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English Napier

The Breast Consequence Primer - Portion 1 - 0 views


started by English Napier on 24 Jul 13
  • English Napier
    The Customary Preface

    In my own notably illustrious and semi-long career as a merchant of the joys of chest punishment through Darker Pleasures, Ive learned a whole lot in regards to the "thou shalts" and "thou must nots" of sensual tit torment. Most of them I have discovered through trial and error, while some I have only had the luxury of reading about. Ive had a lot of garden tool-on, teeth-on, hands-on, home cutlery-on, hair accessory-on, and gadgets-yet-to-be-patented-on practice in the fine art of breast and nipple torment. I have probably written, captured, and scripted more chest bondage and tit torment scenes than most men have lost socks in the black holes that worry clothes dryers.

    In short, I have discovered boat lots of information about properly tormenting titties, and I know as much about Who gives a, they belong to me and Ill split them if I want to tit torment.

    A wise man once said, "With great power comes great responsibility."

    Perhaps not only should that be the adage of most people trusted with the fate of the pair of knockers, I was told it should be mine too. So, with the increasing number of folks asking me for assistance over the years, and as the person that gives my check is always harping at me to accomplish something good with all the time I spend drooling over archived pictures of all our ladies' tormented titties, I thought Id assembled this primer assured of helping everybody else out somewhat. Browse this URL analyze john lim to explore the reason for it.

    I am aware that you'll all be eager to skip from amusing story to some other, without wasting your time and effort reading all the boring, serious stuff. However, I had actually suggest you resist the temptation. The dull, serious material is very important. This potential Pulitzer-winning masterpiece is supposed to be read in its entirety. Like the Bible and other good books, if you pick and choose recommendations out of context, you get a number of problems. This striking url article has various unusual aids for the inner workings of it. Take a look at most of the guidance counseling and psychological stress that resulted in the Crusades.

    Oh, another point before I move on to the funner stuff. Though The Breast Punishment Primer is dependant on reliable and sometimes scientific data, and I have tried my dangedest to produce it useful and beneficial, this really is all off-the record, people. Despite my qualifications in Internet webmaster breast torment website communities, I still maintain only a laymans experience. What I'll maybe not state is any responsibility whatsoever for what you are doing in the privacy of your personal bedroom, office, kitchen, S.U.V., backyard, dungeon or key outside get-a-way.

    Inflicting real pain on a pair of Hill Twins may be exciting, sensual and profitable, nonetheless it should never be taken lightly. Remember guys and dolls, your eager little submissive might have closed all rights to her breasts to you because multi-million dollar pre-nuptial contract, however they remain attached to her chest.

    Do not do such a thing foolish.

    A little legal disclaimer to fulfill our attorneys. Now, on to the show.

    Booby is Simply Skin Deep

    Lesson number one of great erotic chest torment would be to remember the old adage, Beauty is only skin deep, but for our purposes Ill be changing that saying somewhat.

    Because we all concur that boobs are beautiful, the slight change I am going to use should really be simple enough to adapt to. That change is, "Booby is skin deep." "Booby is barely skin deep" will be the cardinal rule of breast pain for-all you budding breast punishers on the market. Anytime you and your wife, girlfriend, next-door-neighbor, servant, o-r professional companion of the time get-together over tea and crumpets for-a little mindless evening BDSM, always ensure that nothing you do harms anything beneath the naked covering that you can see with the naked eye.

    Now, let's have a rather boring scientific sort of examine one of well known objects of torment, shall we?

    The innards of breasts comprise of a variety of glands, fat, ductwork, veins, and other odds and ends that do not take kindly to being treated disrespectfully. Recall, female breasts are called female for a very good reason, and are as suffering from hormones as everybody else with that specific chromosome pattern (child, am I going to take warmth for that one). Should you damage any of these underlying components, titties often swell up and start to resemble stone or some similar metamorphic rock, shout and shout, refuse to do your washing, call the F.B.I., develop into strange beings, or some combination of these.

    The three parts that can take a little abuse without ruining your day, nevertheless, are the nipple, the areola, and the skin. (Yes, I know that these parts are all made of skin. It's called poetic license, roll with me here..)

    The nipple and areola, will be the richer elements of the chest. They are generally located in the very suggestion of the chest, and are which means nearest thing to you when you are looking for some thing to grab, bite, or otherwise torment. They're also, by and large, the most popular the main chest, although we realize that they don't jiggle almost as well without the rest of the material beneath them. They range in standard shade from various shades of brown to various shades of red and red. Blue and pink come later.

    These little pieces are actually quite difficult, while they were originally designed to be taken, chewed, clawed, pinched and otherwise mauled by little kids who've no idea what sexual tit pain is, yet complete it with an art that might humble the most accomplished BDSM Master on the planet.

    Many people would argue that, since toddlers don't have teeth, they are able to not possibly do something that would hurt. Take to asking a nursing mother about the reliability of that statement some time. I assure you, when she's removed her knuckles from what remains of the teeth, she'll explain normally. Think about it only a moment. Kids are capable of destroying anything. In fact, if our government would simply tell kiddies that all the game titles that they are able to ever want lie just beyond enemy lines, our next war would only last 5.3 minutes at the outside. But I digress.

    One would think that one small nipple and areola would have little chance against this type of destructive power, but there they are, only awaiting your nipple stretchers and clamps, indicating that they're very tough indeed.

    In most cases, the breast is simply packed full-of nerves and can be very sensitive. Great care should be taken when torturing a nipple to be sure that the tormente offers some kind of informed consent to whatever nasty that you're perpetrating on it. Even if your love slave claims to possess produced her whole being to you and is begging abundantly for you to utilize the Cuisinart, take into account that hindsight is always twenty-twenty. She might not be quite as helpful she's had time to realize the extent of damage and the following time when the white-hot skewer of doom is removed your Dom-deeds have inked.

    The areola on the other hand, is arguably less painful and sensitive in some ways than any other part of the breast, including the nipple and the chicken. You may consider this in your travels, as it's in basically the exact same area, and of similar tone, since the breast, and so may be used as a ready replacement for many actions, particularly when cold or actually excited, where time it becomes very difficult, crinkly, and chewable. This was the part that was really meant to be resolved by your foot biting children. It is only very hard explaining that to animals that throw up, spit and poop for entertainment.

    If you watch a curtain crawling toddler in action on an unsuspecting chest, they're really gumming for all their worth on the areola, trying as most readily useful as their yelling small lips allows to push from a reservoir of milk that collects just beneath it and press dinner up through the breast. Rumor has it that some really enthusiastic moms will keep breast-feeding their kiddies well past the time when their children get teeth, into their college years and sometimes into dentures. If these lucky toddlers were gnawing on their mom's nipples with their pearly whites, you may not think they'd be drinking something besides Similac or Enfamil? Got milk? Not out of my tit you are doing not!

    Now that I have included the working parts that you will end up having fun with, let's move on to the remainder. To get additional information, consider glancing at: john lim.

    The chicken, usually called "skin," is normally known as the boob and makes up the majority of the external covering of a love pile. In some ways it's very sensitive to the touch and other light stimulation whilst in others it's more or less capable of taking over whatever your sadistic heart desires. Many women claim that they can handle hard stuff with their areola more easily than the rest of their breasts, especially the bottom half that is rather like the dark side of the moon and seldom sees the light of day, unless you are fortunate enough to have a slave that generally cavorts nude in the outdoors.

    If you should be worried about your partner's satisfaction, I had suggest playing on the gentle side at first. Chest skin folds very effectively between your hungry jaws of the clothespin, If you had rather not test.

    When I have described, within your garden variety breast there are a number of things you had probably rather not see. Click Here is a lofty database for further about the reason for this viewpoint. That is why the inventor in his / her infinite wisdom hid all of it therefore smartly behind such an attractive cover.

    I got my thirteen-year-old towards the science museum recently, and he dashed straight to the part, being the testosterone-laden adolescent that he is. At first he asked if he can take scale models and home pictures of the naked twenty-something-year-old homo-sapiens woman that they had entirely three-dimensional plastic elegance. That was until the display rotated around to reveal the same plastic person having an equally three dimensional plastic cut absent version of-the same chest that looked something similar to the image above.

    Simply because they did not have a away of her sweet heart-shaped ass, he immediately transformed, rather palely, from being a man like his father, to your bottom man like his brother. Personally, I was glad they didn't have that ass cut away or he may have created sex preference dilemmas.

    Anyway, inside the chocolate coating are generally milk glands, fat tissue, and lymph nodes. The more fat, greater the tit, which means you people that like 'em major should keep your cholesterol at heart. In terms of every one of these glandy-duct-fat-things, many of them may rupture if handled improperly. Broken fat tissue can harden in to things that confuse physicians and x-rays and scare the pee out of the majority of women. Mishandled milk glands could impede milk production and cause other awful problems. Lymph nodes, although certainly there for many important purpose, would be the site of one of the meanest cancer problems around, and once attacked, frequently spread cancer through a body such as a poor chain letter.

    In conclusion, aside from the color of the breast part that you are going to rope, hold, pierce, or else perpetrate on, remember most importantly that you wish to concentrate your efforts on the chocolate coating outside and not the center inside.

    I'll discuss what can be performed that could be safe for your deeper stuff, and how various kinds of pain can be directed at these candy components fleetingly. Therefore dont worry all you could fledgling Marquis de Sade and Os out there, that leaves a lot of room for usage of the safe word, as we'll soon see.

    Author's Note - Serious issues, starting from fibroadenoma to breast cancer, have become real problems as it pertains to playing fast and hard with breasts. Any injury to the internal workings of the breast places the girl at an increased risk. Skin is made to take certain quantity of punishment, and nipples and areola are made, within reason, for much more, specially in a rat biting and sucking on them until theyre numb sort of way, but, you do not wish to do anything that will bruise, cut, pierce or else cause damage below skin level!

    The Good Stuff

    Now that we have covered the scientific part of our primer and given you all sorts of subliminal factors to scan for starters of the gazillions of posts on breast health available, I'll move on to the true reason you are here - that being the varieties of tit pain and just how to begin doing them. Remember that this is an educational bit of literature. Please keep both of your hands on the keyboard.

    When persons discuss torturing tits they likely have any number of goals in your mind, usually depending upon whether you are the tormentor or even the tormentee. Sometimes those objectives match, and sometimes they do not. Provided everybody else is in agreement that they are getting something sexually, emotionally, or financially profitable from the deal, common goals are not of necessity essential.

    For the receiver - generally speaking the person that's destined helplessly and gets the breasts that are increasingly being literally assailed - one may be striving for the achievement of some thing called "sub-space." Sub-space is a state of mind where the pain due to having pain inflicted on the breasts, generally along with some sort of pleasant stimulation located between their legs, turns into a level stronger kind of satisfaction that some women achieve.

    Having never been a, and having been deprived of breasts well into the first stages of cell division, I could only get the words of these women that find this transcendental state, and work to help get their hormones into such a tizzy that taking to their breasts with a chain saw would bring about a climax that rivals the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

    "What are endorphins," you ask. Well, hormones are when other human anatomy parts are screaming "ouch" substances that can come out in gangs and go square-dancing through some parts of the head! For the sake of this primer, the "ouch" screamers will be a breast or breast. Hormones are somewhat like Henry Kissinger in his hey-day, fundamentally convincing your mind that exactly what the tormented body part actually means is, "Please, sir, may I have another?"

    In scientific terms, endorphins are small-chain proteins that activate opiate receptors, providing feeling of well-being, tolerance to pain, and etc. Based on the authorities, these materials are hundreds or even a large number of times stronger than morphine. For our purposes, hormones can rise above just the feeling of euphoria to feelings of "flying," "floating," "loss of will" and to "psychic connection" with the Master or seller of pain that can last for hours, or apparently days, after the event.

    This condition of erotically altered consciousness is called "sub-space."

    Now, regardless of this religious enlightenment, other women simply enjoy seeing their Master, man, david, or chef enjoying him or herself and are prepared to submit to whatever forms of torment their partner cares to lavish upon them, getting off on their partner's fun virtually exactly the same way all of us get off on getting our partner off, let's assume that is some thing we all do.

    Most end up somewhere within those two states of being.

    When it comes to provider - generally speaking the person doing notorious items to the breasts of the feminine person that is tied up and weak - the target could be to start his partner in to sub-space while getting his o-r her rocks off by seeing her boobs bounce like large very balls. It may be an electric point, where he or she gets a thrill from being as a whole control over his or her slave's bod. Knowing that this set of tits are the most precious thing that he or she has been given to punishment to the razor's edge makes the tormentor's life a spiritual high.. or something similar to that.

    Personally, I will leave the psychological reasoning for your enjoyment of such what to you and your consultant. I am a visual person myself and just like to find out boobs bouncing and being contorted into pretzel-like shapes.

    It is the simple things in life, you know..

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