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Learning analytics biblio - 9 views

    This is a fairly broad biblio of learning analytics related literature. We should likely take the LAK11 and LAK12 conference submissions and mine the citations to get a sense of how people are defining the analytics space.
Dana West

Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining - 5 views

    Comparing learning analytics with EDM
Dana West

Measuring Effectiveness With Learning Analytics - 8 views

    CLO magazine, 2005, written by Chris Moore, Zeroed-In Technologies, post-THINQ and TrainingServer. Defines learning analytics as "... the study of the impact of learning on its learners." This is an industry take on the term/practice, which focuses on learning effectiveness and operational excellence. Current solutions include visual dashboards for managing talent and measuring education initiatives/including 'strategic/tactical scorecards'. Saying all the right things to HR/VPs ...

IBM Looks To Start-Ups For Help With Analytics Revolution - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ - 4 views

    The opportunity that IBM is chasing-analytics that power everything-is much bigger than the Internet boom of the last decade. "This will be the largest business opportunity IBM has ever had. It will dwarf ERP, back office, anything," Corgel said.

Thanks to consumerization, it's IPO season in analytics - Cloud Computing News - 1 views

    IPO season in analytics
Thieme Hennis

Grades 2.0: How Learning Analytics Are Changing The Teacher's Role | Edudemic - 4 views

    good short article that introduces the concept of learning analytics
Dana West

IBM's new CEO sees gold in data mining | Marketplace from American Public Media - 2 views

    One word? Analytics.

Knewton Prepares To Take Education by Storm [TCTV] | TechCrunch - 7 views

    Take the 5 min needed to watch this video - Knewton is the most innovative company in the learning analytics space...
Dana West

Data Data Everywhere and Not a Drop of Value - 6 views

    "Here's the thing. Data, big, medium or small, has no value in and of itself. The value of data is unlocked through context and presentation." And others will argue for 'actionable' data. Data beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A VC's take on analytics.
Dana West

Are There Enough Data Scientists to Go Around? - 2 views

    "Data science is not your father's BI..." and "data scientists are the rock stars of the future" ... Another plug for a career in analytics.


    city analytics

NMC Horizon Report > 2012 Higher Ed Edition | The New Media Consortium - 1 views

    New! NMC Horizon Report > 2012 Higher Ed Edition. Learning analytics is on the 2nd Horizon, in two or three years...

What is big data? - O'Reilly Radar - 9 views

    good article for our opening week on trends and factors driving analytics

Wisdom - A Social Intelligence App for Facebook - 9 views

shared by gsiemens on 25 Jan 12 - No Cached
    example of user-focused analytics tools, built on existing SN systems such as FB/Twitter
Dana West

Oscar Senti-meter - 2 views

    Analytics meets the Academy Awards...The "People's Oscar" tool co-developed by the L.A. Times, IBM and the University of Southern California Annenberg Innovation Lab analyzes Twitter opinions about who's going to win Academy Awards. An 'entertaining' example of how semantic analysis is performed on large set of unstructured data/tweets.
Dana West

Personalization And Analytics: The Future Of Education? - 6 views

    Alliances...Knewton, adaptive learning, and Pearson, textbook content, team up. Why? "We want to power everyone's content," says Ferreira, CEO, Knewton.
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