Obama's site inviting participation - 0 views
Peggy George on 07 Nov 08I really like this web site which models web 2.0 communication inviting participation throughout the site on issues, stories, etc. while providing helpful information. Check it out. It also provides a link to a Presidential Transition Directory. The Transition Directory was developed to introduce Presidential nominees, appointees, and members of the President-elect's Transition Team to the operation of the Federal government and to the resources available to help them begin their service in the new Administration. Very helpful organizational chart and other information for students learning about government.
Peggy George on 07 Nov 08Up to date announcedments and information about Barack Obama. He invites people to share their inspiring stories from the campaign and election day. Every page invites people to provide feedback on his agenda for the presidency. Excellent model for web 2.0 and a tool for communication.