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Ron Wattonville

Always Awake Sharing Equally What There Is & What Is There Now - 1 views

    Sharing site for friends of Ron wattonville. aka AlwaysAwake, AlwaysAwakePR, and on MySpace, Bocamagica, and rwattonville
    Personal website for sharing by friend from Krishnamurti Dialogs
Ron Wattonville

Brightkite Universe - - 0 views

    New free internet site to record your current location, post photos for friends, and they can do the same for you, using you phone or the site.
    Free way to let friends know where you are, and they you.
Ron Wattonville

Keeping Secrets: In Presidential Memo, A New Designation for Classifying Information - ... - 0 views

    We are as sick as our secrets. Why the need ?
    We are as sick as our secrets. Why the need for so much secrecy ? Now it is out in the open, that even the insiders do not trust each other. This deliberately vague memo has a clear message: BE AFRAID; BE VERY AFRAID !!! If we even think you are a problem, or might be, you will receive unwelcome visitors, and consequences.
Ron Wattonville

Food Crisis A Conspiracy? - 0 views

    NWO greed is the source of the engineered, artificially created famine and starvation racing around the globe, and arriving NOW at our doorstep. Only a concerted confrontation of ALL our elected officials at once, will stem the tide of extermination knocking on our door.
    Greed is the source of the engineered, artifically created , but very real famine and starvation now cicling the globe, and arriving on our doorstep.
Ron Wattonville

The Truth Will Set You Free: The Fed: One Ring to Rule Them All - 0 views

    There will be nothing but misery for the USA, and the world for as long as The Fed is allowed to issue currency.
    The Fed must be banished from Government, and the right to issue currency.
Ron Wattonville

AA World Services policy on litigation 1999 - 0 views

    AAWS, Inc. is a publishing business with "legal" intellectual, not "spiritual" property, creating a religion called "The 12 Step Program", and a mythical personality cult about the author of their books, Bill Wilson.
    AAWS, Inc. is a publishing busines
Ron Wattonville


    Facts, names, dates, places, all verifiable for anyone interested in Truth.
    Complete details with names, dates, places, all verifiable about The Federal Reserve System hijacking of the US Treasury, still bleeding the nation and our people, as well as others around the world. A corrupting economic virus to be elimated at once.
Ron Wattonville

What was discussed at a closed session of the U.S. House of Representatives? . - 0 views

    US Congress closed door session predicts complete economic collapse by Sept. thir year, and civil war in the US by Feb. of next year.
    US House of Repressentatives awakening to reality
Ron Wattonville

Cash-Rich, Publicity-Shy, Abu Dhabi Fund Draws Scrutiny - New York Times - 0 views

    Is this, and other Sovereign Wealth funds threatening US Political power, and the economic loan power of private banking cartels like The Federal Reserve System hiding in the US Government, one of the main reasons for The War on Iran leading to World War III ? Without debt, the banking cartels lack even their usual flimsy basis for issuing worthless fiat paper currency.
    The new political and economic corruptors threatening the old corruptors: private banking cartels like The Federal Reserve System hiding in the US Government, The Bank of England,The Rothschild Bank, and BSI/Switzerland.
Ron Wattonville

31 Questions and Answers about the IRS, Revision 3.4 - 0 views

    The IRS is NOT within The US Treasury Dept. It is a collection agency for foreign banks based in Puerto Rico (Sec. Manuel Diaz-Saldana). No Act of Congress or Executive Order exists authorizing the IRS. More..............
    The IRS is NOT within the US Treasury Dept. It is a collection agency for foreign banks based in Puerto Rico (Sec. Manuel Diaz-Saldana). No Act of Congress or Executive Order exists authorizing the IRS. More.......
Ron Wattonville

Digg - The Definitive YouTube Resource List - 0 views

    12 resources to help make it fun.
    Want to make a YouTube Video and upload ?
Ron Wattonville

t r u t h o u t | The Bushes and Hitler's Appeasement - 0 views

    Starting with Prescott Bush, Dubya's grandfather, the Bush family connections to the Nazis and The Western World Corporate/Banking Cartel, aka The New World Order announced by Pres.Geo.H.W.Bush, currently orchestrating a campaign of world=wide starvation; economic collapse; and World War III, to begin with attack upon Iran. All this to satisfy their greed, and ambition for completee control and domination.
    NEVER trust those adopting the idea, role, and mantle of Authority. they are ALWAYS aggressive, greedy, and violent. They will do ANYTHING to accomplish their ambition for control and domination.
Ron Wattonville

"Spin" by Brian Springer Brasscheck TV Video - 0 views

    You'll never look at TV the same way ever again. It's all "Spin".
    You'll never look at TV the same way ever again. It's all "Spin"
Ron Wattonville

Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram - 0 views

    J.Krishnamurti became a student here
Ron Wattonville

New Spy Software Coming On-Line: "Surveillance in a Box" Makes its Debut - 0 views

    Doesn't such technology in the hands of your government leaders and authorities make you feel really safe and secure from the big bad teerrorists.............or, maybe not !! We now can bend way over, put our heads between our lrgs, and kiss our tushes Goodbye; Adios; Adieu; TaTa
    Frredom is dead
Ron Wattonville

Lesser Known Mac Freeware - 10 Apps and Utilities | MacMembrane - 0 views

    Apple Mac desirable and reliable freeware
    MacMembrane a valuable resource for downloads, info, and tips
Ron Wattonville

New Bigger Wave of Good Credit Homeowner Loan Defaults & Foreclosures - - 0 views

    The fast-moving new huge wave of defaults and foreclosures among US homeowners with good credit, threatens to add $12 Trillion to working class taxpayer public debt now standing near $10 Trillion. Ben Bernanke, Chmn. of the private central banking cartel monopoly, The Federal Reserve Bank-Internal Revenue Service, now has an open pipeline to The US Treasury, approved by a corrupt Congress, and Pres. Bush. Digg erased my posting of this story, and has banned me from further postings. Internet Freedom is dying now too
    Trusting those adopting the idea, role, and mantle of Authority, without meaningful accountability, is a formula for self-imposed disaster.
Ron Wattonville

ABC News: Day of Reckoning? Super Rich Tax Cheats Outed - 0 views

    Lichtenstein sociopath Dictator Prince Hans-Adam II, is head of their Central Bank, and the last ruling Hapsburg in Europe. The same Hapsburgs, who, along with The Rothschilds are credited with, and glorified for "saving" The World for generations on the website "Clinton Democrats" at www.Together4us. The site is paid for by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of arch-criminal Sir Evelyn Rothschild, former head of NM Rothschild, both rabid Hillary Clinton supporters. Sir Evelyn is a frequent visitor with Queen Elizabeth II Windsor-Saxe-Coburg-Witten, and now keeps his fortune in a holding company Paris Orleans, along with Eric de Rothschild, and David Rene de Rothschild, head of Rothschilds bank in Paris, France. Worth $500+ Trillion in Gold.
    The idea of Authority marches on.
Ron Wattonville

Aaron Russo's America: Freedom To Fascism Video - 0 views

    The idea of Authority carried to the Maximum
    The most important video we have yet ever seen. If this doesn't wake us up, and spur us to action, nothing ever will. please forwardd this video to all you know, and distribute it to every public forum available.Every person on the planet needs to see this one.
Ron Wattonville


    Freedom threatened on the Internet.
    Know the enemy. Headed by Lynn forester, wife of Terrorist Supreme Sir Evelyn Rothschilds, check out how First Mark Communications is swallowing up all the broadband wireless businesses and platforms to dominate and control the Internet
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