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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Christina T


Japan --  Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition - 0 views

  • Japan is a country marked by contrast between old and new. The country values its complex and ancient cultural tradition.
  • The islands of Japan form an arc that stretches about 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) from northeast to southwest.
  • Much of Japan's original vegetation has been replaced by farming or by plant species brought in from other countries.
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  • The burakumin (people of the village) are ethnically the same as the majority of Japanese. However, their ancestors were members of the former outcast class. The burakumin are often treated unfairly.
  • Shinto is based on the worship of local spirits in nature.
  • Japan has a rich and complex culture. Native Japanese traditions have been mixed with cultural styles adapted from China and, later, from the West. Japanese culture and art emphasize understated simplicity, elegance, and grace. For example, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, flower arranging, and garden design are highly stylized and refined. On the other hand, contemporary Japanese society fully embraces Western-style popular culture—influenced by television, motion pictures, and advertising.
  • modern Japanese writers include Soseki Natsume, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Osamu Dazai, Jun'ichiro Tanizaki, and Yukio Mishima.
  • Poetry plays a central role in Japanese culture.
  • The carefully composed paintings used few brush strokes to suggest a scene in nature.
  • Japanese No plays are generally short, stylized, and heroic.
  • Today the martial arts are more important as competitive sports and as aids to physical and mental fitness.
  • The Japanese economy grew remarkably throughout the 1960s, '70s, and '80s.
  • Historical records, however, show that Japan was not united as one state until the late 4th or early 5th century AD. It was ruled by the Yamato dynasty.
  • Meanwhile, Japan was developing trade contacts with the outside world.
  • By the mid-19th century the Tokugawa shogunate was unable to keep European and United States traders away.
  • A new government was established under the young emperor Mutsuhito, who took the name of Meiji, meaning “enlightened government.”
  • Japan soon sought to build an empire. It successfully fought a war with China (1894–95) and with Russia (1904–05).
  • The Japanese government believed that expansion through military conquest would help the economy.
  • Under the terms of surrender, Japan had to give up all the territory it had acquired since 1895.
  • Japan rebuilt its ruined economy, using new technology in every major industry.

Student Research Center - powered by EBSCOhost: Early Japan -- The Yayoi Period - 0 views

  • Japan entered into its second major prehistoric period, a civilized era known as the Yayoi period.
  • he name Yayoi is derived from an area Tokyo known as Yayoi, where the first documented pottery from this period was discovered in an archaeological excavation in 1884.
  • ron and bronze materials are believed to have been exchanged with Japanese envoys either for token tributes or prisoners of war.
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  • early all of the country's inhabitants belong to the same ethnic group and share the same racial background and cultural characteristics.
  • Within the villages, households consist of large families. This usually includes a farmer, his wife and children, grandparents, and grown sons and their families.
  • Yayoi culture originally developed in northern Kyushu, the western and southernmost of Japan's main islands.
  • Japanese city life is much more Westernized than that of the countryside.
  • ayoi culture spread into Honshu (Japan's largest island) and present-day Tokyo in the Middle (100 BC-100 AD) to Late Yayoi (100-300AD) period.
  • Modern entertainment is also active in the cities of Japan.
  • The Japanese celebrate many holidays and practice many customs throughout the year.
  • On May 5 Kodomo-no-Hi (Children's Day) is celebrated. This is a day set aside to honor all children.
  • Perhaps the most important development of the Yayoi period was the cultivation of rice, probably introduced from the area near the Yangtze River delta in southern China.
  • November 23 marks Kansha-no-Hi (Labor-Thanksgiving Day). On this day, the Japanese give thanks to laborers and for a successful harvest.
  • apanese men and women did not choose their marriage partners based on love. Instead, marriage was arranged by families who paired couples based on their social and economic status.
  • At the end of the day a large bathtub is filled with hot water. Then, each family member, in turn washes and rinses thoroughly before getting into the tub.
  • In addition to pottery and iron and bronze tools, archaeologists have depended largely on burial remains to uncover Yayoi culture.
  • For years, the Japanese have taken great pride in their performing arts. Dance and theater are essential parts of Japanese culture.
  • n northeastern Japan, secondary burials were conducted in which the bones of the dead were exhumed, painted decoratively, and placed in ornamental clay jars.
  • "No plays" are other types of theatrical performances common in Japan.
  • The gagaku, for example, is classical music that was introduced into Japan from China in the 8th century A.D.
  • Western music is also popular in Japan.
  • For many years the Japanese style of dress consisted of long, flowing robes called kimonos.
  • The climate of Japan varies a great deal from heavy snows and extreme cold along the west coast to warm and humid summers in the rest of the country.

Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition - 0 views

  • Occasions of many kinds are celebrated with poems, and thousands of poems are submitted for the poetry prize awarded by the emperor each New Year.
  • Japanese literature is noted for distinctive forms of drama as well as of poetry.
  • No plays can be considered as scenes from the ceremonial life of lords and ladies during Japan's Middle Ages.
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  • the Japanese puppet play is serious drama combining words, music, and dancing.
  • Early Japanese novels consisted of series of incidents, each incident built around a poem.

ABC-CLIO: World Geography: Japan - 0 views

  • decorations of pottery and porcelain that became an important export item when Japan began trading with the rest of the world in the 19th century.
  • Most sculpture in Japan is made from wood
  • Buddhism also prompted developments in painting
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  • art of Japanese flower arranging
  • Kabuki theater was begun in 1603 by a troupe of women, but during the 17th century
  • developed several sports derived from skills needed in war
  • Japanese martial art

ABC-CLIO: World Geography: Japan - 0 views

  • Etiquette and good manners are extremely important to the Japanese people.
  • On entering a Japanese home, temple, or shrine, shoes are removed.
  • Business cards are extremely important in Japan.
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  • Japanese people give gifts for certain holidays, and bring gifts to family and friends when they return from vacation.
  • sticking chopsticks into a bowl of rice is considered bad manners
  • Part of the marriage ceremony involves ritual purification and the drinking of sake (rice wine)
  • choose to be married in Christian ceremonies
  • most funerals are Buddhist. The body is cremated, and while that is happening, the family eats the first meal of the day.
  • on the first day of spring and fall, and during the summer Obon (Festival of Lanterns), a Buddhist festival signifying the reunion of the living with the spirits of the dead.

ABC-CLIO: World Geography: Japan - 0 views

  • The nation of Japan was probably born of the union of two peoples: one from Polynesia or the Malay Peninsula and one from elsewhere in Asia.
  • About 300 BC, the Japanese began growing rice, which would become the nation's agricultural staple.
  • From the 500s to the 700s, Japanese society developed quickly—partly because of its close relationship with neighboring China and the magnificent Tang Dynasty.
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  • Starting in the 12th century, military administrations called shogunates became the usual form of government.
  • It took until the end of the 1500s for order to be restored under the Momoyama shogunate, but the government's three famous warriors eventually battled among themselves, breaking up their alliance in 1600.
  • His rule was marked by the near-elimination of Christianity from Japan in an effort to prevent the conquest of the country by Spain, the expulsion of all Spaniards in 1624, and the deportation of the Portuguese in 1639. All contact with foreigners was then outlawed.
  • Japan enjoyed a period of blossoming culture, and art, literature, and theater thrived despite the Tokugawa shogunate's strict, repressive control.
  • After this point, known historically as the Meiji Restoration, true authority rested with a small group of veteran politicians.
  • Such improvements led to the creation of a considerable export trade as Japan's leaders decided to work with the foreigners, since their efforts to expel them had not succeeded
  • Continued incursions into China in 1931–1932 secured a Japanese puppet monarchy in China's Manchurian region under Emperor P'u-i, China's last emperor.
  • plunged into World War II with its attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.
  • an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6
  • Japan signed the United States-Japan Security Treaty (1951) in San Francisco
  • Japanese politics after World War II has been dominated by the powerful Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
  • become a major global financial power and ranked as the world's largest aid donor and overseas investor.
  • His bold move paid off when the LDP gained a two-thirds majority in the Diet's lower house, thereby gaining for Koiziumi a wide popular mandate for his reforms. Koizumi left office in September 2006, having completed two full terms—a rarity in modern Japan.

Japanese history: Edo Period - 0 views

  • n the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Ieyasu defeated the Hideyori loyalists and other Western rivals
  • Every daimyo was also required to spend every second year in Edo.
  • On the other hand, he enforced the suppression and persecution of Christianity from 1614 on.
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  • Therefore, the warriors (samurai) were educating themselves not only in the martial arts but also in literature, philosophy and the arts, e.g. the tea ceremony.
  • During the Edo period and especially during the Genroku era (1688 - 1703), popular culture flourished. New art forms like kabuki and ukiyo-e became very popular especially among the townspeople.
  • The most important philosophy of Tokugawa Japan was Neo-Confucianism, stressing the importance of morals, education and hierarchical order in the government and society:
  • The social hierarchy began to break down as the merchant class grew increasingly powerful while some samurai became financially dependent of them.
  • n the end of the 18th century, external pressure started to be an increasingly important issue, when the Russians first tried to establish trade contacts with Japan without success
  • All factors combined, the anti-government feelings were growing and caused other movements such as the demand for the restoration of imperial power and anti western feelings, especially among ultra-conservative samurai in increasingly independently acting domains such as Choshu and Satsuma.

Nichiren - Buddhist monk in 13th century Japan - 0 views

  • Nichiren (日蓮) (February 16, 1222 - October 13, 1282), born Zennichimaro, later Zesho-bo Rencho and sometimes called Nichiren Shonin or Nichiren Daishonin, was a Buddhist monk in 13th century Japan, and founder of Nichiren Buddhism, a Buddhist movement which continues today.
  • Nichiren believed that the teachings contained in the Lotus Sutra were given by the Buddha Shakyamuni.
  • One central theme in the Lotus Sutra, which was emphasized by Nichiren and is emphasized in Nichiren Buddhism today, is that enlightenment may be attained in a single lifetime.
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  • he declared his intention to preach the Lotus Sutra and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the true Buddhism.
  • He wrote a religious treatise called the Rissho Ankoku Ron (On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land), in which he attributed a series of natural disasters including tsunamis and earthquakes as well as foreign invasion (i.e., the Mongols) to the improper practice of the Buddhists.
  • Nichiren continued to teach his belief in the Lotus Sutra and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, writing more treatises.
  • The writings were the Senji Sho (Selection of Time) and the Hoon Jo (Recompense of Indebtedness), which was written in memory of his Buddhist teacher, Dozen
  • He died in October 1282 at Ikegami, Tokyo, where he had travelled to take medicinal baths for his failing health
  • With the exception of Nikko, who dedicated his entire life to helping eternalize his teachings, the other five disciples to a man turned their back on Nichiren's philosophy.

CIA - The World Factbook -- Japan - 0 views

  • For more than two centuries this policy enabled Japan to enjoy stability and a flowering of its indigenous culture.
  • During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan became a regional power that was able to defeat the forces of both China and Russia.
  • The economy experienced a major slowdown starting in the 1990s following three decades of unprecedented growth, but Japan still remains a major economic power, both in Asia and globally.
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  • Government-industry cooperation, a strong work ethic, mastery of high technology, and a comparatively small defense allocation (1% of GDP) helped Japan advance with extraordinary rapidity to the rank of second most technologically powerful economy in the world after the US and the third-largest economy in the world after the US and China, measured on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis.
  • Some fear that a rise in taxes could endanger the current economic recovery. Debate also continues on the role of and effects of reform in restructuring the economy, particularly with respect to increasing income disparities.
  • China and Taiwan dispute both Japan's claims to the uninhabited islands of the Senkaku-shoto (Diaoyu Tai) and Japan's unilaterally declared exclusive economic zone in the East China Sea, the site of intensive hydrocarbon prospecting

Japan - Migration - 0 views

  • During Japan's economic development in the twentieth century, and especially during the 1950s and 1960s, migration was characterized by urbanization as people from rural areas in increasing numbers moved to the larger metropolitan areas in search of better jobs and education.
  • In the 1980s, government policy provided support for new urban development away from the large cities, particularly Tokyo, and assisted regional cities to attract young people to live and work there.
  • This pattern suggests a process of suburbanization, people moving away from the cities for affordable housing but still commuting there for work and recreation, rather than a true decentralization.
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  • Japanese economic success has led to an increase in certain types of external migration. In 1990 about 11 million Japanese went abroad.
  • As the government and private corporations have stressed internationalization, greater numbers of individuals have been directly affected, decreasing Japan's historically claimed insularity
  • By the late 1980s, these problems, particularly the bullying of returnee children in the schools, had become a major public issue both in Japan and in Japanese communities abroad.

CREATIVE JAPAN - Literature - 0 views

  • Modern Japanese literature used to be divided into two broad genres: the "pure" - art for art's sake; and the "popular" - easily accessible works with an emphasis on entertainment.
  • This trend is also discernible in novelistic techniques, as pure literature adopts devices such as fantasy, fable and science fiction that would once have been lmost inconceivable in this genre.
  • These developments suggest that Japanese literature has for the first time taken on a global flavour.

Japan - Ancient Cultures - 0 views

  • Based on archaeological evidence, they also agree that by between 35,000 and 30,000 B.C. Homo sapiens had migrated to the islands from eastern and southeastern Asia and had well-established patterns of hunting and gathering and stone toolmaking .
  • the Jomon people were making clay figures and vessels decorated with patterns made by impressing the wet clay with braided or unbraided cord and sticks (jomon means "patterns of plaited cord") with a growing sophistication.
  • Many other elements of Japanese culture also may date from this period and reflect a mingled migration from the northern Asian continent and the southern Pacific areas.
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  • The earliest of these people, who are thought to have migrated from Korea to northern Kyushu and intermixed with the Jomon, also used chipped stone tools.
  • Their irrigated, wet-rice culture was similar to that of central and south China, requiring heavy inputs of human labor, which led to the development and eventual growth of a highly sedentary, agrarian society.
  • The earliest written records about Japan are from Chinese sources from this period. Wa (the Japanese pronunciation of an early Chinese name for Japan) was first mentioned in A.D. 57.

Japan - THE ARTS - 0 views

  • The introduction of Western cultural values, which had flooded Japan by the late nineteenth century, led to a dichotomy between traditional values and attempts to duplicate and assimilate a variety of clashing new ideas
  • Japanese aesthetics provide a key to understanding artistic works perceivably different from those coming from Western traditions.
  • Within the East Asian artistic tradition, China has been the acknowledged teacher and Japan the devoted student.
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  • Japanese painters used the devices of the cutoff, close-up, and fade-out by the twelfth century in yamato-e, or Japanese-style, scroll painting, perhaps one reason why modern filmmaking has been such a natural and successful art form in Japan.
  • The calligrapher--a member of the Confucian literati class, or samurai--had a higher status, while artists of great genius were often recognized in the medieval period by receiving a name from a feudal lord and thus rising socially.
  • Artists divided into two main camps, those continuing in traditional Japanese style and those who wholeheartedly studied the new Western culture.
  • After World War II, many artists began working in art forms derivied from the international scene, moving away from local artistic developments into the mainstream of world art.
  • Two terms originating from Zen Buddhist meditative practices describe degrees of tranquillity: one, the repose found in humble melancholy (wabi), the other, the serenity accompanying the enjoyment of subdued beauty (sabi).
  • Another seminal center is Tama Arts University in Tokyo, which produced many of Japan's late twentieth- century innovative young artists
  • A new generation of the avant-garde has broken with this tradition, often receiving its training in the West. In the traditional arts, however, the master-pupil system preserves the secrets and skills of the past.
  • The Cultural Affairs Division is concerned with such areas as art and culture promotion, arts copyrights, and improvements in the national language.
  • In 1989 the fifth woman ever to be so distinguished was cited for Japanese-style painting, while for the first time two women--a writer and a costume designer--were nominated for the Order of Cultural Merit, another official honor carrying the same stipend.
  • The Cultural Properties Protection Division originally was established to oversee restorations after World War II.
  • During the 1980s, many important prehistoric and historic sites were investigated by the archaeological institutes that the agency funded, resulting in about 2,000 excavations in 1989.
  • A 1975 amendment to the Cultural Properties Protection Act of 1897 enabled the Agency for Cultural Affairs to designate traditional areas and buildings in urban centers for preservation.
  • Individual artists and groups, such as a dance troupe or a pottery village, are designated as mukei bunkazai (intangible cultural assets) in recognition of their skill.
  • A growing number of large corporations join major newspapers in sponsoring exhibitions and performances and in giving yearly prizes.
  • A number of foundations promoting the arts arose in the 1980s, including the Cultural Properties Foundation set up to preserve historic sites overseas, especially along the Silk Route in Inner Asia and at Dunhuang in China.
  • After World War II, artists typically gathered in arts associations, some of which were long-established professional societies while others reflected the latest arts movement.
  • By the 1980s, however, avant-garde painters and sculptors had eschewed all groups and were "unattached" artists.

Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Japan is one of the leading nations in the fields of scientific research, particularly technology, machinery and biomedical research
  • For instance some of Japan's more prominent technological contributions are found in the fields of electronics, automobiles, machinery, earthquake engineering, industrial robotics, optics, chemicals, semiconductors and metals
  • apan is the world's largest producer of automobiles[73] and home to six of the world's fifteen largest automobile manufacturers and seven of the world's twenty largest semiconductor sales leaders as of today.
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  • It is a participant in the International Space Station and the Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo) is slated to be added to the International Space Station during Space Shuttle assembly flights in 2008.

Japan: History, Geography, Government, & Culture - - 0 views

  • The Ryukyu chain to the southwest was U.S.-occupied from 1945 to 1972, when it reverted to Japanese control, and the Kurils to the northeast are Russian-occupied.
  • Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government.
  • Through the 700s Japan was much influenced by China, and the Yamato clan set up an imperial court similar to that of China.
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  • For the following 700 years, shoguns from a succession of clans ruled in Japan, while the imperial court existed in relative obscurity.
  • Suspicious of Christianity and of Portuguese support of a local Japanese revolt, the shoguns of the Tokugawa period (1603–1867) prohibited all trade with foreign countries; only a Dutch trading post at Nagasaki was permitted.
  • The Japanese began to take steps to extend their empire.
  • In World War I, Japan seized Germany's Pacific islands and leased areas in China.
  • At the Washington Conference of 1921–1922, Japan agreed to respect Chinese national integrity, but, in 1931, it invaded Manchuria.
  • The dropping of atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 by the United States finally brought the government to admit defeat. Japan surrendered formally on Sept. 2, 1945, aboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
  • The U.S. and Japan signed a security treaty in 1951, allowing for U.S. troops to be stationed in Japan. In 1952, Japan regained full sovereignty, and, in 1972, the U.S. returned to Japan the Ryuku Islands, including Okinawa.
  • A shrewd trade policy gave Japan larger shares in many Western markets, an imbalance that caused some tensions with the U.S.
  • During the 1990s, Japan suffered an economic downturn prompted by scandals involving government officials, bankers, and leaders of industry. Japan succumbed to the Asian economic crisis in 1998, experiencing its worst recession since World War II.
  • The embattled Mori resigned in April 2001 and was replaced by Liberal Democrat Junichiro Koizumi—the country's 11th prime minister in 13 years.
  • Koizumi was overwhelmingly reelected in Sept. 2003 and promised to push ahead with tough economic reforms.
  • In April 2005, China protested the publication of Japanese textbooks that whitewashed the atrocities committed by Japan during World War II.
  • Princesss Kiko gave birth to a boy in September.
  • The child's birth spares Japan a controversial debate over whether women should be allowed to ascend to the throne.
  • He suffered a stunning blow in July 2007 parliamentary elections, however, when his Liberal Democratic Party lost control of the upper house to the opposition Democratic Party.
  • A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck in northwest Japan in July 2007, killing 10 people and injuring more than 900. The tremor caused skyscrapers in Tokyo to sway for almost a minute, buckled roads and bridges, and damaged a nuclear power plant. About 315 gallons of radioactive water leaked into the Sea of Japan.
  • he move followed a string of scandals and the stunning defeat of his Liberal Democratic Party in July's parliamentary elections
  • In June 2008, the upper house of Parliament, which is controlled by the opposition, censured Fukuda, citing his management of domestic issues.
  • The opposition Democratic Party of Japan, which won control of the upper house of Parliament in 2007, poses a viable threat to the Liberal Democrats who have been in control for more than 50 years.

Japanese history: Postwar - 0 views

  • After World War II had ended, Japan was devastated. All the large cities (with the exception of Kyoto), the industries and the transportation networks were severely damaged. A severe shortage of food continued for several years.
  • The whole operation was mainly carried out by the United States.
  • Over 500 military officers committed suicide right after Japan surrendered, and many hundreds more were executed for committing war crimes.
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  • A new constitution went into effect in 1947: The emperor lost all political and military power, and was solely made the symbol of the state.
  • Critics started to grow when the United States acted increasingly according to her self interests in the Cold War, reintroduced the persecution of communists, stationed more troops in Japan, and wanted Japan to establish an own self defence force despite the anti-war article in the constitution.
  • With the peace treaty that went into effect in 1952, the occupation ended. Japan's Self Defence Force was established in 1954, accompanied by large public demonstrations. Great public unrest was also caused by the renewal of the US-Japan Security Treaty of 1960.
  • After the Korean War, and accelerated by it, the recovery of Japan's economy flourished.
  • Japan's relations to the Soviet Union were normalized in 1956, the ones to China in 1972.

Japanese history: Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun - 0 views

  • During the Jomon Period (13000 BC to 300 BC), the inhabitants of the Japanese islands were gatherers, fishers and hunters. Jomon is the name of the era's pottery.
  • During the Yayoi Period (300 BC to 300 AD), the rice culture was imported into Japan around 100 BC.
  • By the beginning of the Kofun Period (300 - 538), a center of power had developed in the fertile Kinai plain, and by about 400 AD the country was united as Yamato Japan with its political center in and around the province of Yamato (about today's Nara prefecture).
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  • Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the year 538 or 552 and was promoted by the ruling class. Prince Shotoku is said to have played an especially important role in promoting Chinese ideas.
  • In 645, Nakatomi no Kamatari started the era of the Fujiwara clan that was to last until the rise of the military class (samurai) in the 11th century. In the same year, the Taika reforms were realized: A new government and administrative system was established after the Chinese model
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