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NCTE Inbox Blog: Wordle and the Inauguration - 1 views

    excellent example of using Wordle to analyze inaugural poems.
    Excellent blog post with lesson example for a powerful use of using Wordle in an English classroom. Students explore words from several different inaugural poems to predict the themes and symbols developed in the poems. World is a great tool for exploring the ways that writers use words.

Inauguration Speech Generator - 0 views

    Help Barack Obama craft his inauguration speech... MadLibs style!

Urban Prep's "Little Obamas" Video Blog - 0 views

    Here's a blog from Urban Prep students; this school is part of the network of schools with which I work.

The 5 Stages of Twitter Acceptance - 0 views

    referenced by Eric Zorn

Inaugural Document Images - 0 views

    Oath of Office Documents

Obamicon.Me - 0 views

    Very fun!!!

Obama poised to be first 'wired' president ( - 0 views

    Judging by Obama's savvy use of social-networking sites during his campaign and the interactive nature of his transition team's Web site, Americans can expect a president who bypasses the traditional media's filters while reaching out to citizens for input, observers say. "The rebooting of our democracy has begun," said Andrew Rasiej, founder of Personal Democracy Forum and the techPresident blog. "[Obama] has the potential to transform the relationship between the American public and their democracy."

Inauguration Day - 44th President - Politics - The New York Times - 0 views

    Inaugural Parade interactive
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