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Terry Elliott

Talking Tonight on Teachers Teaching Teachers - 2 views

  • our research essay/multimedia project
    • Terry Elliott
      What prompted you to start with these projects? did they arise from your interests? students interests?
Terry Elliott

How We Used Technology for Writing This Year - 2 views

  • We used Gamestar Mechanic, and we worked to connect the design process with a writing process, and how story narrative can be the backbone of a good video game. Plus, we made a lot of connections to our science curriculum with the game design project. I sort of took a chance on the idea this year, and it paid off.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      A very interesting discussion with Kevin Kelly about his new graphic novel (NSFKids) Silver Cord. In the podcast he talks about all the collaborative workflow of getting all hands on deck. there is an especially interesting patch where he talks about how doing a graphic novel is like building a building--structure first then the skin. Very revealing stuff and good for kids to hear how adults are just making some of it up as they go along.
  • The first days of school, they were on Photostory 3, working on creating digital story dream scenes . I returned to the collection the other day, just to remember how I remember them from the start of the year now that they are moving on and out of our elementary school. The combination of visual representation, setting forth aspirations, and using digital tools to tell a story is a fantastic way to begin the year in our class.
    • Terry Elliott
      We forget how hellpful digital writing is for reflection. At least I do. This is a great idea to have a digital project early on to not only set the tone but to use as a historical benchmark to compare at the end.
  • the National Day on Writing
    • Terry Elliott
      Having a focus for using tech tools is inspired and essential. Gives them an authentic weight.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The podcasting element (in which we used the Cinch app on our iPods)
    • Terry Elliott
      I have been using ipadio as well for years in my own attempt to'annotate' the world.
  • The webcomic space then became a place we returned to from time to time, but not often enough. Mostly, it became an extension activity zone for some of my students who needed something a little different.
    • Terry Elliott
      I utterly agree with you about the necessity of this space--webcomix. I think you could use a lot of new data visualiztion tools out there if you wanted to get away from Glogster or if you wanted to do something like Glogster-->Prezi-->
Terry Elliott

Gweek - Boing Boing - 1 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 28 Jun 12 - No Cached
    A very interesting discussion with Kevin Kelly about his new graphic novel (NSFKids) Silver Cord. In the podcast he talks about all the collaborative workflow of getting all hands on deck. there is an especially interesting patch where he talks about how doing a graphic novel is like building a building--structure first then the skin. Very revealing stuff and good for kids to hear how adults are just making some of it up as they go along.
Terry Elliott

Vialogues : Mashup of VideoGame and Video Essay. - 1 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 28 Jun 12 - No Cached
    Here is a vialogue on Nicole's mashup on vegetarianism. A different way of commenting
Terry Elliott

Sharing Student Work: Vegetarianism Essay and Remix Video - 1 views

    • Terry Elliott
      I would really love it if this student was encouraged to follow up on her work, to do more and to find mentors (animators, gamers)
Terry Elliott

Sharing Student Work: Discarded Electronics Essay and Video Game - 1 views

    • Terry Elliott
      Another question you might ask yourself: is there a way to design stuff so that it is less toxic and more easily recycled when it reaches the end of its useful life? I am so happy to know that you are thinking about this problem now. You may very well might be the one to solve this thorny problem.
Terry Elliott

Student Work: Rainforest Essay and Glogster Digital Poster - 1 views

    • Terry Elliott
      Zoom out is cool and appropriate. So green. It is overpowering green. I like it.
Terry Elliott

Teachers Teaching Teachers Studio | EdTechTalk - 0 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 28 Jun 12 - No Cached
    Etherpad and chat for Kevin Hodgson's TTT talk, June 28, 2012
Terry Elliott

online life: text, images, music, video | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool f... - 0 views

    This one would not be a far step from a prezi presentation. In fact, did anyone 'graduate' to prezi as a presentation tool? do you scaffold the tools, i.e. do you work in paper first, then digitally, then to more complex digital tools?
Terry Elliott

Digital Life: text, images, music, video | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool ... - 0 views

    Like the footprint graphics and the interesting advice to not make your avatar older than you are.
Terry Elliott

Digital Life: text, images, music, video | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool ... - 0 views

    I see an emerging comic sense here. Did students look to comix as a source of inspiration? Did you introduce them to Scott McCloud?
Terry Elliott

Teachers College Press - 0 views

  • Teaching the New Writing
Terry Elliott

Search Results - 0 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 27 Jun 12 - No Cached
    I was disappointed to discover that Teaching the New Writing was not in Findings anywhere. I am tempted to begin reading it on my Kindle and start highlighting and annotating.
Terry Elliott

Twitter - 0 views

    Kevn's NWP list on Twitter
Terry Elliott

Twitter - 0 views

    Kevin's Twitter site
Terry Elliott

P2PU | Making Writing and Literacy Learning Connections - 0 views

    I love to read different literature especially classical.
    Writing text has always been problematic for me. I put in a lot of effort, but the text was practically unreadable. Therefore, I went to the website and turned for help for writing my assignments. Thanks to the additional resources involved, I did well in all subjects. And I didn't have to worry about making any mistakes.
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