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Aimee Maron

Making the Case for KM | - 2 views

    This KM toolkit helps to define in a straightforward way why KM is important, as well as ways to operationalize KM initiatives and even ways to monitor and measure KM strategies.
Vahid Masrour

Stratégie open source pour le knowledge management chez KLM - 1 views

    gestion documentaire = KM ???? WTH??
Stephen Dale

Anecdote: Focussing your knowledge strategy - 0 views

    During the 1st journey of knowledge strategy development we encourage the leadership team to identify a 3 or 4 of the areas on the list here to focus on as part of the project. These then guide the 2nd journey and the first 12 months of the 3rd journey.
Stephen Dale

Anecdote: Three-dozen knowledge sharing barriers - 0 views

    The list is worth having as a ready reference to remind you of things to consider when you are crafting a knowledge strategy. He divides the barriers into three categories: individual, organisational and technological.
Peter J. Bury

Knowledge Connections Website (David Skyrme Associates) - 0 views

    "The place to gain insights into the networked knowledge economy and help in creating successful knowledge management and Internet commerce strategies. "
Vahid Masrour

Knowledge Management Process - Simplicable - 0 views

    looks real interesting!
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