OCW use and production by faculty and students: An inter-institutional comparison
Joseph Hardin, Mujo Research
Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams and Glenda Cox, University of Cape Town
cheryl.hodgkinson-williams@uct.ac.za, glenda.cox@uct.ac.za
Over the last year there has been a burst of work surveying faculty and students on their beliefs,
attitudes and intentions concerning the use and production of OpenCourseWare (OCW). This paper
will discuss the most recent results from surveys done at institutions of higher education in Europe,
Africa, Australia, and North America. We will look at the individual institution's surveys and what they
can tell us about their populations, and since the surveys have largely used common metrics to increase
comparability across them, we are able to make some comparisons between the institutions. The
surveys were completed in 2010 and 2011.