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Claude Almansi

[cc-community] Copyright enforcement and CC BY-NC licenses - Aug. 1, 08 - 0 views

    So, you build on a BY-NC work and register your copyright. You license your new work also BY-NC. Someone violates the copyright on your work. You sue. You are entitled to statutory damages right? You collect. Are you now guiilty of violating the NC licneses of the works yours built upon?
Claude Almansi

CC Monitor - 0 views

    This is the home of the CC-Monitor online platform, which contains automatically collected data, graphs, research and collectively written commentary on the global adoption of Creative Commons licenses.
Claude Almansi

almansi - CTE (Cinéma tous écrans, Geneva, where I presented the CC licenses... - 2 views

    "Table of Contents Cinéma tous écrans Droits d'auteur et internet Licences CC Diaporama synchronisé Liens directs Discussion Liens"
Miles Berry

CC Children | Creative Commons for Kids - 0 views

shared by Miles Berry on 01 Mar 09 - Cached
    An introduction to creative commons for children
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons wins the 2008 Free Software Foundation Award for Project of Social Ben... - 0 views

    Creative Commons vice president Mike Linksvayer accepted the award saying, "It's an incredible honor. Creative Commons should be giving an award to the Free Software Foundation and Richard Stallman, because what Creative Commons is doing would not be possible without them."
Claude Almansi

Labs CC: Flickr: Creative Commons (stats) - 0 views

    Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license.
Claude Almansi

Wanted: Your Stories of Disability Versus Copyright Law | Electronic Frontier Foundatio... - 0 views

    In preparation for WIPO's initiative on Exceptions & Limitations to Copyright, the US Copyright Office is currently soliciting comments on the topic of "facilitating access to copyrighted works for the blind or persons with other disabilities". Written comments are due next week (April 21st, 2009), and there will be a public meeting in Washington on May 18th. EFF will be sending our own submission, as will many other IP and disability groups. But if you've worked on software or hardware to overcome your own visual or other disabilities, or co-operated informally (perhaps in an open source project) to provide wider access to content for users with disabilities, or have dealt with a publisher regarding the accessibility of texts, we'd like to encourage you to send the copyright office your own stories - and cc: us at
Roland Gesthuizen

Arduino - HomePage - 0 views

    Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Claude Almansi

Wietse Venema and Creative Commons announced as winners of the annual free software awa... - 0 views

    Software Foundation (FSF) announced the winners of the annual free software awards during the GNU/Linux conference LibrePlanet, held on March 21-22 at Harvard Science Center in Cambridge, MA. Creative Commons was honored with the Award for Projects of Social Benefit, and Wietse Venema was honored with the Award for the Advancement of Free Software. Presenting the awards was FSF founder and president Richard Stallman.
Claude Almansi

100 Millionen freie Bilder bei Flickr - Metawelle, March 22 09 - 0 views

    Am 29 Juni 2004 gab Flickr bekannt, dass jeder der möchte, seine Fotos bei Flickr mit einer Creative Commons Lizenz ausstatten kann. Innerhalb des ersten Jahres wurden bereits 10 Millionen Fotos mithilfe der sechs zur Verfügung stehenden Lizenzmodule veröffentlicht. Nun, im fünften Jahr nach Beginn der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem kanadischen Fotohosting-Dienst und der gemeinnützigen Organisation Creative Commons, befinden sich bereits 100 Millionen Fotos in der riesigen Datenbank.
Claude Almansi

[project 21] - Studentische Organisation für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Creati... - 0 views

    Creative Commons, Open Access, OpenStreetMap? In einer Veranstaltungsreihe im bQm werden Projekte und Initiativen aus dem Bereich der freien Inhalte in gemütlicher Atmosphäre vorgestellt. Creative Commons und FreeBeer - Dienstag, 29. September Was steckt hinter "some rights reserved" und was bringt es? Creative Commons kurz erklärt. Mit FreeBeer wird ein ungewöhnliches Creative Commons Projekt vorgestellt. Von Melanie Bosshart, Digitale Allmend und Pascal Mages, FreeBeer/[project 21]. Open Access - wissenschaftliche Texte und Bilder im Internet - Dienstag, 6. Oktober Worum geht es bei Open Access, wie und warum publiziert eigene Arbeiten man Open Access? Die ETH Bibliothek zeigt verschiedene Wege. Von Arlette Piguet und Nicole Graf, ETH-Bibliothek. OpenStreetMap - die freie Landkarte und Geodatenbank - Dienstag, 13. Oktober Warum OpenStreetMapper mit GPS Empfängern durch die Gegend laufen und die Weltkarte neu zeichnen. Vom Adreas Brauchli, OpenStreetMap. Live Konzert mit - Donnerstag, 15. Oktober Du bestimmst wer im bQm rockt! Jetzt probehören und abstimmen auf Die Musik steht natürlich unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz. Beginn 18 Uhr. Die Kurzvorträge beginnen jeweils um 17.15 Uhr. Danach DJ-Set mit Creative Commons lizenzierter Musik.
Claude Almansi

Esther Wojcicki Becomes Creative Commons Board Chair - Creative Commons - M. Linksvayer... - 0 views

    Wojcicki is a journalism and English teacher at Palo Alto High School, where she leads one of the largest high school journalism programs in the nation. She leads a variety of award-winning journalism projects, including a newspaper, a magazine, a website, a television program, and a sports publication. Over the past 20 years, these projects have won Gold and Silver Crowns from Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the PaceMaker Award and Hall of Fame Award from National Scholastic Press, and best in nation from Time Magazine in 2003. In February 2009, she was awarded the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Key Award in a special ceremony at Columbia University for "outstanding devotion to the cause of the school press … and service above and beyond the call of delegated duty." She is the president of the Friends of the Lurdes Mutola Foundation to support girls' education in Mozambique and is a consultant for the Silicon Valley Education Foundation and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons : le meilleur des deux mondes ? - Pierre-Yves Thoumsin, droit-technolo... - 0 views

    Creative Commons est l'un des acteurs les plus visibles du mouvement copyleft. L'appréhension de ces licences libres nécessite une relecture des paradigmes classiques de la propriété littéraire. La présente étude propose une mise en contexte des licences Creative Commons sur le plan de la théorie du droit. Nous proposons en annexe n nouveau dossier, consacré à la licence Creative Commons, qui est sans nul doute l'un des acteurs les plus visibles du mouvement dit du copyleft. L'appréhension de ces licences libres nécessite une relecture des paradigmes classiques de la propriété littéraire. La présente étude propose une mise en contexte des licences Creative Commons sur le plan de la théorie du droit.
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