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6 iPad Apps for Creative Writing | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Creative writing can be a daunting task for students who struggle to think of story ideas or who don't love the writing process. For kids who have trouble putting pen to paper, there are a handful of fantastic iPad apps that just might inspire them to tell a story. Your students will be able to gather ideas, brainstorm and publish writing straight from their tablet."

iPads in Education | - 0 views

    extensive... to say the least. worth a look

Using iPad Screencasting for Feedback and Assessment - iPads in Education - 0 views

    "Screencasting is the process of capturing the screen interactions on your computer - usually along with an audio narrative. "

19 Mind-Blowing Tricks Every iPhone And iPad User Should Know - 0 views

    worth the scroll - lots of cool tips

What is Kik Messenger? Is your teen on it? | - Living in a Connected World - 0 views

    "Kik describes itself as, 'the fastest, simplest, most personal smartphone messenger out there.' It is an app that can be downloaded onto a smart phone, an iPod, or iPad and users can text others for free. This is one of its allures! At the time of writing 19 million had joined Kik Messenger. It is fun, effective, cheap so what are the dangers?"

Seven privacy settings you should change immediately in iOS 8 | ZDNet - 0 views

    "The minute you download and install iOS 8, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system for iPhone and iPad, you should take note of these privacy steps in order to lock down your device."
Justin Medved

Apple Configurator - 0 views

    Supervise devices: · Organize supervised devices into custom groups · Automatically apply common configurations to supervised devices · Quickly reapply a configuration to a supervised device and remove the previous user's data · Import apps into Apple Configurator and sync them to supervised devices · Define and apply common or sequential names to all devices · Restrict supervised devices from syncing with other computers Assign devices: · Add users and groups manually or auto populate via Open Directory or Active Directory · Check out a device to a user and restore the user's settings and data on that device · Check in a device from a user and and back up the data for later use, possibly on a different device · Apply custom text, wallpaper, or the user's picture to a device's Lock screen · Import and export documents between your Mac and Apple Configurator · Sync documents between assigned devices and Apple Configurator

GamePress - 0 views

    "Create the Games of Your Imagination."
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