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india art n design

India Art n Design: Block Printed Textiles - 0 views

    Getting nostalgic about the art of block printing, Dr. Alka Raghuvanshi uses technological windfall to elicit renewed respect for this almost-forgotten traditional craft... Click the link to read more>>
india art n design

India Art n Design It's Smart - Beam It! - 0 views

  • As a tech enthusiast and marketer, one often has to tackle a moot question: ‘Is this product a be-all for one or all-things-for-everyone?’ If the former, it means the product does a lot in a well-researched niche. If the latter, it’s a flop. Or, back to basics as in our Painware story. While the Beam in Samsung’s Galaxy seems to focus on a certain type of customer and need, does it face the hazards of line extension?
woollen wear

Stolen Computer - Seek Help From Prey Project In Nick Of Time - 0 views

    Technology has amazing wonders to offer and it remarkably helps in various avenues of the life when you need it the most. Moreover, simple solutions are always available for you and all you need is a knock on the door to access them.
woollen wear

Sweaters are lifeline during the winter season - 0 views

    Cutting edge technologies have completely changed the way people use to work, live and enjoy. Nowadays, you will find numerous of electric appliances to do your household because people have no time for their home because they are busy making millions to live a luxurious and comfy life.

St Patricks Day - 0 views


online womens clothing mens

started by anonymous on 15 Mar 17 no follow-up yet

St Patricks Day - 0 views


online womens clothing mens

started by anonymous on 15 Mar 17 no follow-up yet
india art n design

Most loved product of the year 2019! - 0 views

    Readers at IndiaArtnDesign have taken a liking to the tech-driven, upscale Nike Adapt BB shoes applauding them as the Most Loved Product of the year 2019.
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