Absolute Write has two newsletters to sign up to - and you will receive free listings of agents or job markets on signup. The site also sells ebooks, and software for writers, provides a writers directory, a large library of articles on writing, and a healthy writers forum called the Water Cooler. There are also classes / courses sold onsite which vary in content and duration.
Roger C Parker's Writing Coaches Services, and resources. A membership subscription gives you access to interviews, resources, mind mapping how-tos, templates, forums, newsletters and tips, video content and webinars.
authonomy is a website from HarperCollins which promises some interesting dynamics. Part social network, part self-publishing (on the net), the site is setup to let authors publish their manuscripts onto the web, and have these rated by, commented on and read by the authonomy community.
Top rated or supported books are promised that in the future HarperCollins wants to look at these for possible publishing. The site also contains top ranked books on the frontpage, and an active forum.
FanStory is an online community featuring publications of writing work, reviews, user rankings and contests. The home page has featured poems, stories and highly ranked poems and stories from the community members.