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Kirsten L

larsenhour2 - India Pakistan 1 - 2 views

    • Kirsten L
      why do u.s., russia, england, france, and china have a nuclear club? and why did india get invited to be in it?
    • Faith J
      why would they need that?
    • Kirsten L
      why did we cancel sending loans to india? is it becasue they want to have nuclear bombs? well i think no one should have nuclear bombs at all!
Flock V

larsenhour2 - India Pakistan 2 - 1 views

  • India ignited two more nuclear explosions.
    • Flock V
      Where was this bomb tested?
    • Alexis N
      Who gave it to them? or how was it ignited?
    • Faith J
      was their any hurt?
    • Flock V
      The bomb was probably tested on a range or something like that.
  • Moreover, Japan and other industrial nations soon followed the U.S. example and froze on-going projects in India worth over a billion dollars in aid.

    • Flock V
      Is India a poor country and does the UN people help countries that is in the UN?
  • Pakistan Responds

    • Flock V
      Reading this paragraph makes me think that India and Pakistan could join together and bomb other countries.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • heard round the world
    • Flock V
      Was this really heard around the world?
  • What the Indian farmers did not realize, but the diplomats in Washington and around the world soon grasped, was the fact that India had just joined the United States, Russia, England, France and China as the newest member of the nuclear club
    • Alexis N
      Why are all these countreis joining the 'nucear club'? Doesnt it make other people scared?
  • United Nations Security Council, discussed ways to punish India as well as ways to prevent Pakistan from testing its own nuclear devices,
    • Alexis N
      How do they have the power to control and punish places?
    • Flock V
      I think that since many countries have signed a peace treaty around the world, they can get help from them and then easily punish India.
  • Pakistan’s main military weapons provider
    • Flock V
      Why help them when they are going to use it for bad "things?"
  • U.S. President Clinton
    • Flock V
      If Clinton was to be an Indian or Pakastani, he would not probably say the same.
Jack C

larsenhour2 - India Pakistan 3 - 1 views

  • The next day, as the world tried to absorb the frightening news, India ignited two more nuclear explosions.
    • Jordan C
      Why would they keep on testing nuclear bombs when they know that they cause so much destruction?
    • Alissa C
      i think its because its a poorer contry and they think they can get away with it
    • Jack C
      I think they just wnat to kill people.
    • Jordan C
      Also I was wondering where they are testing these nuclear bombs?
  • following India's lead, Pakistan had successfully exploded five "nuclear devices."
    • Jordan C
      Why would they follow India's lead? Are they scared that India might bomb them?
  • armers
    • Alissa C
      farmers? would'nt this effect their crops?
    • Jordan C
      It could but it depends where they test the nuclear bombs.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Even as ninety percent of Indians applauded
    • Alissa C
      why are they going along with this?
    • Jack C
      They are afrain of the prime minister
  • one million people dead in its wak
    • Alissa C
      wow, were doing this?
  • India now would have to build sufficient military power to protect itself from both Pakistan and China
    • Jordan C
      Why would Pakistan and China both going up against India?
  • between those who insist on expanded human rights in China
    • Alissa C
      so the rights can be changed in china but were not going to help out pakstand? is it because their muslium?
  • The United States was closely allied with Pakistan until end of Cold War.
    • Jordan C
      What happened with Pakistan and the United States after the Cold War?
  • China is now the major military supplier to Pakistan.
    • Jordan C
      How come China is mostly the supplier for Pakistan? Is it because they are closer to each other?
    • Faith J
      I think its because of the weapons and trade off in common.
  • China has nuclear-armed missiles positioned against India along the Himalayan border and in Tibet, in addition to being Pakistan’s main military weapons provider.
    • Jordan C
      So does this mean that China is going to help Pakistan because they want to take over India?
  • Russia is unable to provide economic or military aid to India.
    • Jordan C
      Why aren't they able to provide aid for India's needs?
  • On that warm May afternoon, Indian nuclear scientists successfully exploded three atomic devices amounting to about six times the destructive power of the American bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
    • Jack C
      how did they make the bombs so powerful?
    • Jordan C
      Doing researches, studies from other scientists, and testing nuclear bombs to see how much destruction they would make.
  • Despite the seeming suddenness of India's and Pakistan's decisions to test nuclear devices and in so doing seek to join the other five world nuclear nations, the headlines following the explosions "heard round the world," had a fifty-year history.

    • Jack C
      Why does India want nucler weapons?
Brandon B

larsenhour2 - India Pakistan 1 - 0 views

    • Corey S
    • Brandon B
      the only people that want india and pakistan to have warheads are China, india, and pakistan
    • Corey S
      yeah but they still is ni need for full out nuclear war
    • Brandon B
      Could you imagine bordering a country that has nuclear war heads? Imagine if Canada or Mexico had warheads?
    • Brianna T
      What would the U.S do in defence to that if they did?
    • Corey S
    • Brandon B
      I beleve the US would make them shut their nuclear warheads down.
    • Andrew J
    • Andrew J
      got it
    • Corey S
      WELL OF CORSE YOU HAVE TO GO NUCLEAR TOO they have them people that aprove of it and there is people who have but no choice to go full out nucear
    • Brandon B
      I Know what your saying but they dont have to start blowing nukes up in the desert to just tell the world they are a nuclear power.
    • Brianna T
      i agree with brandon, there are other options.
    • Chris L
      hi everybody
    • Corey S
      i know but they choose to do so and that leads to war
    • Andrew J
      to brandon b what do you mean by i nkow what your saying but they dont have to start blowing up nukes to just tell the world that they are a neclear power. please explain.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • United States (pop. about 268 million), 1,030 tests since 1944. Now has 12,070 nuclear warheads. Missiles with range of 8,100 miles can reach anywhere in the world. • Britain (pop. about 59.1 million), 45 tests since 1952. Has 380 warheads. Missiles have range of 7,500 miles. • France (pop. about 58.8 million), 21 tests since 1961, most recent tests 1995, 1996. Now has 500 warheads. Missile range 3,300 miles. • Russia (pop. about 146.9 million), 715 tests since 1945. Has 22,500 warheads. Missile range 6,800 miles. • China (pop. about 1 billion, 300 million), 45 tests since 1964. Has 450 warheads. Missile range 6,800 miles. Has nuclear armed missiles directed at Indian cities in Tibet and Himalayan border. • Israel (pop about 6 million), no tests, but has more than a hundred warheads. Missile range 930 miles. • India (pop. about 988.7 million), six tests since 1974. Has about 65 warheads. Missiles named Prithvi has range of 1,550 miles. Presently developing Agni missile similar to Pakistan Gauri missile. • Pakistan, (pop about 141.9 million), began nuclear program in 1972. Now has about 15-25 warheads. Missile range 930 miles. Has received technology and missiles from China
    • Brandon B
      Look at all the nuclear powers in the world. Russia may have the most but the US can reach anywhere in the world.
  • India did not undertake additional nuclear testing until May, 1998.
    • Brianna T
      why did they start testing again at this time?
    • Brandon B
      Read the sentence before this.
Skyler L

Best content in Larsen Hour 2 | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    • Skyler L
      what are we supose to do?
    • Flock V
      Long time ago. Woot FTW lol.
Kirsten L

larsenhour2 - Syria2 - 1 views

    • Zach H
      wow thats a lot
  • The Syrian government has said more than 1,100 members of the army, police and security services have been killed
    • Alissa C
      because of protests?
  • explosion set a gas pipeline on fire on Monday
    • Alissa C
      did someone do this on porpose?
  • ...15 more annotations...
    • Alissa C
      why would they kill eachother if they were trying to change the goverment?
  • our civilians were killed by tank fire on Sunni Muslim districts
    • Alissa C
      oh gosh
    • Kirsten L
      why are people so violent towards other people? is it really to hard not to WANT to hurt some one?
  • the second reported pipeline blast in the area in a week.
    • Brianna T
      How did the first one occur?
  • orces killed another 16 people elsewhere in Syria
    • Alissa C
      forces meaning the army?
  • "The fire lit the night sky,"
  • said a resident who gave his name as Abu Khalaf.
  • ate September of one of the first battles between army defectors and security forces.
    • Kirsten L
      that would be som what cool to watch one people would be fighting and the lights would make it look like a rave.... and raves are FUN!
  • horrifying they had heard in recent times and termed it scandalous that the council, paralyzed by opposition from Russia and China, had taken little action on Syria.
    • Alissa C
      what are we doing to help?
  • Monday was also the second day of the opposition's
  • but its success was hard to gauge in some cities where violence has kept many residents in their homes.
  • "Strike for Dignity,"
    • Kirsten L
      i wonder what that means? ...... like how do they understand in there way!
  • In Homs, activists said at least four civilians were killed by tank fire on Sunni Muslim districts,
  • said security forces killed another 16 people elsewhere in Syria
    • Kirsten L
      yet again that is SO scary... like who would want to live there... i mean it would be like suicidal.... becasue they keep killing people... for NO REASON!
  • Pillay's briefing was the most horrifying they had heard in recent times
Cristel J

larsenhour2 - Syria1 - 1 views

    • Jack C
      Why so many people in such a short time?
    • Brandon B
      because it sends a message
    • Jack C
      What message do you think it sends?
    • Brandon B
      a message that tells people that they are in control and not afraid of their countries laws
    • JP Pisha
      i agree with brandon
  • 1,000 higher than the one she announced just 10 days ago.
    • Jack C
      Large increce in ten days. That's 100 people killed a day!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • More than 5,000 people have been killed in nine months
    • Cristel J
      it is so sad how many people died in nine months
Zach H

larsenhour2 - Syria3 - 1 views

    • Zach H
      sad very sad
  • In Homs, activists said at least four civilians were killed by tank fire on Sunni Muslim districts, where the strike held and voting was largely boycotted.
    • Zach H
      wow inasint peeps dead in crossfire so sad
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The Syrian government has said more than 1,100 members of the army, police and security services have been killed.
    • Zach H
      sad so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
  • The latest figure reported to the U.N. Security Council by Navi Pillay is 1,000 higher than the one she announced just 10 days ago. The toll includes civilians, army defectors and those executed for refusing to shoot civilians, but not soldiers and other security personnel killed by opposition forces, she said.
    • Zach H
Zach H

My Library - 0 views

shared by Zach H on 16 Dec 11 - No Cached
    • Zach H
      wow thats a lot very sad
Skyler L

larsenhour2 - Syria1 - 2 views

  • More than 5,000 people have been killed in nine months of unrest in Syria
    • Jordan C
      Wow more than 5,000 people have died!
    • Jack C
      In less then a year!
    • Skyler L
      I wonder who they are killing and why?
  • "The fire lit the night sky," said a resident who gave his name as Abu Khalaf.
    • Jordan C
      If the explosion had light up the sky how many people died from the explosion?
  • executed for refusing to shoot civilians
    • Flock V
      Kill or be killed?
    • Jordan C
      This is a hard dicision to make. Which one should I pick kill or be killed?
    • Flock V
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • security forces killed another 16 people elsewhere in Syria
    • Jordan C
      Are these the rebels or are these the governments army?
    • Brandon B
      I believe that the rebels did this.
    • Jordan C
      But the only thing I dont get is why does it say Security Forces? I think it might be the goverments forces.
    • Jack C
      Why do you think it is rebels?
  • The Syrian government has said more than 1,100 members of the army, police and security services have been killed. A wave of largely peaceful protests against four decades of Assad family rule erupted in Syria in mid-March, inspired by popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya. A violent security crackdown failed to halt the unrest, which has turned bloodier in the last few months as defecting soldiers join armed civilians in fighting back in some areas
  • Despite the spiraling violence, the Syrian authorities held local elections on Monday as part of what they say is a reform process, but Assad's critics described the voting as irrelevant. Monday was also the second day of the opposition's "Strike for Dignity," but its success was hard to gauge in some cities where violence has kept many residents in their homes. Though the strike has found support in protest strongholds around the country, it has not taken hold in central parts of the capital Damascus or the business hub of Aleppo. TWENTY MORE DEAD In Homs, activists said at least four civilians were killed by tank fire on Sunni Muslim districts, where the strike held and voting was largely boycotted. The Local Coordination Committees, an activist organization, said security forces killed another 16 people elsewhere in Syria, including in villages around Homs and in the northwestern province of Idlib on the border with Turkey. Syria has barred most independent journalists, making it hard to assess conflicting accounts of events there. In New York, Western envoys on the Security Council said Pillay's briefing was the most horrifying they had heard in recent times and termed it scandalous that the council, paralyzed by opposition from Russia and China, had taken little action on Syria. Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said he too was troubled by Pillay's report but said outside intervention could lead to civil war and a far higher death toll. Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari said Pillay should never have appeared before the council for a session that was part of a "huge conspiracy concocted against Syria from the beginning." Assad's government portrays the municipal polls as part of a process leading to a parliamentary election next year and constitutional reform. But critics say local elections have little meaning in a country where power is highly centralized. Prime Minister Adel Safar urged voters to "stand together to save our country from the conspiracies against us" and SANA said Syrians had flocked to the polls in 9,849 voting centers. Assad has said reforms cannot be rushed in Baathist-ruled Syria, which is a close ally of Iran, a key player in nearby Lebanon and supporter of militant anti-Israel groups. Some of his opponents see civil disobedience such as the strike action as preferable to armed confrontation. "The cost will be more human lives I am afraid. But it is less costly than an armed uprising and the regime dragging the country into a Libya-type scenario," said Rima Fleihan, a member of the foreign-based opposition Syrian National Council.
  • The explosion occurred near the restive town of Rastan, the scene in late September of one of the first battles between army defectors and security forces. The insurgents have since opted for hit-and-run attacks on patrols and security compound
  • One flashpoint region is the central province of Homs, where an explosion set a gas pipeline on fire on Monday, the second reported pipeline blast in the area in a week.
    • JP Pisha
      i think this is wrong
    • Brandon B
      Of course you do it isnt right to go around town with guns in your hands and shooting everything you see!
    • Jordan C
      Brandon what you said reminds me of the book A Long Way Gone because thats what the rebels did to the innocent civillians.
  • Dec. 12, 2011(Reuters) -
    • JP Pisha
      why do they do this?
    • Jack C
      For power and control.
  • "stand together to save our country from the conspiracies against us"
    • Jordan C
      This might be a nice quote to remeber.
    • Skyler L
    • Jack C
      Why so many people in such a short time?
  • 1,000 higher than the one she announced just 10 days ago.
    • Jack C
      Ia any one eles suprised that 100 people were killed each day?
  • rted to th
  • Security Council by
  • insurgency begins to overshadow what had been mostly peaceful protests against President Bashar al-Assad.
  • the U.N. human rights chief said, as an
  • Navi Pillay is
  • The latest figure repo
  • civilians, army defectors and those
  • she said.
  • but not soldiers and other security personnel killed by opposition force
  • The toll includes
  • had taken little action on Syria. Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said he too was troubled by Pillay's report but said outside intervention could lead to civil war and a far higher death toll.
  • Syria has barred most independent journalists, making it hard to assess conflicting accounts of events there. In New York, Western envoys on the Security Council said Pillay's briefing was the most horrifying they had heard in recent times and termed it scandalous that the council, paralyzed by opposition from Russia and
  • including in villages around Homs and in the northwestern province of Idlib on the border with
  • Despite the spiraling violence, the Syrian authorities held local elections on Monday as part of what they say is a reform process, but Assad's critics described the voting as irrelevant. Monday was also the second day of the opposition's "Strike for Dignity," but its success was hard to gauge in some cities where violence has kept many residents in their homes. Though the strike has found support in protest strongholds around the country, it has not taken hold in central parts of the capital Damascus or the business hub of Aleppo. TWENTY MORE DEAD In Homs, activists said at least four civilians were killed by tank fire on Sunni Muslim districts, where the strike held and voting was largely boycotted. The Local Coordination Committees, an activist organization, said
  • e U.N.
  • Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari said Pillay should never have appeared before the council for a session that was part of a "huge conspiracy concocted against Syria from the beginning." Assad's government portrays the municipal polls as part of a process leading to a parliamentary election next year and constitutional reform. But critics say local elections have little meaning in a country where power is highly centralized. Prime Minister Adel Safar urged voters to
  • and SANA said Syrians had flocked to the polls in 9,849 voting centers. Assad has said reforms cannot be rushed in Baathist-ruled Syria, which is a close ally of
  • a key player in nearby Lebanon and supporter of militant anti-Israel groups. Some of his opponents see civil disobedience such as the strike action as preferable to armed confrontation. "The cost will be more human lives I am afraid. But it is less costly than an armed uprising and the regime dragging the country into a Libya-type scenario," said Rima Fleihan, a member of the foreign-based opposition Syrian National Council.
  • Syria death toll now exceeds 5,000: U.N. rights chief
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    • Jordan C
      This article reminds me of the book A Long Way Gone.
    • Jack C
      Hi everybody.
    • Alexis V
      what is this article about? a war?
    • Alexis V
      Who is killing the protesters?
    • Alexis V
      this remends me of the book the long way gone. In the book, the main charchter was living through the times where the rebles were trying to rise against there goverenment. It is kind of like the same thing riseing again. is this going to turn into a nother big war? or is it just going to be teperary? (sorry about spelling
    • Alexis V
      Why are so many people being killed so fast
    • Jordan C
      Is this a war against the government or against the people? Why are they fighting anyway? Is this really worth for killing thousands and thoudsands of people?
    • Skyler L
      I wonder if the U.S. will step in ever
Skyler L

Tunisia | - 1 views

shared by Skyler L on 14 Dec 11 - No Cached
    • Skyler L
      This guy has the weirdest face ever!
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