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One World Rental

iPad Rentals for Event, Bulk iPad for conferences in London - 0 views

    Hire an ipad rental in London today! iPad minicomputers offer many advantages in critical situations, but they are rarely needed. Therefore it is advisable for certain situations simply a hire iPad in London.
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: iPad Apps for English Language Teachers - 3 views

    Well like a lot of people I've bought an iPad over the summer and I've been having my first taste of shopping for apps to extend the capabilities of the iPad. I've also been having a look at how some of these can be used for language learning, so I thought I would share with you a little bit of information about the first few apps I've tried.
eric paul

Cours d'Espagnol Gratuit en ligne iPad - 0 views

    utiliser votre ordinateur ou votre iPad pour ces cours gratuits d'espagnol en ligne
eric paul

Greetings in French :: works on iPad too - 0 views

    new pages to learn French in HTML5, so it works on iPad
eric paul

eBook for Ipad: Basic French Grammar - 0 views

    new eBook for iPad with audio and videos files, exercises to revise each lesson:
Yuly Asencion

Wunderbar! Blippit the pop-up app maker for children in MFL | Blippit - The pop-up app ... - 5 views

    Joe Dale's IATFL presentation on the use of iPads in MFL
One World Rental

When and how you should go for IT rentals - 0 views

    Before going for MacBook pro rental to find the devices you need to make the presentation of your company or to go to an event, it is necessary to take into account certain considerations to know exactly what devices to rent.
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