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John MacLean

Mac OS X and External NTFS Drives. - 0 views

  • Native NTFS Support in Snow Leopard.Mac OS X Snow Leopard has built-in (native) read/write NTFS support however it is disabled by default. The reason Apple left NTFS support disabled by default is a mystery but if I had to guess I'd say that they were not happy with the current state of NTFS support on Mac OS X when Snow Leopard was released. For this reason I would warn that you should backup your data and make use of the built-in NTFS support in Snow Leopard at your own risk. Native NTFS support in Mac OS X Snow Leopard can be enabled from the command line, however the method I recommend for users who wish to make use of Snow Leopards built-in NTFS support would be for them to use a program called NTFS Mounter. This small program simply allows you to mount any connected NTFS drives via a straightforward GUI (Graphical User Interface). This allows the average user to make use of Snow Leopards built-in NTFS support without the need to make use of the CLI (Command Line Interface). NTFS Mounter can be downloaded and installed from their website. The installation is quick and the application adds a small cat icon to your menubar from which you can mount your NTFS formatted drives. The application does what it was designed to do and nothing more, staying out of your way when not in use.
John MacLean

Apple - Downloads - System/Disk Utilities - NTFS-3G - 1 views

  • About NTFS-3G A freely and commercially available and supported read/write NTFS driver for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, NetBSD, Solaris, Haiku, and other operating systems. It provides safe and fast handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 file systems. NTFS-3G develops, quality tests and supports a trustable, feature rich and high performance solution for hardware platforms and operating systems whose users need to reliably interoperate with NTFS.
John MacLean

BBC News - Israel debates 'child violence' after Palestinians hurt - 0 views

  • Mr Be'eri, one of the leading settlers, knocked down and injured the two boys as they threw stones at his car. Video footage and photographs of the incident appear to show Mr Be'eri's car swerving to the wrong side of the road and accelerating towards the boys - throwing one of them, 11-year-old Amran Mansur, into the air. Mr Be'eri is the chairman of the right-wing Elad organisation which promotes Jewish settlement in Arab East Jerusalem, which has been occupied by Israel since 1967. He said his car was surrounded by a crowd of youths with rocks and he only hit them while trying to flee the area in fear of his life. Mr Be'eri was released on police bail after being questioned.
John MacLean

BBC News - Israeli cabinet backs controversial Jewish loyalty oath - 0 views

  • The Israeli cabinet has approved a controversial bill that would require all non-Jews taking Israeli citizenship to swear loyalty to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state". The law, which has angered Israel's Arab minority, still has to be passed by the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. A similar measure was rejected by the cabinet in May 2009. If approved, the new law will affect a small number of non-Jews who seek Israeli citizenship. Correspondents say it will mainly apply to Palestinians married to Israelis who seek citizenship on the basis of family re-unification, foreign workers, and a few other special cases.
  • The Palestinians, in the form of the Palestinian Authority, have agreed to recognise Israel as a state, but have rejected the demand to recognise its Jewish character. Also, the issue of requiring some citizens - mainly Israeli Arabs - to swear allegiance to a Jewish state has proved deeply divisive within Israeli society.
John MacLean

BBC News - Israeli FM Lieberman: Europe should fix itself first - 0 views

  • Israel's foreign minister has told visiting European foreign ministers to solve Europe's problems before taking on the Middle East. Avigdor Lieberman's remarks came during a visit by Bernard Kouchner of France and Spain's Miguel Angel Moratinos. Earlier, Mr Kouchner had said that the option of the UN Security Council declaring a Palestinian state could not be ruled out if negotiations failed.
John MacLean

BBC News - Palestinian boys hit by settler's car in Jerusalem - 0 views

  • Two stone-throwing Palestinian boys were injured after being hit by a car driven by a Jewish settler leader in East Jerusalem, officials have said. Imran Mansur, 11, broke his leg after being thrown into the air and bouncing off the car windscreen. Iyad Gheit, 10, had to have glass removed from his arm. David Be'eri said he accidentally hit them when trying to escape the assault. The incident was photographed by journalists, who were in the area in case of unrest after Friday prayers.
John MacLean

Settler leader drives into two Palestinian kids as they hurl rocks at him - Haaretz Dai... - 0 views

  • Be'eri is a well-known right-wing activist and is the director of Elad, a nonprofit organization that runs the City of David in East Jerusalem and also works to settle Jews in the area. According to Be'eri, he was in his car with his son as the Palestinian children hurled rocks at them, and out of fear for his and his son's lives, he tried to escape them in any way he could which made him accidently hit the children.
John MacLean

What the UN's flotilla report means - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News - 0 views

  • A critical obstacle to restoring a healthy and working relationship between Turkey and Israel is both sides' mutual distrust and lack of information about the events surrounding the Mavi Marmara flotilla disaster at the end of May. The world is still waiting for an authoritative account based on full access to Israeli, Turkish and other actors. Israel has published only small parts of Maj. Gen. (res. ) Giora Eiland's probe, which approved of the Israeli military's conduct during the operation. A civilian investigation under retired Supreme Court justice Jacob Turkel may produce a comprehensive report, but key hearings have been held in secret and it is unclear how far it will go beyond an initial focus on the underlying legality of Israeli actions.
John MacLean

Will the kids be alright? deportations, conscience, and Israel by Hadas Cohen | The Mid... - 0 views

  • The current Israeli immigration policy is a de-facto revolving door, which allows for a continuous influx of new foreign workers, yet mandates their departure after a year, two years, or more. Consequently, a powerful, but publically invisible bureaucratic apparatus, has emerged in the Israel, which is funded by each new worker by fees for visa arrangements and transportation costs. Great lobbying efforts within the cabinet advocate for a continuous stream of expulsions, which are followed by a flow of new workers, from which to profit.
John MacLean

BBC News - Two Israeli troops guilty of using human shield in Gaza - 0 views

  • A summary of the verdict said that - when rounding up residents of Tel al-Hawa - the soldiers came across bags in a home and ordered the Palestinian boy to search for suspected booby-traps. "The boy, who feared for his fate and was under the stress of the situation, wet his pants," the three-judge panel wrote in the summary of the verdict. "The court has noted that, unlike the soldiers, the child was, naturally, bereft of any form of protection."
John MacLean

BBC News - Israeli forces 'Tasered' activist on Gaza aid boat - 0 views

  • Jewish activists who sought to break Israel's naval blockade of Gaza say they were treated harshly when Israeli forces seized their vessel. Yonatan Shapira, an Israeli air force pilot turned peace activist, said he was shocked with a Taser gun while passively resisting arrest. And a British journalist said he was "ambushed" and "almost strip-searched" by commandos on board the vessel. Israel's military had said the vessel was seized peacefully on Tuesday. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote He moved the lifevest I had on, so he could reach closer to my heart and shot me... it felt like an epileptic attack” End Quote Yonatan Shapira Jewish peace activist It declined to comment on the activists' accounts.
    More from the "most moral army in the world"
John MacLean

Audio Adapters and Mini Plugs from - 0 views

  • We have a great selection or Mini Plug Adapters for every conceivable application. These audio adapters are great to keep on hand just in case you run into the the "Gee, if I only had a..." syndrome. Mini Plugs are generally called 3.5mm or 1/8" plugs. They are not 1/4" "Phone Plugs" and they are not the Sub-Mini or Micro Plugs, (2.5mm, or 1/16) that are found on some cell phones. Miniplugs are what is used to listen to the IPOD and other MP3 Players.
    all sorts of adapter plugs
John MacLean

BBC News - Jewish activists sail to Gaza in defiance of blockade - 0 views

  • A boat carrying a group of Jewish activists has set sail from northern Cyprus aiming to breach Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip. The 10m (32-foot) catamaran is carrying supplies including medical equipment, textbooks, nets and children's toys. The activists - from Israel, the US, Germany and the UK - say they will not resist if Israel tries to stop them.
  • Among the activists is 82-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote If they were serious about wanting to transfer aid to Gaza, they could easily do so after undergoing a screening for smuggled weaponry” End Quote Andy David Israeli foreign ministry "It is a sacred duty for me, as a [Holocaust] survivor, to protest against the persecution, the oppression and the imprisonment of so many people in Gaza, including more than 800,000 children," he said. Another passenger is Rami Elhanan, 60, an Israeli whose daughter Smadar died in a suicide bombing at a shopping centre in Jerusalem in 1997. He said reconciliation with the Palestinians was the surest path to peace. "Those 1.5 million people in Gaza are victims exactly as I am," he said.
John MacLean

BBC News - Gaza fisherman 'killed by Israeli navy' - 0 views

  • A fisherman has been shot and killed by the Israeli navy off the northern coast of the Gaza Strip, doctors in the territory say. Israeli officials say the boat had strayed beyond the limit to which Palestinians are allowed to fish under the Israeli blockade.
  • In Gaza it is not uncommon to hear the sound of machine-gun fire off the coast, as the Israeli navy fires upon boats it says have breached the limit. In recent weeks there has been an increase in rocket fire into Israel by Palestinian militants, and last week Israel admitted it had wrongly shot and killed three civilians, including a 91-year-old man.
John MacLean

Muslims Report Rising Discrimination at Work - - 0 views

  • At a time of growing tensions involving Muslims in the United States, a record number of Muslim workers are complaining of employment discrimination, from co-workers calling them “terrorist” or “Osama” to employers barring them from wearing head scarves or taking prayer breaks.
John MacLean

BBC News - Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla broke law - UN probe - 0 views

  • Israel's military broke international laws during a raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, a UN Human Rights Council investigation says. Its report said the action by commandos, which left nine dead, was "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality". It said there was clear evidence to support prosecutions against Israel for "wilful killing". Israel rejected the report as "biased" and "one-sided." It insists its soldiers acted in self-defence during the 31 May raid.
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