape that is fully dedicated to email management. It is just unveiled on the blog of the company. Foremost reports suggest that the buying was somewhere over $30 million but TechCrunch has knowledge that the sum agreed for the deal will be more than $60 million.
Richard Boss

Google plans to acquire Yahoo rumor says - 0 views

    Google, the world's largest search company now has expressed its interest to acquire Yahoo, the world's second largest search firm, report suggested.

New details of NSA spying continuing to emerge as Snowden releases more reports - 1 views

    Edward Snowden has continued to release reports on the NSA and related agencies. This time they have discussed the spying program's access to Google and Yahoo conversations, as well as plans to exploit the online sexual habits of Muslim academics they consider radical.

Where Are Search Engines Taking Us? - 1 views

    To search is to Google, to Google is to search. It's only taken 14 years for Google to become a verb as well as a brand.
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