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Form+ - Create easy forms; easily - 6 views

    enables file upload capability within google forms!
Zarembah Bah

English Grammar: The Passive Voice - 0 views

    Passive Voice: grammar rules, explanations and examples. The Formation of the Passive Voice. Structural Patterns of Passive Sentences. Passive verb-forms. By-phrases. Passive: verbs with two objects. Verbs which cannot be used in the passive
yc c

verb2verbe - Learn the French language: French verb conjugation. Tests to learn French ... - 3 views

    Enter French or English verbs in any form of conjugation.  

Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Gallery View - 0 views

    684 front pages from 66 countries. The Newseum displays these daily newspaper front pages in their original, unedited form
Elizabeth Collingwood

Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment - 0 views

    Removes ads and lets you view articles in simple paragraph form while retaining the formatting, Even lets you choose font style and size. Has improved my online reading experience a gazillion percent (maybe even 2 gazillion).
yc c

jeKai Home Page - 3 views

shared by yc c on 25 Nov 09 - Cached
    a group of volunteers throughout the world began creating an open, free, online Japanese-English dictionary. The form and content of the dictionary are decided by the participants in the project. Among its features are the following: * Definitions that explain the meaning of words as completely as possible * As many examples as possible of each word in real contexts * Photographs and other illustrations, especially for entries about uniquely Japanese things * No restrictions on the type or range of vocabulary * No restrictions on the length of entries The dictionary has been named jeKai (je海), pronounced "jay-kai" or ジェーカイ.
Beth Worthy

Transcription Services - A Free Beginner's Guide [Infographic] - 0 views


started by Beth Worthy on 03 Nov 15 no follow-up yet
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