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Find Job Opportunities in India: Jobs in France - 0 views

    although francesunemployment hits record high this year with3.22 millionpeople out of work some sectors such as aerospace - are stillfaringwell. france is the largest civil and military aerospace market

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"Il est grand temps qu'il se rende compte que c'est lui le président, ce n'est plus moi", a lancé Nicolas Sarkozy. L'ancien président a dit n'avoir absolument "pas peur" de la demi-douzaine d'affai...

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started by masquebf on 22 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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LA VISITE de Jacques Chirac en Inde s'est achevée hier par la signature d'une dizaine d'accords, qui témoignent de la volonté de la France de renforcer ses relations avec la deuxième puissance émer...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 12 May 14 no follow-up yet
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Ce dernier, dirigé par le conservateur Mariano Rajoy, considère qu'un tel référendum d'autodétermination serait illégal.La Cour constitutionnelle pourrait avoir besoin de plusieurs mois, voire plus...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 30 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

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- Bombes à fragmentation ? - L'Arabie saoudite fait l'objet de critiques croissantes pour la campagne militaire qu'elle mène depuis plus de cinq semaines au Yémen avec huit autres pays arabes, majo...

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started by masquebf on 13 May 15 no follow-up yet


    The act of shaving, regardless of the tools involved, has been around for so many years. In another word, A man who considers daily shaving as a sign of civility. They always shaving before they go to work or outside. That's one important step and manner when you meet others. Therefore, almost each man own one or two electric shavers. That's why electric shavers are popular on men's gift lists.
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Trois sources au sein de la police et des services de renseignement, qui ont requis l'anonymat, ont avancé un bilan d'au moins 20 morts.Moins de 24 heures avant cette attaque, un attentat au camion...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 08 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Mike Wesch

Boxxy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy. Please share your thoughts on the matter at this article's entry on the Articles for deletion page. Feel free to edit the article, but the article must not be blanked, and this notice must not be removed, until the discussion is closed.
  • Boxxy (also known by the YouTube handle boxxybabee) is an internet meme created by a series of YouTube videos of an American girl referring to herself as Boxxy which became highly popular during January 2009.[1] Her videos have been the subject of much speculation over the reasons behind their making, given their nonsensical and hyperactive nature.[2] Topics covered in Boxxy's most famous video include her assertion that she is not on drugs, her eyeliner, two males named Steve and Brandon, a film about The Beatles, her supposed husband, and her awareness of her digression during the video.[3]
  • The girl known as Boxxy was a user of Gaia Online and had only uploaded three videos in total to YouTube, all in the first week of January, 2009.[when?][4] Within a week, her videos had gained over a million views, reaching two million by January 20.[4] Her YouTube channel was also the most subscribed to during January 2009.[1] On 4chan, the videos caused a great amount of strife when posts related to them became excessive on the site's /b/ imageboard, eventually leading to a DDOS attack against 4chan because of Boxxy,[5] described as a "civil war" on one of the world's biggest websites.[1] Her YouTube account was hacked, and threats of releasing her name and other personal information to the public if she made any more videos were made by the individuals who hacked into her account[who?].[2]
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Boxxy has divided opinion on 4chan, between those who greatly like and those who greatly dislike her, and this was the cause of the DDOS attack, with attitudes ranging from love to hate.[1][2] A large number of parodies, spoofs and spinoffs relating to Boxxy were also created by YouTube users during the period of Boxxy's fame.[2] Boxxy also led to notable speculation and reflection over the very nature of internet memes, why they occur, why they exist, and how they will be seen in the future, especially given the fact that they make their subjects famous for being famous.[1][6] The "Boxxy" internet meme has been compared to rickrolling[1] by The Guardian technology correspondent Bobbie Johnson.
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The Anit-Masquerade Movement - 0 views

  • Like most functions which break barriers of class, gender, and ethnicity by challenging social norms, the eighteenth-century masquerade had strong and vocal opponents.
  • "Middle-class moralist" such as Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson and Eliza Haywood also aligned themselves with the anti-masquerade movement.
  • through their fictional writing and artistic expression [3]
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Masked parties were only occasionally broken up by civil authorities
  • . The Weekly Journal
  • as a gathering of "Chamber-Maids, Cook-Maids, Foot-Men, and Apprentices" [5]
  • it was more likely that the event had been hosted by those of the working class rather than by the more prominent people in England's "fashionable society."
  • . Many opponents of the masquerade looked to the foreign influence of other European nations such as Italy and France and the Orient as the diabolical source of the "cultural epidemic" which they believed was invading both the morality and the national pride of England [7].
  • "foreign Diversion" was a conspiracy on the part of foreign nations to neutralize the beauty of English women by forcing them to "hide their charms with a mask" [10].
  • Weekly Journal another writer
  • "conspiracy theories"
  • equated attending the masquerade with the sexual act itself,
  • female attendance at the masquerade was viewed as a heinous, criminal offence, though not condoned, male attendance was more or less tolerated by the critics of the masked balls.
  • claimed that the tragedy of the Lisbon earthquake occurred as a result of the sin and corruption that had been infecting not only English culture but also the culture of the world for many years.
  • As a result of these public outcries, the masquerades were forbidden to take place throughout the following year [15].
  • In her comprehensive study on the eighteenth-century English masquerade, Masquerade and Civilization, Terry Castle explains that the discourse of the anti-masquerade movement which exposed the masquerade as "a threat to bourgeois decorum and national taxonomies" could actually help explain the cultural implications of the decline of the masquerade.
Hilary Dees Maps and Civilization: Cartography in Culture and Society, Third Edition (9... - 3 views

    How are maps different across cultures? Is there a correlation on the type of map, viewpoint, material etc that has allowed for success and failure among different peoples?
descendants1 descendants1

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L'argument américain est de mettre l'accent sur la nature d'un régime qui soutient des groupes terroristes ou extrémistes tels que le Hezbollah au Liban, le Hamas en Palestine, ou certaines milices...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 30 May 14 no follow-up yet

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Une guerre froide sans doute. Car les probabilités sont faibles de voir le mouvement chiite, déja plongé au coeur d'une tourmente politique grave après la démission des six ministres pro-syriens, t...

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started by qfqxbyf1 on 06 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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Deux Malgaches sur trois vivent toujours sous le seuil de pauvreté et le pays, en dépit d'un potentiel effarant, végète encore parmi les plus pauvres du monde. James Bond, directeur de la Banque mo...

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started by stlwdwl1 on 08 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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Deux Malgaches sur trois vivent toujours sous le seuil de pauvreté et le pays, en dépit d'un potentiel effarant, végète encore parmi les plus pauvres du monde. James Bond, directeur de la Banque mo...

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started by masquebf4 on 08 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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Ainsi, entre la gauche et une société civile en mal de promotion et d'autonomie, le fossé culturel est-il devenu total. L'effort de Ségolène Royal pour combler ce fossé, en étayant sur la spécifici...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 09 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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J'appelle les habitants de Gaza à quitter immédiatement tout site utilisé par le Hamas pour mener ses activités terroristes. Chacun de ces lieux est une cible pour nous", a déclaré Benjamin Netanya...

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started by masquebf1 on 26 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
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Le Kremlin, chaud par l'aventure ukrainienne, s'tait gard de se mler des dbats internes. Le matre de la vieille forteresse russe a cependant apprci, en connaisseur, la faon dont Ilham Aliev s'est s...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 05 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

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La rame en cause, de fabrication espagnole, serait l'une des plus récentes mises en circulation. Le centre de la capitale a été paralysé toute la matinée par un énorme embouteillage. ESCALADE de la...

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started by masquebf4 on 11 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

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J'ai beaucoup appris depuis 1989», date à laquelle l'Autriche, après l'Allemagne, avait émis un mandat d'arrêt contre lui.Profil bas face aux jugesA cette époque, David Irving niait l'existence des...

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started by masquebf2 on 02 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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