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Claude Almansi

DAISY Pipeline Project [for e-books] - 0 views

    The DAISY Pipeline is a liberally licensed open source framework for document- and DTB-related pipelined transformations. The DAISY Pipeline is a project of the DAISY Consortium - creating a better way to publish and a better way to read, for everyone, everywhere.
Claude Almansi

Open Publication Structure (OPS) 2.0 v1.0 [for e-books, Sep. 11, 07) - 0 views

    1.1: Purpose and Scope In order for electronic-book technology to achieve widespread success in the marketplace, Reading Systems need to have convenient access to a large number and variety of titles. The Open Publication Structure (OPS) Specification describes a standard for representing the content of electronic publications. Specifically: * The specification is intended to give content providers (e.g. publishers, authors, and others who have content to be displayed) and publication tool providers, minimal and common guidelines that ensure fidelity, accuracy, accessibility, and adequate presentation of electronic content over various Reading Systems. * The specification seeks to reflect established content format standards. * The goal of this specification is to define a standard means of content description for use by purveyors of electronic books (publishers, agents, authors et al.) allowing such content to be provided to multiple Reading Systems and to insure maximum presentational equivalence across Reading Systems.
Claude Almansi

With E-Readers Comes Wider Piracy of Books - Motoko Rich,, May 11 09 - 0 views

    Ursula K. Le Guin, the science fiction writer, was perusing the Web site Scribd last month when she came across digital copies of some books that seemed quite familiar to her. No wonder. She wrote them, including a free-for-the-taking copy of one of her most enduring novels, "The Left Hand of Darkness."
Claude Almansi

Slashdot | Copyright Infringement of Books May 12 09 (Le Guin / Doctorow) - 0 views

    Maximum Prophet recommends a NY Times piece on the growing phenomenon of unauthorized digital versions of copyrighted books showing up online. The problem has been growing exponentially, fed in part by the popularity of reading devices such as the Kindle and the iPhone. The article features the odd photographic juxtaposition of Cory Doctorow and Ursula K. Le Guin, who take opposite views on electronic editions, authorized or not. Ms. Le Guin: "I thought, who do these people think they are? Why do they think they can violate my copyright and get away with it?" Mr. Doctorow: "I really feel like my problem isn't piracy. It's obscurity."
Claude Almansi

Intellectual Property Watch » Blog Archive » The World Is Going Flat(-Rate). ... - 0 views

    A landmark study by the Institute of European Media Law (EML) found that a levy on internet usage legalising non-commercial online exchanges of creative works conforms with German and European copyright law, even though it requires changes in both. The German and European factions of the Green Party who had commissioned the study will make the "culture flat-rate," as the model is being called in Germany, an issue in their policies. The global debate on a new social contract between creatives and society is getting more pronounced by the day. Two models are emerging: a free-market approach based on private blanket licences and voluntary subscriptions, and a legal licence approach based on exceptions in copyright law and mandatory levies, that now has been proven legally feasible and appropriate by the EML study.
Claude Almansi

Does Accessibility Present Copyright Issues? | Anita Colyer Graham - Terra Incognita - ... - 0 views

    Copyrights and Accommodations Although there are numerous technical and financial challenges to making course content accessible, the implications of the restrictive copyright that comes along with the use of proprietary content may present challenges that are frequently overlooked. Various forms of accommodation require the creation and distribution of derivative works, which is a restriction that comes along with the default copyright license. On the up side, the materials in question may include intellectual property created and owned by the faculty member and/or educational organization offering the course, in which case you and the learner may be lucky, relatively speaking. If you had the foresight to create accessible versions of all course media, you are home free. If not, your primary questions may be simply how to find the resources and tools to create accessible versions of these items in a timely fashion, which is a technical and financial issue.
Claude Almansi

CH: Government ignores procurement in 28 million euro software deal - Open Source Obser... - 0 views

    The Swiss government agency for Building and Logistics (BBL) has signed a software licence agreement with Microsoft worth 42 million CHF (about 27,8 million euro) without a request for tender, the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported on Tuesday.
Claude Almansi

NZZ report about dubious Microsoft procurement - Matthias Stuermer, Maemst Blog, May 5 ... - 0 views

    In today's Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) there is a elaborated report on the questionable procurement of a 42 million CHF contract with Microsoft (publication in the Schweizerischen Handelsblatt SHAB).
Claude Almansi

42 Millionen für Microsoft - Fragwürdige Auftragsvergabe des [CH] Bundes - NZ... - 0 views

    Der Bund hat einen 42-Millionen-Auftrag an Microsoft vergeben. Konkurrenten von Microsoft sehen sich vom Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen. In der Tat ist der Auftrag nicht öffentlich ausgeschrieben worden. Nun droht eine Beschwerde an das Bundesverwaltungsgericht.
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons : le meilleur des deux mondes ? - Pierre-Yves Thoumsin, droit-technolo... - 0 views

    Creative Commons est l'un des acteurs les plus visibles du mouvement copyleft. L'appréhension de ces licences libres nécessite une relecture des paradigmes classiques de la propriété littéraire. La présente étude propose une mise en contexte des licences Creative Commons sur le plan de la théorie du droit. Nous proposons en annexe n nouveau dossier, consacré à la licence Creative Commons, qui est sans nul doute l'un des acteurs les plus visibles du mouvement dit du copyleft. L'appréhension de ces licences libres nécessite une relecture des paradigmes classiques de la propriété littéraire. La présente étude propose une mise en contexte des licences Creative Commons sur le plan de la théorie du droit.
Claude Almansi

Letters Begin Flying in Objection to the Proposed Google Book Search Settlement | Disru... - 0 views

    We are starting to see objections to the Google Book Search SettlementL2 this month in advance of the May 5th deadline set up by the court. The firstL3 comes from the consumer advocacy group Consumer Watchdog (foundL4 by way of the American Libraries news feed). They have submitted a letter to the U.S. Justice Department asking the antitrust division to delay the settlement until the "'most favored nation' clause favoring Google is removed and the deal's 'orphan works' provision is extended to cover all who might digitize books, not only Google." The letter in PDFL5 is available on the Consumer Watchdog website. The objections revolve around the provision that require the Books Rights Registry to give Google the same terms as anyone else who enters into agreements with the Registry (noting that more favorable terms might be required by a new party in order to compete with Google) as well as the fact that the copyright infringement protection for digitizing orphan works only extends to Google.
Claude Almansi

Legally Speaking: The Dead Souls of the Google Booksearch Settlement - Pamela Samuelson... - 0 views

    This column argues that the proposed settlement of this lawsuit is a privately negotiated compulsory license primarily designed to monetize millions of orphan works. It will benefit Google and certain authors and publishers, but it is questionable whether the authors of most books in the corpus (the "dead souls" to which the title refers) would agree that the settling authors and publishers will truly represent their interests when setting terms for access to the Book Search corpus.
Claude Almansi

Bias against blind book lovers - Marc Maurer, Apr. 4 09 - - 0 views

    At present, very few of us buy books in any form. If we could have e-books read aloud to us, however, we would happily pay for them. We are an untapped market consisting of some 15 million people to which authors and publishers have never before had direct access. For this reason, the position of the Authors Guild is not only morally repugnant but also bad business. Prohibiting the blind and others from reading commercially available e-books just means that authors and publishers won't get our money. The guild's position hurts both authors and people with print disabilities. In an age when how we get information is constantly and rapidly changing, it's important that people with disabilities have access to it in the same way that it is important for us to have access to physical structures, goods and services. Amazon took an important step in the right direction by including a read-aloud feature on the Kindle 2, but the Authors Guild is now trying to set us back. We are not going to allow them to stand in the doorway of the virtual bookstore to keep us out.
Claude Almansi

Wanted: Your Stories of Disability Versus Copyright Law | Electronic Frontier Foundatio... - 0 views

    In preparation for WIPO's initiative on Exceptions & Limitations to Copyright, the US Copyright Office is currently soliciting comments on the topic of "facilitating access to copyrighted works for the blind or persons with other disabilities". Written comments are due next week (April 21st, 2009), and there will be a public meeting in Washington on May 18th. EFF will be sending our own submission, as will many other IP and disability groups. But if you've worked on software or hardware to overcome your own visual or other disabilities, or co-operated informally (perhaps in an open source project) to provide wider access to content for users with disabilities, or have dealt with a publisher regarding the accessibility of texts, we'd like to encourage you to send the copyright office your own stories - and cc: us at
Claude Almansi

Protesters confront Author's Guild over Kindle text-to-speech | Tech Policy & Law News ... - 0 views

    The Coalition's mission statement says, "Sadly, the Authors Guild does not support equal access for us. The Guild has told us that to read their books with text-to-speech we must either submit to a special registration system (that not all may qualify for and that would expose disability information to all future eBook reader manufacturers) and prove our disabilities -- or pay extra." (...) The Guild issued a statement following the protests, explaining its position: "The Authors Guild will gladly be a forceful advocate for amending contracts to provide access to voice-output technology to everyone. We will not, however, surrender our members' economic rights to Amazon or anyone else. The leap to digital has been brutal for print media generally, and the economics of the transition from print to e-books do not look as promising as many assume. Authors can't afford to start this transition to digital by abandoning rights." If the guild is trying to gain sympathy, it will have a very difficult time when it pits "economic rights" against civil rights.
Gary Bertoia

Handy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop | How-To | Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    GIMP is the favorite graphics editing program of many designers and graphic artists. It is free and compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux (the two big reasons for its popularity). It has a wide array of features, as well as plug-ins, filters and brushes. Documentation is primarily available in online communities, as well as through extensive add-ons
Claude Almansi

Kindle e-reader: A Trojan horse for free thought | Emily Walshe, March 3 09 - 0 views

    All you really need to know about the dangers of digital commodification you learned in kindergarten.\n\nThink back. Remember swapping your baloney sandwich for Jell-o pudding? Now, imagine handing over your sandwich and getting just a spoon.\n\nThat's one trade you'd never make again.\n\nYet that's just what millions of Americans are doing every day when they read "books" on Kindle, Amazon's e-reading device. In our rush to adopt new technologies, we have too readily surrendered ownership in favor of its twisted sister, access.
Claude Almansi

Why Kindle Should Be An Open Book - O'Reilly, Forbes, Feb 23 09 - 0 views

    Unless Amazon embraces open standards, the Kindle's lead will become a very short story.
Claude Almansi

Amazon Learns It Isn't Easy Being the Kindle's Keeper - Digits - Geoffrey A. Fowler, WS... - 0 views

    "An Amazon spokesman declined to comment on either issue." (Reading Rights protest about disabling TTS and people grumbling about books over $9.99)
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