A Wounded Lover of Writing Prompts | Edutopia - 0 views
Not all prompts are created equal Alas, all four prompts from the list above were teacher generated one-shot exercises, culminating in disposable texts. I'm losing faith in clever prompts that culminate in clever, but what I suspect is, for students, ultimately forgettable writing.
Introducing the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards - 0 views
In this series of three posts, we aim to provide an overview of the ELA Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS) to inform educators, parents, and community members about basic concepts and implementation. In this first post, we will introduce the ELA CCSS and provide context to those who are new to the standards. In the second post, we will go into further detail on the key features of the ELA CCSS and discuss the opportunities that they provide. In the third post, we will take a look at how various states are starting to implement the standards.
For grades 6-12, the focus also includes Literacy in History/Social Studies and Literacy in Science and Technical subjects.
Technology is integrated throughout the CCSS rather than positioned in a stand-alone section.
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In this series of three posts, we aim to provide an overview of the ELA Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS) to inform educators, parents, and community members about basic concepts and implementation. In this first post, we will introduce the ELA CCSS and provide context to those who are new to the standards. In the second post, we will go into further detail on the key features of the ELA CCSS and discuss the opportunities that they provide. In the third post, we will take a look at how various states are starting to implement the standards.
Introducing the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards - 0 views
In this series of three posts, we aim to provide an overview of the ELA Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS) to inform educators, parents, and community members about basic concepts and implementation. In this first post, we will introduce the ELA CCSS and provide context to those who are new to the standards. In the second post, we will go into further detail on the key features of the ELA CCSS and discuss the opportunities that they provide. In the third post, we will take a look at how various states are starting to implement the standards.
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